PhDr. Iveta Bónová, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KSSFaK - Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies, and Communication
+421 55 234 7150

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts in Prešov, 1990, teaching general education subjects: Slovak language and literature - Russian language and literature
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov in Prešov, 2001, 73 -03 - 9 Slovak language

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: interdisciplinary study of Slovak language and literature (subprogramme) - person responsible for teaching the profile subject (OZPP), study field: philology, I. bachelor's degree degree
Study programme: Slovak-media studies - person responsible for teaching the profile subject (OZPP), study field: philology, I. bachelor's degree degree
Study programme: interdisciplinary study of Slovak language and literature (subprogramme) - member of the Study Program Council (RŠP), study field: philology, I. bachelor's degree degree
Study programme: Slovak-media studies - member of the Study Program Council (RŠP), study field: philology, I. bachelor's degree degree
Study programme: interdisciplinary study of the Slovak language and literature (subprogramme) - member of the commission for ŠZS, study field: philology, I. bachelor's degree degree
Profile courses
KSSFaK/FONT/15 phonetics - interdisciplinary study of Slovak language and literature (subprogramme), I. bachelor's degree degree
KSSFaK/FONF/15 phonology - interdisciplinary study of Slovak language and literature (subprogramme), I. bachelor's degree degree
KSSFaK/SLEX/15 Contemporary Slovak Language - Lexicology - interdisciplinary study of Slovak language and literature (subprogramme), I. bachelor's degree degree
KSSFaK/ORTOEPI/15 orthoepy I - slovak-media studies, I. bachelor's degree degree
KSSFaK/ORTOEPII/15 orthoepy II - slovak-media studies, I. bachelor's degree degree
KSSFaK/FOFON/15 phonetics and phonology - slovak-media studies, I. bachelor's degree degree
KSSFaK/PL1/16 practical lexicology I - slovak-media studies, I. bachelor's degree degree
KSSFaK/PL2/15 practical lexicology II - slovak-media studies, I. bachelor's degree degree
Selected publications

[Phonological ontogenesis in children's speech]

ID: 97927 | Fonologická ontogenéza v detskej reči [text document (print)] / Bónová, Iveta [Author, 100%] ; Sabol, Ján [Reviewer] ; Slančová, Daniela [Reviewer]. – 1st ed. – Košice (Slovakia): Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2018. – 132 p. – ISBN 978-80-8152-656-5

[Orthoepy of sound expression at the segmental level]

ID: 140440 | Ortoepia zvukového prejavu na segmentálnej úrovni [text document (print)] / Bónová, Iveta [Author, 100%] ; Ondrejović, Slavomír [Reviewer] ; Gregová, Renáta [Reviewer] ; Sabol, Ján [Reviewer]. – 1st ed. – Košice (Slovakia): Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2019. – 82 p. [online]. – ISBN 978-80-8152-803-3. – ISBN (electronic) 978-80-8152-750-0

ID: 452802 | Maša Haľamová in the Dar - Červený mak - Smrť tvoju žijem Triad [text document (print)] [electronic document] / Hajdučeková, Ivica - Bónová, Iveta; Andricík, Marián [Reviewer] ; Gavura, Ján [Reviewer]. – 1st ed. – Košice (Slovakia): Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. UPJŠ university-wide workplace. ŠafárikPress Publishing House UPJŠ, 2021. – 194 p. [10.42 AH] [print form] [online]. – (Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Šafarikianae ; 155). – ISBN 978-80-574-0061-5. – ISBN (electronic) 978-80-574-0049-3

ID: UPJŠ.Košice.000072763

ADE Spiritual dimension in the poetry of Maša Haľamová (A Collection of Poetry Dar) / Ivica Hajdučeková, Iveta Bónová. - The article was also published in the Slovak version: Duchovný rozmer v lyrike Maše Haľamovej (Básnická zbierka Dar). In Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education, 2016, p. 131-176. - The journal is registered in the ERIH PLUS database - Project: VEGA 1/0736/15. In: Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quartely of Religion, Culture and Education. - ISSN 2299-9922. - Vol. 4, no. 1(13), (2016), p. 89 -130. [HAJDUČEKOVÁ, Ivica - BÓNOVÁ, Iveta]

[Love with the emblem of the red poppy (On spirituality in the collection of M. Haľamova Smrť tvoju žijem)]

