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dominik.maximov@student.upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/FF/zamestnanec/dominik.maximov | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
Department of Social Work
S320 | |
+421 55 234 7146 | |
0000-0001-9923-8091 |
Profile courses
Methods and Techniques of Social Work Practice 2 - SPFb, I. - bachelor degree
Social Policy for Social Work - SPFb, I. - bachelor degree
Selected publications
Model faktorov ovplyvňujúcich pracovnú spokojnosť u sociálnych pracovníkov v praxi = Model of the factors influencing the job satisfaction of social workers in practice / Maximov, Dominik [Autor, 50%] ; Lichner, Vladimír [Autor, 50%] ; Jarná škola doktorandov 2023 In: Jarná škola doktorandov 2023 : zborník príspevkov z 9. ročníka / Fedoročko, Peter [Zostavovateľ, editor]. 1. vyd. – Roč. 9. – Košice (Slovensko) : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress UPJŠ, 2023. – ISBN 978-80-574-0212-1. s. 259-268 |
Analýza intervencií v oblasti pracovnej spokojnosti pracovníkov v sociálnej oblasti = Analysis of interventions in the field of job satisfaction of workers in the social field / Maximov, Dominik [Autor, UPS15035, 50%] ; Lichner, Vladimír [Autor, UPS15035, 50%] ; Súčasnosť a budúcnosť sociálnej práce v reflexiách spoločenských zmien, 10 [25.11.2022, Košice, Slovensko]. In: Súčasnosť a budúcnosť sociálnej práce v reflexiách spoločenských zmien [elektronický dokument] : zborník príspevkov vedeckej konferencie - 10. ročník Košických dní sociálnej práce / Lichner, Vladimír [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Šeďo, Tomáš [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Sabolová Fabianová, Antónia [Recenzent] ; Lešková, Lýdia [Recenzent]. – 1. vyd. – Košice (Slovensko) : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Celouniverzitné pracovisko UPJŠ. Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress UPJŠ, 2023. – ISBN 978-80-574-0248-0. s. 111-118 [online] |
Rešpekt k rozmanitému spirituálnemu prežívaniu adolescentov na Slovensku z perspektívy sociálnej práce = Respect for the diverse spiritual experience of adolescents in Slovakia from the perspective of social work / Maximov, Dominik [Autor, UPS15035, 50%] ; Lovašová, Soňa [Autor, UPS15035, 50%] ; Hradecké dny sociální práce - Respekt k rozmanitosti, 20 [07.09.2023-08.09.2023, Hradec Králové, Česko]. – text, graf., tab. – [slovenčina]. – [OV 060]. – [ŠO 7761]. – [príspevok z podujatia]. – sign UPJS FSEP 013028 In: Respekt k rozmanitosti [elektronický dokument] : Sborník textů z XX. ročníku mezinárodní vědecké konference Hradecké dny sociální práce / Smutková, Lucie [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Květenská, Daniela [Recenzent] ; Hloušek, Jan [Recenzent]. – 1. vyd. – Hradec Králové (Česko) : Gaudeamus, the University of Hradec Králové, 2023. – ISBN 978-80-7435-933-0, s. 26-34 [0,74 AH] [online] |
Spirituality and Religiosity of Adolescents in the Context of Radicalisation [Spiritualita a religiozita adolescentov v kontexte radikalizácie] / Maximov, Dominik [Autor, UPS15035, 50%] ; Lovašová, Soňa [Autor, UPS15035, 50%]. – text. – [angličtina]. – [OV 060]. – [ŠO 7761]. – [článok]. – [recenzované]. – DOI 10.32725/cetv.2023.023. – sign UPJS FSEP 012943. – SCO In: Caritas et veritas [elektronický dokument] : Journal for Christian reflections in the context of social sciences and humanities. – České Budějovice (Česko) : Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích. – ISSN 1805-0948. – Roč. 13, č. 2 (2023), s. 77-89 [online] |
Selected projects
JUST-2019-AG-DRUGS: SEP-21063817 - JUSTICE PROGRAMME (European Committee), SUPPORTING INITIATIVES IN THE FIELD OF DRUGS POLICY Project title: Implementing Methamphetamine Prevention Strategies into Action – IMPRESA Project implementation period: 01/21-12/23 Position in the project: student research assistant Brief description of the project: The project is focused on the selection and implementation of specific interventions aimed at prevention of methamphetamine use in selected European cities. At the level of individual cities, the most appropriate methamphetamine prevention strategy will be developed according to specific local needs and resources and based on the results of a mapping of all stakeholders. The intervention strategy will then be implemented at the local level. https://www.upjs.sk/en/faculty-of-arts/science-and-research/IMPRESA/ |
VEGA 1/0754/21 "Push-pull" social factors related to the radicalisation rate in the context of social work Position in the project: investigator Project implementation period: 01/21-12/23 Brief description of the project: The main goal of the project is to compile a "push-pull" model of social and family predictors of adolescent radicalization and to verify the assumption that the process of radicalization is influenced by specific operationalized factors. The project corresponds to the working fields of social work and the modeled predictors are influenced by social work methods. It partially focuses on the exploration of the process of adolescents' radicalization in the conditions of the Slovak Republic and its identification. The result of the project will be a model of important social and family "push-pull" predictors of the adolescents' radicalization process. |
VEGA 2/0173/24 Learning from Intimate Relationships in Young Adults in Slovakia: The Role of Relationship Types and Cognitive Rigidity Funding Agency: Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (VEGA) Project Title: Learning from Intimate Relationships in Young Adults in Slovakia: The Role of Relationship Types and Cognitive Rigidity Position in the Project: Co-investigator Project Duration: 01/24-12/27 Brief Project Description: The project, utilizing a longitudinal mixed design, aims to capture changes in reported learning from intimate relationships (LIR) among young adults in Slovakia. It also explores the role of relationship types, changes in them, cognitive rigidity, and cultural models in this context. The phenomenon of learning from intimate relationships involves changes in thinking and behavior mediated by relational experiences, contributing to increased relationship quality and relational development. This phenomenon holds potential applications for educational and clinical practices. However, several aspects of this phenomenon remain unexplored. The project builds upon the findings of the APVV 18-0303 project (2019-2023), focused on intimate relationships and quality of life in adolescence and young adulthood. The previous project resulted in qualitative exploratory studies on learning from intimate relationships, identifying three key aspects (identity, relationship skills, relationship decision-making). These findings will be utilized in the current project for the development and validation of a measurement tool for learning from intimate relationships, which is currently lacking in scientific discourse, and to fill gaps in further research. |
Organisational activities
Member of the Academic Senate - Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2022
Member of the Academic Senate - Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2023-2027
Member of the Electoral and Mandate Commission - Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2023-2027
Member of the Commission for Student Affairs - Academic Senate of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2023-2027
Member of the Association of Social Work Educators - Association of Social Work Educators, 2023 -
Members of the Faculty of Arts Disciplinary Commission - Faculty of Arts Disciplinary Commission, 2023 -
Delegate od the P. J. Šafárik University in SCfHE - Student Council for Higher Education, Mandate from 10.2024
Rector's award 2022
JUST-2019-AG-DRUGS: SEP-21063817 - Implementing Methamphetamine Prevention Strategies into Action – IMPRESA VEGA-1/0754/21 - "Push-pull" social factors related to the level of radicalization in adolescents in the context of social work VEGA-2/0173/24 - Learning from intimate relationships in young adults in Slovakia: the role of relationship types and cognitive rigidity
Interesting links
Books, hiking, good coffee