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alexander.onufrak@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/FF/zamestnanec/alexander.onufrak | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
Department of Political Science
P224 | |
+421 55 234 7104 | |
0000-0001-6830-3487 |
Profile courses
KPO/POLID10-Political Ideologies (KPO/POLIDe/12) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), I. degree degree
Selected publications
309528:Vznik a vývoj britskej sociálnej politiky [textový dokument (print)] [The Origin and Development of British Social Policy] / Onufrák, Alexander [Autor, UPS15065, 100%] ; Lysý, Jozef [Recenzent] ; Horváth, Peter [Recenzent]. – 1. vyd. – Košice (Slovensko) : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Celouniverzitné pracovisko UPJŠ. Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress UPJŠ, 2021. – 240 s. [tlačená forma] : text, tab., obr. – (Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Šafarikianae ; Monografia 150). – [slovenčina]. – [OV 060, 070, 030, 020]. – ISBN 978-80-8152-998-6. – sign UPJS FSEP 011674. – SAF F 140672 |
163119:Štátotvorné úvahy Uhro-Rusínov na konci 1. svetovej vojny - príklon k Československej republike = State-Building, Considerations of Uhro-Rusins at the hid of World War I - Inclination towards the Czechoslovak Republic / Onufrák, Alexander [Autor, UPS15065, 100%]. – [slovenčina]. – [OV 030, 060, 070]. – DOI 10.14712/23363525.2019.21. – sign UPJS FSEP 010715. – WOS CC ; SCOPUS In: Historická sociologie [textový dokument (print)] [elektronický dokument] . – Praha (Česko) : Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Nakladatelství Karolinum. – ISSN 1804-0616. – ISSN (online) 2336-3525. – Roč. 11, č. 2 (2019), s. 141-155 [tlačená forma] [online] . – SJR: 0,299 ; CiteScore: 0,3 ; SNIP: 0,625 WoS |
107805: O niektorých príčinách sekundárneho analfabetizmu [Some causes of secondary alalphabetism] / Onufrák, Alexander [Author, UPS15065, 100%] ; Lysý, Jozef [Reviewer] ; Horváth, Peter [Reviewer]. – [slovak]. – [OV 060, 070]. – sign UPJS FSEP 010029 In: Sekundárny analfabetizmus alebo o príčinách a dôsledkoch nízkeho záujmu verejnosti o politiku na Slovensku. [Secondary Analphabetism or on the Causes and Consequences of Low Public Interest in Politics in Slovakia]– Košice (Slovakia) : Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2018. – ISBN 978-80-8152-699-2, p. 119-155 [print] |
FSEP 013076: Regional Elections to the Council of the Košice Self-Governing Region in 2022 [elektronický zdroj] / Jana Šutajová, Alexander Onufrák. - DIGARCHUPJS. In: Slovenská politologická revue : revue pre politický a občiansky život=Slovak Journal of Political Sciences. - ISSN 1335-9096. Roč. 24, č. 1 (2024), s. 81-115. Projekt: Audit slovenskej volebnej a referendovej legislatívy - VEGA 1/0474/24. 10.34135/sjps.240104 DOI;DOI; [OV 060, 080]; [ŠO 6718] [ŠUTAJOVÁ, Jana ( Autor, 50% ) - ONUFRÁK, Alexander ( Autor, 50% )] |
FSEP 012393: Volebné právo v kontexte ústavodarných procesov / Alexander Onufrák. - recenzované. In: Ústava Slovenskej republiky a jej perspektívy : skvalitňovanie ústavného textu a zvyšovanie autority slovenskej ústavy - reálna možnosť, alebo naivná ilúzia (?) : zborník príspevkov z vedeckého seminára. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2022. - ISBN 9788057401520. - S. 202-241 [2 AH]. Projekt: Ústavodarná činnosť Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky (právno-politologická analýza – hodnotenie – perspektívy) - VEGA 1/0399/20. 10.33542/USR-0160-5 DOI; [OV 060, 070]; [ŠO 6718 6835] |
Selected projects
The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant: VEGA 1/0474/24, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences Name of the project: Audit of Slovak Electoral and Referendum Legislation Project implementation period: 1/2024-12/2026 Status in the project: Co-researcher Brief characteristics of the project: The key aim of the project is to subject the valid constitutional and legal regulation of elections and referendum, and especially the knowledge and experience from their application in electoral and referendum practice, to a comprehensive legal and political analysis and evaluation in terms of the goals that were followed during their approval, as well as their impact on functioning constitutional-political system. |
The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant: VEGA 1/0399/20, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences Name of the project: Constitutional activity of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (legal-political analysis - evaluation - perspectives) Project implementation period: 01/2020-12/2022 Status in the project: Co-researcher Brief characteristics of the project: The key aim of the project is the constitutional and political analysis and evaluation of the existing constitutional activity of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (hereafter referred to as the „National Council“) in terms of its impact on the quality of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, resp. the constitutional system of the Slovak Republic (also in international comparison), the authority and acceptance of the constitution in the state and society, as well as the cultivation of the constitutional – political system and the formation of political and legal culture. Based on the results of the analysis, the research team formulates ideas for improving and streamlining the constitutional work of the National Council, as well as strengthening the stability of the Constitution, including the form of concrete ideas de constitutione ferenda and de lege ferenda. |
The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant: KEGA 014UPJŠ-4/2020, Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic Name of the project: An Innovative Model of Education Leading to Active Citizenship as a Prevention of Student Political Extremism Project implementation period: 01/2020-12/2022 Status in the project: Co-researcher Brief characteristics of the project: The aim of the project is to create modern learning modules that provide secondary school students and university students important insights into the need to actively involvement in public life, also about the opportunities for civic and political participation of young people, and the risks of lack of knowledge of social and political processes, their misunderstanding or public concern in general. The aim of the project is, in particular, to activate students in the field of searching, validating and communicating information about political processes. The project objectives are guaranteed by the experience of the project solvers with the solution of secondary illiteracy of selected social groups of respondents and other defective phenomena in the political and public life of the Slovak population after 1989. |