ID: UPJŠ.Košice.000070141 ADN Láska s emblémom červeného maku (O duchovnosti v zbierke M. Haľamovej Smrť tvoju žijem) / Ivica Hajdučeková, Iveta Bónová. - The magazine is registered in the ERIH PLUS database. - Project: VEGA 1/0736/15. In: Slovak literature: revue for literary science. - ISSN 0037-6973. - Year 64, no. 4 (2017), p. 284-307. 2017 WoS [HAJDUČEKOVÁ, Ivica - BÓNOVÁ, Iveta ]

Selected projects

008UPJŠ - 4/2017 [Science without borders (Interdisciplinary Inspirations of Contemporary Literary Theory and Linguistics in Higher Education practices)]

(project leader: Prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.) - Cultural and educational agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Slovak Republic (KEGA) - 17.01. - 19.12. - co-investigator of the project

The project was focused on innovative forms of teaching selected language and literary subjects with an interdisciplinary overlap (gender aspect in Slovak literature, gender studies and the culture of linguistic expression) and everyday communication practice. As a co-researcher within the subject culture of language expression - in an effort to support the sound competence of university students, as well as their critical thinking in relation to speech practice - I designed the university textbook Orthoepia of sound expression at the segmental level (2019) and, in co-authorship with L. Jasinska, the professional publication Language Culture (not just for linguists) (2019).


APVV-19-0244 [Methodological Procedures in Literary-Scholarship Research with an Impact on the Media Environment]. 

(project leader: Prof. PhDr. Ján Gbúr, CSc.) - Research and Development Support Agency - 20 July - 24 June - co-investigator of the project

The aim of the project is to make accessible monographically processed results of a critical review of established theorems and their audiovisual mediation with sustainability. In a wider team composition and in close cooperation with the Institute of Slovak Literature SAV is focused on the development of accuracy and interdisciplinarity in literary and mediological research. As part of the mentioned project, I am the author of the monograph together with I. Hajdučeková Maša Haľamová in the Dar - Červený mak - Smrť tvoju žijem Triad (2021) - [Maša Haľamová in the Gift - Red Poppy - I Live Your Death Triad (2021).]

1/0273/16 A Comparative Research of the Distinctive Features of Phonemes in Slovak, English and German

(project leader: Assoc. Mgr. Renáta Gregová) - Scientific Grant and Education Agency (VEGA), 16.01. - 12.18.; co-investigator of the projectň

The project aimed at comparative research of the phonological system of individual languages ​​through the identification of phonemes and their distinctive signs. On the project, as a co-investigator, I carried out research on distinctive signs in the speech of Slovak-speaking children. Its completion was the study K vývinu fonologického systému v detskej reči (2019) [On the development of the phonological system in children's speech] in the collection Kúzlo zvukov [Magic of sounds].

1/0142/14 Spoken Slovak in the supraregional area and socio-communication dynamics

(project leader: Prof. PaedDr. Vladimír Patráš, CSc.) - Scientific and Educational Grant Agency (VEGA), 01/14 - 12/16, co-investigator of the project

The project focused on the ongoing research of oral communication in immediate communication interactions, selected localities and in the corresponding communication spheres within the national language, with the ambition to result in a synthetic representation of spoken Slovak. In addition to the structural-systemic approach, the analytical-interpretive space is framed by sociolinguistic and pragmalinguistic theorems and procedures. The material base consisted of authentic oral communications, obtained through field research in the whole of Slovakia, in which I am a co-investigator of the project (survey, its evaluation and processing in the form of a study: K problematike hovorenej podoby jazyka na východnom Slovensku, 2017 [On the issue of the spoken form of the language in eastern Slovakia]) I participated in Košice region.

APVV-15-0492 Speech Audiometry in the Romani Language

(project leader Prof. Ing. Július Zimmermsann, CSc.) -

Research and Development Support Agency 07/15 - 06/17, co-investigator of the project

The project was aimed at creating a database of audiometric matrix tests in Romanian. The aim of the tests, compiled in several stages (choice of speech material, production, cutting of the recording, its optimization, evaluation and validation), was to apply them in audiometric practice and to use them in measuring the sensitivity of the auditory system in people with its dysfunction.

International mobilities and visits
HNO Klinik, Inselspital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 10. - 12. 12. 2013, internship
Organisational activities
member of the International Commission for Phonetics and Phonology of Slavic Languages - at the International Committee of Slavists, since 15. 9. 2017
secretary of the SJS branch at JU SAV FF UPJŠ - Slovak Linguistic Society at the Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 25.1. 2018

Further information