doc. PhDr. Daniel Dobiaš, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KPO - Department of Political Science
+421 55 234 7175
My position is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science an the Faculty of Arts at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. In terms of research and pedagogy, I focus on the issues of the history of socio-political thinking, political philosophy and the theory of political science. I´m the author and co-author of several publications: Critical rationalism and the Idea of the Open Society of K. R. Popper (2012); The Idea of Liberalism in European and Slovak Political Thought (2014); Human Rights in Europe (2015); Liberalism. Looking for freedom, justice, better man, and the world.. (2018); Open Society. A Political Project of the Modern World or a Productive Metafor in the Intellectual Tradition of the Search for Better Man and the World? (2020). I was project leader of the project VEGA 1/0129/18 "Open Society. A Political Project of the Modern World or a Productive Metafor in the Intellectual Tradition of the Search for Better Man and the World?". I´m co-editor of several conference proceedings in political science and professional book publications, the author of many political studies and articles.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Arts, 2003, political science - philosophy
Third degree of higher education:
University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Arts, 2009, History of Philosophy
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts, 2014, Political Science

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Political Science - Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, study field: Political Sciences, I. degree (Full-Time form and Part-Time form) degree
Study programme: Political Science - Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, study field: Political Sciences, II. degree (Full-Time form and Part-Time form) degree
Study programme: Political Science - Member of the Subject Area Board for Doctoral Studies, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, study field: Political Sciences, III. degree (Full-Time form and Part-Time form) degree
Profile courses
KPO/DSPM1/13 - History of Social and Political Thought I (KPO/DSPMe1/14) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), I. degree degree
KPO/DSPM2/15 - History of Social and Political Thought II (KPO/DSPMe2/15) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), I. degree degree
KPO/PMET/10 - Political Methodology (KPO/PMETe/13) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), I. degree degree
KPO/POFI1/21 - Political Philosophy I (KPO/POFIeI/14) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), II. degree degree
KPO/POFI2/21 - Political philosophy II (KPO/POFIe2/14) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), II. degree degree
KPO/DPT/15 - History of Political Theory (KPO/DPT/15) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), III. degree degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: Political Science - Member of the Subject Area Council for Habilitation and Inauguration Procedures, study field to which it is assigned: Political Sciences
Selected publications

247784: Otvorená spoločnosť. Politický projekt moderného sveta alebo produktívna metafora v intelektuálnej tradícii hľadania lepšieho človeka a sveta? [textový dokument (print)] [Open Society. A Political Project of the Modern World or a Productive Metafor in the Intellectual Tradition of the Search for Better Man and the World?] / Dobiaš, Daniel [Author, UPS15065, 50%] ; Gbúrová, Marcela [Author, UPS15065, 50%] ; Lysý, Jozef [Reviewer] ; Krno, Svetozár [Reviewer]. – Košice (Slovakia) : Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2020. – 167 s. [7,31 AH] [print] : [slovak]. – [OV 060]. – ISBN 978-80-8152-938-2. – sign UPJS FSEP 011488. – SAF F 140423. - Also published in English: 247786: Open Society. A Political Project of the Modern World or a Productive Metafor in the Intellectual Tradition of the Search for Better Man and the World? [print] [Otvorená spoločnosť. Politický projekt moderného sveta alebo produktívna metafora v intelektuálnej tradícii hľadania lepšieho človeka a sveta?] / Dobiaš, Daniel [Author, UPS15065, 50%] ; Gbúrová, Marcela [Author, UPS15065, 50%] ; Lysý, Jozef [Reviewer] ; Krno, Svetozár [Reviewer]. Košice (Slovakia) : Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2020. – 171 p. [7,64 AH] [print] : [english]. – [OV 060]. – ISBN 978-80-8152-939-9. – SAF F 140422

85433: Liberalism. Looking for freedom, justice, better man, and the world... [Liberalizmus. Hľadanie slobody, spravodlivosti, lepšieho človeka a sveta...] / Dobiaš, Daniel [Author, UPS15065, 100%]. – [English]. – [OV 060]. – sign UPJS FSEP 009795 In: Slovak Journal of Political Science [(print)] [Eletronic document] – Trnava (Slovakia) : University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Faculty of Social Sciences. – ISSN 1338-3140. – ISSN (online) 1335-9096. – Vol. 18, No. 2 (2018), pp. 215-236 [printed form] [online]

177338: Some Comments on the Open Society Politological Issue (from Popper to Soros and Back) [Niekoľko poznámok k politologickému problému otvorenej spoločnosti (Od Poppera k Sorosovi a späť)] / Dobiaš, Daniel [Author, UPS15065, 50%] ; Dobiašová, Soňa [Author, UPS15065, 50%]. – [english]. – [OV 060]. – DOI 10.24040/politickevedy.2019.22.4.125-148. – sign UPJS FSEP 010883. – WOS CC In: Politické vedy [Political Science] [print] [electronic document] : a journal for political science, recent history, international relations, security studies. – Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) : Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Faculty of Political Science and International Relations. – ISSN 1335-2741. – ISSN (online) 1338-5623. – Vol. 22, n. 4 (2019), p. 125-148 [print] [online] WoS

Irrational Attraction of Rationality / Daniel Dobiaš. - recenzované.

