PhDr. Dušan Hruška, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KF - Department of Philosophy
+421 55 234 7198

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of Prešov, 1999, Philosophy - Politology
Third degree of higher education:
University of Prešov, Faculty of Arts, 2009, History of Philosophy

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
KF/DEF4J/22 - History of Philosophy 4 - Philosophy, first degree
KF/SUF1J/22 - Contemporary Philosophy 1 - Philosophy, first degree
KF/MET/22 - Metaphysics - Philosophy, first degree
KF/FJAZJ/22 - Philosophy of Language - Philosophy, second degree
KF/MET2/22 - Metaphysics 2 - Philosophy, second degree
KF/METm/22 - Metaphysics - Philosophy, first degree
KF/VKFV/22 - Marked chapters from Philosophy of Education (general ground) - Philosophy, first degree
Selected publications

Nietzscheho príspevok k deštrukcii metafyziky / Dušan Hruška ; recenzenti Pavol Dancák, Katarína Mayerová. - 1. vyd. - Košice : Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress UPJŠ, 2020. - 144 s. [6,46 AH] - recenzované. - Projekt: Postmetafyzické myslenie v kontexte súčasných sociálno-politických problémov - APVV APVV-17-0529.. - ISBN 9788081529634. [HRUŠKA, Dušan (100%) ]

Moderný zrod človeka ako subjektu v reflexiách Michela Foucaulta / Dušan Hruška ; recenzenti Pavol Dancák, Eugen Andreanský. 

In: Otázka človeka ako filozofický problém. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. - ISBN 9788081526701. - S. 31-53 [1,02 AH]. Projekt: Slabé myslenie a postmetafyzická filozofia - VEGA 1/0963/16.

[OV 020]; 

[HRUŠKA, Dušan ( Autor, 100% )]

Vattimovo slabé myslenie a Heideggerova metafyzika / Dušan Hruška ; recenzenti Pavol Tholt, Juraj Žiak. 

In: Heidegger a metafyzika v 20. storočí. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. - ISBN 9788081526725. - S. 611-628.

[OV 020]; 

[HRUŠKA, Dušan ( Autor, 100% )]

Foucaultova seba-transformatívna filozofia a Heidegger / Dušan Hruška ; recenzenti Pavol Tholt, Juraj Žiak. 

In: Heidegger a metafyzika v 20. storočí. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. - ISBN 9788081526725. - S. 589-609.

[OV 020]; 

[HRUŠKA, Dušan ( Autor, 100% )]

Vattimovo slabé myslenie a Heideggerova metafyzika / Dušan Hruška ; recenzenti Pavol Tholt, Juraj Žiak. In: Heidegger a metafyzika v 20. storočí. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. - ISBN 9788081526725. - S. 611-628. [HRUŠKA, Dušan (100%) ]

Selected projects

Grant scheme: APVV-14-0706 - Slovak Research and Development Agency Project title: Heidegger, Metaphysics and the History of Philosophy Implementation period: 07/2015 - 12/2018 Position: member of research team.

The aim of the project was to reveal Heidegger's philosophical depth and peculiarity of reflecting Western European philosophy – metaphysics, with an emphasis on its exploration in genesis from ancient metaphysics, through the new age metaphysics of subjectivity to its completion in Hegel and Nietzsche's philosophy. In his work, Heidegger moves in the space of finding a journey from the metaphysics of residence to non-methaphysical thinking – a different mindset. This journey contains the reflection of both the early and late Heidegger's work, with the decisive intention of understanding of how to shape the question of Being in determining the unity of metaphysics and the history of philosophy not only through some narrowly defined fragment of his work, but through the complete visor of his entire work. In this definition the grant project is original not only in our domestic, but also international conditions.

Grant scheme: APVV-17-0529 - Slovak Research and Development Agency Project title: Postmetaphysical thinking in the context of current socio-political problems Implementation period: 07/2018 - 6/2022 Position: member of research team.

