doc. JUDr. Mgr. Dušan Šlosár, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KSP - Department of Social Work
+421 55 234 7131
Long-term work in the state administration and later in various positions of local and regional self-government has given me enough experience in applying the law when working with civil society. I used my practical experience in developing several projects that focused on different target groups. Gradually, I began to focus on social services provided to segregated communities with concentrated poverty. The legality of the activities of social workers requires that they be able to orientate themselves in the area of legal norms and apply them in practice. This has become the goal of my pedagogical focus, which I am trying to attract students to, and at the same time I guarantee social work clients that all their rights offered by the current legal system will be guaranteed.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of Prešov in Prešov, 1994, Education and training adults, specialization: social work
Third degree of higher education:
Comenius University in Bratislava, 2004, Social andragogy
Associate professor:
Catholic University in Ruzomberok, 2010, social work

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Social work (Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, member of the commission for state final exams), study field: Social work, first degree
Study programme: Social work (Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, member of the commission for state final exams), study field: Social work, second degree
Study programme: Social work - Conversion Programme (Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, member of the commission for state final exams), study field: Social work, second degree
Study programme: Integrative social work (Person responsible for teaching a profile course, Member of the Subject Area Board for Doctoral Studies, member of the commission for dissertation examinations and dissertation defenses), study field: Social work, third degree
Profile courses
KSP/TePaRP/15 Theory of Law and Family Law - Social work, first degree
KSP/TSPd/11 Theory of Social Work - Integrative social work, third degree
KSP/SPsRE/15 Social Work Practice with Roma Ethnic Minority - Social work, second degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: Social work. Member of the study program board, study field to which it is assigned: Social work
Selected publications

AAB LICHNER, V., D. ŠLOSÁR, K. ŠIŇANSKÁ, L. TÓTHOVÁ, J. PLAVNICKÁ, M. HOVANOVÁ, V. VASIĽOVÁ, T. ŽIAKOVÁ, J. KAHAN, J. ŠIMKO. Extremism and radicalization in social contexts. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. 139 s. ISBN 978-80-8152-659-6.

ID: 84442

ŠLOSÁR, D. Social Institutions and Social Organizations. Košice: Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress UPJŠ, 2021. 226 p. ISBN 9788081529757.

ID: 248383

AAB ŠIMKO, J. & D. ŠLOSAR. Homosexuality and homophobia in the context of social work. Košice: Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2019. - 99 p. ISBN 9788081527647.

ID: 138514

ACB ŠLOSÁR, D. & V. LICHNER. Mediation in the system of social work. Košice: Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2018. 131 p. ISBN 9788081526091.

ID: 56021

ACB LICHNER, V. & D. ŠLOSÁR.Probation in the system of criminal policy and social work. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. 119 s. ISBN 978-80-8152-631-2.

ID: 69971


Selected projects

1/0285/18 Scientific Grant Agency MŠVVaŠ SR and SAV (VEGA) Project title: Risk behavior of adolescents as clients of social work due to their loneliness Project implementation period: 01/18 - 12/20 Position in the project: co-investigator of the project Brief description of the project: The ambition of the project developers was achieved: to examine the relationship between loneliness adolescents and their risk behaviors and to create a tool to measure the loneliness of this target group. Research has shown that there is a correlation between the experience of loneliness and the occurrence of risky behavior of social work clients. The team of the grant task at the same time, he proposed a tool for measuring loneliness as a possible preventive means in social work with clients.



1/0754/21 Scientific Grant Agency MŠVVaŠ SR and SAV (VEGA) Project title: "Push-pull" social factors related to the degree of radicalization of adolescents in the context of social work Project implementation period: 01 / 21-12 / 23 Position in the project: co-investigator of the project Brief description of the project: The main goal of the project is to build a "push-pull" model of social and family predictors radicalization of adolescents and to verify the assumption that the process of radicalization is influenced by specific operationalized factors. The project corresponds to the working fields of social work and the modeled predictors are influenced by its tools. It partially focuses on the exploration of the process of radicalization of adolescents in the conditions of the Slovak Republic and its identification. The result of the project will be a model of important social and family "push-pull" predictors of the process of radicalization of adolescents.



