PhDr. Bibiána Kováčová Holevová, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KPS - Department of Psychology
+421 55 234 7148

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
1. Faculty of Arts of the Presov University, 2. Faculty of Education of the Presov University, 1. 2007, 2. 2005, 1. Psychology, 2. Primary school teacher with English language specialization
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Arts of the P. J. Safarik University in Kosice, 2010, Social psychology and work psychology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: PSYb - Psychology - The member of the commission for state final exams, study field: Psychology, Bachelor's (1st) degree degree
Study programme: The study advisor in study programs in the field of Psychology, study field: Psychology, Bachelor's (1st) degree, Master's (2nd) degree degree
Study programme: The guarantor of the University of the Third Age of the P. J. Safarik University in Kosice, study field: Psychology, Lifelong Learning Centre and Projects Support degree
Profile courses
KPS/SP1/06 Social Psychology I. (selected lectures and seminars) - Psychology, Bachelor's (1st) degree degree
KPS/SP2/06 Social Psychology II. (selected lectures and seminars) - Psychology, Bachelor's (1st) degree degree
KPS/PEM/05 Psychology of Emotions and Motivation (selected lectures and seminars) - Psychology, Bachelor's (1st) degree degree
KPS/ZPSYCH/15 Basics of psychology for mass media studies - Psychology, Bachelor's (1st) degree degree
KPS/ASP/15 Applied Social Psychology (selected lectures and seminars) - Psychology, Bachelor's (1st) degree degree
Selected publications

The Role of Prevolitional Processes in Video Game Playing: A Test of the Model of Goal-Directed Behavior and the Extended Model of Goal-Directed Behavior / Bibiana Kovacova Holevova.

In: Europe's Journal of Psychology. - ISSN 1841-0413. - Volume. 14, No. 4 (2018), s. 932-948. - DOI 10.5964/ejop.v14i4.1565

[KOVACOVA HOLEVOVA, Bibiana (100%) ]

Sources of stress, and coping strategies of slovak elderly in the first wave of the coronavirus crisis [electronic resource] / Bibiána Kováčová Holevová - reviewed. - Project: Characteristics of decision-making and crisis in the process of achieving goals - VEGA 1/0748/19..

In: Individuala nd Society. - ISSN 1335-3608. - Volume 24, No. 1 (2021), s. 18-34, online. - Access method: http://www.clovekaspolocnost.sk/UserFiles/article/files/162080645502-kovacova-holevova.pdf. - DOI 10.31577/cas.2021.01.582


[KOVACOVA HOLEVOVA, Bibiana (100%) ]

Validation of populist attitudes scales in Slovakia [Validácia škál populistických postojov na Slovensku]. In

Československá psychologie, 2022, roč. LXVI, č. 5, s. 487-513. (2021: 0.243 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.167 - SJR, Q3 - SJR,

karentované - CCC). (2022 - Current Contents). ISSN 0009-062X. Dostupné

na: https://doi.org/10.51561/cspsych.66.5.487

[PITEROVÁ, Ivana (50%) - KOVÁČOVÁ HOLEVOVÁ, Bibiána (50%) ]

Perception of the academic goal and the crisis in the process of achieving it [electronic source] / Bibiana Kovacova Holevova. - reviewed. - Project: Characteristics of decision-making and crisis in the process of achieving goals - VEGA 1/0748/19.

In: Psychology for practice. - ISSN 2336-6486. - Volume. 55, no. 2 (2020), p. [1-22]. - Access method: https://karolinum.cz/data/clanek/9662/PPP_55_2_Kovacova.pdf; https://karolinum.cz/casopis/psychologie-pro-praxi/online-first/clanek-9662. - DOI 10.14712 / 23366486.2021.10


[KOVACOVA HOLEVA, Bibiana (100%)]

Processes and determinants of the crisis in achieving the goal [electronic resource] / Radka Copková, Bibiana Kovacova Holevova - 1st ed. - Kosice SafarikPress UPJS, 2021. - 116 s. [7.5 AH], online - reviewed. - Project: Characteristics of decision-making and crisis in the process of achieving goals - VEGA 1/0748/19 . - ISBN 9788057400608.

[COPKOVA, Radka (73%) - KOVACOVA HOLEVOVA, Bibiana (27%)]

Elite vs. People: what we know about populism: Scientific monograph/Ivana Piterova, Bibiana Kovacova Holevova, Alexander Loziak; rec. Jozef Vyrost, Jozef Dzuka. - 1st ed. - Kosice: Institute of Social Sciences, 2021. - 98 s. [5.5 AH] - reviewed. - Project: Social and psychological correlates of populist attitudes - VEGA 2/0065/21 .. - ISBN 9788089524570.

[PITEROVA, Ivana (40%) - KOVACOVA HOLEVOVA, Bibiana (40%) - LOZIAK, Alexander (20%)] 

Selected projects

Registration Number: APVV-19-0284 Slovak Reseach and Development Agency Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic

Project title: Factors in the selection and achievement of long-term goals for young people in the period of transition to adulthood.

Project solution period: 2020 – 2024

Position in the project: investigator

Annotation: The main goal of the project is to examine the targeting and planning of the future of young people aged 20 to 30. The result should be the identification of long-term goals and the state of planning in the area of ​​development tasks. Given the declared instability, as a characteristic of the observed development period, we plan to find out whether there is a change in goals, variability of target characteristics and whether there is a postponement of achieving development tasks to a later period. This objective is specified through the following objectives: to find out the current state of future planning by reviewing the long-term goals of young people over the period of 20 to 30 years; examine the stability of target ideas and the motivational and self-regulatory context of achieving targets over a given age period; to find out the significance of individual differences in goal-oriented behavior in developmental goals in the period of transition to adulthood, both in setting and achieving them. The topicality of the research is given by the use of current approaches and research methods to clarify the dynamics of motivational-self-regulatory context to goal-oriented behavior in a given age period.


DOI: 10.5507/dvp.2023.001

Registration Number: VEGA 1/0748/19 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy Of Science

Project title: Decision-making characteristics and crisis in the process of achieving goals.

Project solution period: 2018 - 2021

Position in the project: investigator

Annotation: The project focused on the role of selected decision-making characteristics, goal characteristics and motivation in the emergence of obstacles threatening the achievement of the goal and the subsequent emergence of the crisis in achieving the goals (action crisis). The project aims to examine which decision-making methods (operationalized as decision-making styles) interact with motivation (internal / external, approach / avoidance) and goal characteristics (eg commitment to achieve the goal, perceived difficulty of the goal, goal self-effectiveness, effort, progress) related to the action crisis. This goal of the project was achieved within the framework of cross-sectional as well as longitudinal research, which also enabled the monitoring of time changes or causal relationships.

Procesy a determinanty krízy v dosahovaní cieľa - Unibook - E-shop UPJŠ (upjs.sk)


Organisational activities
The guarantor of the University of the Third Age of the P.J.Safarik University in Kosice - Lifelong Learning Centre and Projects Support, since 2019
Member - European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), since 2019
The guarantor University without Borders (Department Psychology) - Faculty of Arts, P. J. Safarik University in Kosice, 2021

Further information