The basic question, which the project focused on, is to characterise today´s socio-political situation and the place of philosophy in it as concisely as possible or what can philosophy offer in this space. Today, at the beginning of third millennium, we stand at the end of the époque of dualisms characteristic for western tradition thinking. This end is possible especially due to the deconstruction of metaphysics. The dispute between religion and science is already a matter of a past. Philosophical theories, such as positivistic scientism and Marxism, which tried to definitely kill religion, are now over. Naturally, neither religion is what it used to be. Its political version is subject to economic and social-political changes. What kind of changes in its concrete versions, what causes them and what are the consequences are the main questions of the project.

Grant scheme: VEGA 1/0232/21 - Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education Project title: The relationship between philosophy and science today. Implementation period: 01/2021 - 12/2023 Position: member of research team The main goal of the project is (1.) a historical and philosophical, or specifically philosophical interpretation of Husserl ´s, Heidegger´s, and Patočka´s conception of the relationship between philosophy and science. The Common denominator is the opinion, that even despite the fast development of science and technology, science is, paradoxically, in a crisis. (2.) We will confront the positions of the non-analytical philosophers with the conceptions of the analytical philosophers, who moved the point of the subject state to the field of philosophy of science, respectively, methodology of science. Ontological problems are no longer in the centre of attention, as they were in the Heidegger philosophy. One of the most important moments of non-analytical and analytical confrontations is the problem of scientific realism and the relation of scientific theories to reality. (3.) We consider the attempt to perform an in-depth analysis of a Nietzsche´s concept of perspectivism as the novelty of the presented project. It is exactly this question which may help to elaborate the not so deeply explored views on the connections between philosophy and science, or alternatively philosophical and scientific thinking, which was not given due attention in Slovakia yet. The main goal of the project is to investigate the question of the relation between philosophy and science as a philosophical question. The reason for this is obvious. The question of the purpose of science is existentially connected to the problem of the human existence in its specific historical-sociological terms. In these sets of conditions, it is only natural that existential worry of a man for himself is always dominant. The question to be answered is, what is the interconnection between all of this. 

Grant scheme: APVV-20-0583 - Slovak Research and Development Agency Project title: Possible Worlds and Modalities: Current Philosophical Approaches Implementation period: 07/2021 - 6/2025 Position: member of research team The objective of the project is to update and revise the theoretical core of different approaches to possible, impossible, fictional, narrative, and discursive worlds. The project plans to find the content, logical and structural interconnectedness of the terms of modality, fiction, discourse, virtuality, worldness, and to define and further differentiate them as notions. The objectives of the project include a critical analysis of the development of views on the nature of possible worlds, possible individuals, and other modal concepts from the early 1970s to the present, detailed elaboration of the relationship between possible and fictional worlds, deepening the concept of narrative in relation to possible and fictional worlds, identification of various forms of fictionality in various fields of art, a more specific definition of the basic attributes of the so-called worldness, reinforcing the emphasis on the constructive role of the human mind, determining the relationships between modal discourse on the one hand and the concepts of interpretation and intentionality on the other. The project has the ambition to become the basis of metaphilosophical research. Its originality lies primarily in the fact that it connects different perspectives (analytical, hermeneutic, phenomenological) in addressing the issues of modalities in a philosophical context. 

International mobilities and visits
Theological Faculty, České Budějovice - ČR, June 2009
Charles University in Prague; Archive of Jan Patočka in Pragues (APVV - 17 - 0529), November 2019
Organisational activities
Head of Academical Senate - Greek-Catholic Faculty, University of Prešov, 2012 - 2015
Assistent to Head of Department - Department of Philosophy and History of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, 2015 - 2020
Secretary of Head of Academical Senate - Greek-Catholic Faculty, University of Prešov, 2005 - 2012
Secretary to Head of Department - Department of Philosophy and Religionistic, Greek-Catholic Faculty, University of Prešov, 2002 - 2015
Member of Academical Senate - Greek-Catholic Faculty, University of Prešov, 2002 - 2005
Member of Academical Senate - Faculty of Arts, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, 2019 - today
Vice president of Slovak Philosophical Association - Slovak Philosophical Association, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2024 - today

Further information