International mobilities and visits
Project title: Fight against drugs. Twining project of France and Czechoslovakia., PHARE. Project duration: 1999-2001, France from 14 to 30 June 2001., PHARE
Project name: Red Code. Regional Disaster Common Defense., Project Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia. Project registration number: 5C009, P-0018., Project solution period: 2005-2007.
Project title: Capacity building of key stakeholders in the field of integration, labor immigration and intercultural dialogue., Project registration number: LM.0119. Project solution period: 2009. Internship in Sweden, 6.9. to 11.9.2009, IOM Bratislava
Project title: Capacity building of key stakeholders in the field of integration, labor immigration and intercultural dialogue., Project registration number: LM.0119. Project solution period: 2009 Internship in Portugal., 27.9. to 30.9.2009., IOM Bratislava
Organisational activities
Member of the UPJŠ academic senate in Košice UPJŠ in Košice - UPJŠ in Košice, 2015-2019
Member of the trade union commission in the integrated doctoral study social work. Faculty of Arts UPJŠ in Košice - Faculty of Arts UPJŠ in Košice, 2015-
reviewer for the magazine Sociálna práca / Sociální práce - magazine Sociálna práca / Sociální práce Praha, 2015-
Assessor of VEGA projects - Scientific Grant Agency VEGA, 2018 - lasts
Member of the trade union commission in the doctoral study of social work - University of Prešov, Institute of Educology and Social Work, 2017 - lasts

Additional information

Plaque for pedagogical activities from the Dean of the University of Prešov in Prešov. Plaque of the city of Moldava nad / Bodvou awarded by the city council for cooperation in the development of the city - September 25, 2009. Two awards for merit from the Minister of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. And a whole collection of honorable mentions from state authorities and local governments. But the most important award is the satisfaction of clients with my work and the achievements of students with whom I could spend time in their higher education.
Project title: Quality of life - quality of social work and adult education. Project registration number: VEGA no. 1/0457/03. Project solution period: 2003-2005. Responsible researcher: prof. PhDr. Anna Tokarova, CSc. (PU) Project title: The role of adult education and social work in a knowledge-based society and in the public welfare state. Project registration number: VEGA no. 1/3649/06. Solution period: 2006-2008. Responsible researcher: prof. PhDr. Anna Tokarova, CSc. Project title: Innovations in the professional competencies of teachers and social andragogues.Project registration number: VEGA / no. 1/0244/08. Solution period: 2008-2011. Responsible researcher: Doc. PhDr. B. Balogová, Ph.D. Project title: MAXIM - Marginalization and Xenophobia - Identification of Mechanisms to Prevent Exclusion by Increasing the Employment and Employability of the Roma through a partnership of public-private partnerships. Project registration number: EQUAL ITMS 151 10200010 project no. 07/04-I / 33-1.2. Project solution period: 11/2006 - 09/2008 Project title: Chance for a new beginning. Project registration number: 13/04-I / 33-1.1. Project solution period: 4/2006 - 4/2008. Responsible researcher of the project: Ing. E. Malatinec. Project title: Development strategy of marginalized KSK groups. Project registration number: OPZI-33-KE-0082, ITMS 11430300082. Project solution period: 6/2007 - 8/2008. Responsible researcher of the project: JUDr. Mgr. D. Slosar, PhD. Project title: Improving the conditions for the entry of young Roma into the labor market. Project registration number: PHARE SK 0002. Project solution period: 4/2003 - 10/2004. Responsible researcher of the project: W. Koltholf, foreign expert. Project manager KOCKA - coordination centers for community and educational activities in Roma communities. Project manager CESTA - community work centers - field implementation of the tool for changing the quality of life in marginalized communities. Project name: IKAROS. Project registration number: SK 0708 EIF P 1/12. Project solution period: 2009-2011. Responsible researcher of the project: JUDr. Mgr. Dusan Slosar, PhD. Project title: Social enterprise - comprehensive services for disadvantaged groups. Project registration number: NFP27110230004. Project solution period: 6/2008 - 2010. Responsible project leader: Ing. Š. Klein.
International collaboration
Project title: Fight against drugs. Twining project of France and Czechoslovakia. Project registration number: PHARE. Project duration: 1999-2001 With an internship in social services facilities for drug addicts in France from 14 to 30 June 2001. Responsible researcher: Doc. PhDr. Peter Gavora, CSc., PhDr. Marián Kolenčík. Co-researchers: PhDr. Mária Kyjovská, PhDr. Silvia Bronisova, PhDr. Ivana Mrázková, JUDr. Mgr. Dusan Slosar, PhD. Project name: Red Code. Regional Disaster Common Defense. Project Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia. Project registration number: 5C009, P-0018. Project solution period: 2005-2007. Responsible researcher: Ing. Jozef Rudík. Co-researchers: Ing. Peter Ferjencik, Mgr. Melinda Sasakova, Ing. Jan Pavlik, JUDr. Mgr. Dusan Slosar, PhD. Project title: Capacity building of key stakeholders in the field of integration, labor immigration and intercultural dialogue. Project registration number: LM.0119. Project solution period: 2009. Internship in Sweden from 6.9. to 11.9.2009 Project title: Capacity building of key stakeholders in the field of integration, labor immigration and intercultural dialogue. Project registration number: LM.0119. Project solution period: 2009 Internship in Portugal from 27.9. to 30.9.2009
My hobbies include hiking, traveling, getting to know people's lives abroad, gaining new knowledge or engaging in prevention programs, charitable projects or educational projects. I like to get involved in projects that support the development of civil society.

Further information