The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant: APVV-15-0662, The Slovak Research and Development Agency Name of the project: Psychological mechanism of risk behavior change of schoolchildren and university students. Risk behavior and migration/emigration intentions Project implementation period: 07/2016 to 12/2020 Status in the project: Co-researcher Brief characteristics of the project: The aim of the first part of the project is to build on and further develop databased prevention of substance use (SU) among schoolchildren and university students (Solomon four group design will be used to address program effectiveness among schoolchildren and university students). The effectiveness of the universal prevention program of SU Unplugged will be also explored by using comparisons of its implementation with and without booster sessions. Particular attention will be paid to the exploration of the short term and long term effectiveness of the Unplugged program (up to 3 years) also in the context of risk behavior of parents and the context of family processes which will be based on comparative parent-child data. The first part the project follows educational and research activities of the EU-Dap Faculty Network and SPAN/The Science for Prevention Academic Network (our team is a part of these networks) in the field of SU prevention and further develops the research conducted within the project APVV-0253-11. The second part of the project is to focus on the exploration of university students´ intentions regarding migration (national) and emigration (international) and their changes in Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and other cooperating EU countries in relation risk behavior and personal and environmental resources. This part of the project follows the SLiCE study. The further aim of the second part of the project is to explore opinions about migration and emigration of schoolchildren and their changes in relation risk behavior and their predictors. The project will support research of young researchers, PhD students and aims to disseminate and implement the findings into school practice. |
The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant: VEGA 1/0658/16, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences Name of the project: Research of Secondary Analphabetism in the Slovak Republic (Status - Contexts - Perspectives) Project implementation period: 01/16-12/18 Status in the project: Co-researcher Brief characteristics of the project: The project is aimed at developing an assessment of the level of secondary analphabetism in the Slovak Republic in the field of conventional and unconventional types of political participation through hierarchical forms of participation. The aim is to develop theoretical and methodological bases for the study of secondary analphabetism in politics in the interdisciplinary framework of philosophy, political science, public policy and public administration and sociology with regard to selected areas of socio-political life through: 1. Civic participation, 2. Political participation, 3. Socio-demographic differentiations. The aim of the project Research on Secondary Analphabetism in the Slovak Republic is to begin to fill the gap in research on the declining interest in public affairs. And also to begin to uncover the political and sociological causes and contexts of this state of affairs. The ambition of the project researchers within the secondary analphabetism concept is to analyse the state of secondary analphabetism and its impact on political processes in the Slovak Republic and to develop a theoretical model for the assessment of secondary analphabetism and recommendations for its elimination in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. |
International mobilities and visits
Appalachian State University in Boone, Boone, North Carolina (USA), 23.03.2015–03.04.2015, project IRES
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Afyonkarahisar (Turkey), 18.04.2016–21.04.2016, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Teaching
Ужгородський національний університет, Ужгород (Україна), 23.04.2017–29.04.2017, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Teaching
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Political
Science, Bucharest (Romania), 06.05.2019–12.05.2019, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Teaching
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law, Thessaloniki (Greece), 03.07.2019–11.07.2019, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Training
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Afyonkarahisar (Turkey), 23.05.2022–27.05.2022, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Training
Neapolis University Pafos, School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Pafos (Cyprus), 10.10.2022–14.10.2022, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Teaching
Mendel University, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Brno (Czech Republic), 02.05.2023–05.05.2023, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Teaching (combined mobility)
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Political Sciences and Journalism, Lublin (Poland), 08.04.2024–12.04.2024, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Teaching (kombinovaná mobilita)
Organisational activities
Member of the expert committee of the Regional Round of Human Rights Olympiad in the
Prešov Region in 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 - Human Rights Olympiad in the Prešov Region, Prešov, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020
Member of the committee of the doctoral studies for political sciences at the Faculty
of Social Sciences of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava - Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, from 01.12.2022
Award of Rector of University of Prešov in Prešov in 2009 for the study results
numismatics, travelling, tourism, motoring, film