In: Studia Politica Slovaca : časopis pre politické vedy, najnovšie politické dejiny a medzinárodné vzťahy. - ISSN 1337-8163. - Roč. 15, č. 2 (2022), s. 24-33. Projekt: Výskum korelácií medzi deformáciami politického vedomia a nárastom politického extrémizmu u študentov stredných škôl Košického a Prešovského samosprávneho kraja - VEGA 1/0321/21. 10.31577/SPS.2022-2.2 DOI;


[OV 060]; [ŠO 6718]

[DOBIAŠ, Daniel (100%) ]

75126: Idea liberalizmu v pragmatickej perspektíve hľadania slobody a lepšieho sveta = The Idea of Liberalism in the Pragmatic Perspective of Searching Freedom and a Better World / Dobiaš, Daniel [Author, UPS15065, 100%]. – [slovak]. – [OV 060]. – DOI 10.24040/politickevedy.2018.21.3.32-54. – signature UPJŠ FSEP 009700. – WOS CC In: Politické vedy [Political Science] [print] [electronic document] : a journal for political science, recent history, international relations, security studies. – Banská Bystrica (Slovakia) : Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Faculty of Political Science and International Relations. – ISSN 1335-2741. – ISSN (online) 1338-5623. – Vol. 21, n. 3 (2018), p. 32-54 [print] [online] WoS

Selected projects

The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant:

VEGA 1/0129/18, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences

Name of the project:

Open Society. A Political Project of the Modern World or a Productive Metafor in the Intellectual Tradition of the Search for Better Man and the World?

Project implementation period:


Status in the project: 

project leader

Brief characteristics of the project:

The project is to approach systematic reflection of the established ideational constructs in the theory and practice of rationalism, humanism, totalitarianism, liberal democracy and open society. Their interaction in the intellectual tradition of Europe in fact defines and creates the conditions for experimenting with different forms of political structures. The aim is to analyse the advantages and risks of the open society concept, to present potential perspectives for addressing the dilemmas and inconsistencies in the arena of current ideological confrontations in the political systems of modern liberal democracies and points variants of the way of establishing "softer" forms of political communications instead of political struggle, with emphasis on political life in Slovakia.

The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant:

VEGA 1/0321/21, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences

Name of the project:

The research of the correlations between political consciousness distortions and the rise of political extremism at Secondary school students of Košice self-governing region and Prešov self-governing region

Project implementation period:


Status in the project: 


Brief characteristics of the project:

The project proposes to investigate the correlations between the deformations of political consciousness and the rise of political extremism among young people in the Košice and Prešov regions, together with proposals for measures to eliminate them. The methodological basis of the research on the above mentioned issue will be the stages of political consciousness, which have been theoretically elaborated by Professor Marcela Gbúrová. The project should be a continuation of the research on secondary analphabetism in the Slovak Republic carried out between 2016 and 2018 (VEGA No. 1/0658/16), in the framework of which the concept of individual stages of political consciousness (insitic, instructed, professional, theoretical) was introduced in more detail.

The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant:

VEGA 1/0658/16, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences

Name of the project:

Research of Secondary Analphabetism in the Slovak Republic (Status - Contexts - Perspectives)

Project implementation period:


Status in the project: 


Brief characteristics of the project:

The project is aimed at developing an assessment of the level of secondary analphabetism in the Slovak Republic in the field of conventional and unconventional types of political participation through hierarchical forms of participation. The aim is to develop theoretical and methodological bases for the study of secondary analphabetism in politics in the interdisciplinary framework of philosophy, political science, public policy and public administration and sociology with regard to selected areas of socio-political life through: 1. Civic participation, 2. Political participation, 3. Socio-demographic differentiations. The aim of the project Research on Secondary Analphabetism in the Slovak Republic is to begin to fill the gap in research on the declining interest in public affairs. And also to begin to uncover the political and sociological causes and contexts of this state of affairs. The ambition of the project researchers within the secondary analphabetism concept is to analyse the state of secondary analphabetism and its impact on political processes in the Slovak Republic and to develop a theoretical model for the assessment of secondary analphabetism and recommendations for its elimination in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. 

The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant:

KEGA 021/UPJŠ-4/2016, Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

Name of the project:

Modernization of Political Science Education at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Project implementation period:


Status in the project: 


Brief characteristics of the project:

The aim of the project is to develop a modern educational modules which should provide students of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University important knowledge of various areas of political thinking and about democracy issues and current political discourse in Slovakia and in the world. Moreover, in the same time we would share controlled experience with procedural aspects of the democratic processes.

Additional information

- Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov for excellent study results (2002) - the Dean's Prize of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Applied Sciences in Košice for the monograph "Critical Rationalism and the Idea of Open Society K. R. Popper" (r. 2013)
2018 - 2020 project leader VEGA 1/0129/18 Open Society. A Political Project of the Modern World or a Productive Metafor in the Intellectual Tradition of the Search for Better Man and the World? 2021 - 2023 co-researcher VEGA 1/0321/21 The research of the correlations between political consciousness distortions and the rise of political extremism at Secondary school students of Košice self-governing region and Prešov self-governing region 2016 - 2018 co-researcher VEGA Research of Secondary Analphabetism in the Slovak Republic (Status - Contexts - Perspectives) 2014-2017 co-researcher VEGA 2/0187/14 Formation of Slovak politics in 1989 -1994 2016 - 2018 co-researcher KEGA 021/UPJŠ-4/2016 Modernization of Political Science Education at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
International collaboration
- Member of the Slovak Committee of MOST - UNESCO (since 2017)
- Member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University

Further information