Mgr. Ján Ruman, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KPO - Department of Political Science
+421 55 234 7185

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Constantine The Philosopher University in Nitra, 2009, Political Science in specialization of European Studies
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2016, Political Science

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
KPO/ZAKPO/10 - Fundamentals of Political Science (KPO/ZAKPOe/11) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), I. degree degree
KPO/PINST/15 - Political Institutions (KPO/PINSTe/15) - Political Science (Full-Time form and Part-Time form), I. degree degree
Selected publications

ID: 147222 | Postfašizmus ako „živná pôda“ pre neofašizmus a hľadanie politického agónu [Post-fascism as a "breeding ground" for neo-fascism and the search for political agon] / Ruman, Ján [Author, 100%] ; Ištok, Robert [Reviewer] ; Dobiaš, Daniel [Reviewer]

In:Kam kráčaš Európa. Kam kráčaš demokracia [Where are you going Europe. Where are you going democracy (print)] / Koziak, Tomáš [Editor] ; Ruman, Ján [Editor] ; Šutajová, Jana [Editor]. – 1. vyd. – Košice (Slovensko) : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2019. – ISBN 978-80-8152-783-8, s. 61-78 [tlačená forma]

ID: 417547 | Tragika jedného dogmatizmu [Tragic of one dogmatism] / Ruman, Ján [Author, 100%]

In:Slovenské skúsenosti s neoliberalizmom alebo ako sa deformuje obraz socio-ekonomickej reality na Slovensku [Slovak experience with neoliberalism: or how the image of socio-economic reality in Slovakia is being distorted (print)] : / Košč, Ján [Editor] ; Homer, Zuzana [Editor] ; Žanony, Robert [Editor] ; Lysý, Jozef [Reviewer] ; Sťahel, Richard [Reviewer]. – 1. vyd. – Bratislava (Slovensko) : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2020. – ISBN 978-80-89149-83-4, s. 8-17 [0,5 AH] [tlačená forma]

ID: 445016 | Vzostup prekarizovanej práce a zrod prekariátu [The Rise of Precarized Labour and the Birth of the Precariat] / Ruman, Ján [Author, 100%]

In:K problematike chudoby a sociálnej neistoty na Slovensku v 21. storočí [On the issue of poverty and social insecurity in Slovakia in the 21st century (electronic document)] / Košč, Ján [Editor] ; Ruman, Ján [Editor] ; Profant, Tomáš [Reviewer] ; Želinský, Tomáš [Reviewer]. – 1. vyd. – Bratislava (Slovensko) : Pracujúca chudoba, 2021. – ISBN 978-80-973614-3-3, s. 115-135 [tlačená forma]

ID: 147993 | Politicko-ideologická inkonzistentnosť u Richarda Sulíka [Political-ideological inconsistency in Richard Sulík] / Ruman, Ján [Author, 100%] ; Slavoj Žižek a kritika ideológie [24.09.2019-25.09.2019, Košice, Slovensko]

In:Slavoj Žižek a kritika ideológie [Slavoj Žižek and the critique of ideology (print)] / Takáč, Peter [Editor] ; Ruman, Ján [Editor] ; Gbúrová, Marcela [Reviewer] ; Hohoš, Ladislav [Reviewer]. – 1. vyd. – Košice (Slovensko) : OZ POLE, 2019. – ISBN 978-80-973504-1-3, s. 78-97

ID: 147200 | Dôvera ako indikátor postdemokracie na Slovensku [Trust as an indicator of post-democracy in Slovakia] / Ruman, Ján [Author, 100%] ; Masár, Dušan [Reviewer] ; Ondria, Peter [Reviewer] ; Human forum 2018, 5 [28.11.2018-29.11.2018, Banská Bystrica, Slovensko]

In:Human forum 2018 : občan v postdemokracii : diskusné fórum o demokracii a ľudských právach [Human forum 2018 document (print) : citizen in postdemocracy : discussion forum on democracy and human rights] / Androvičová, Jarmila [Editor] ; Bolečeková, Martina [Editor]. – 1. vyd. – Banská Bystrica (Slovensko) : Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici - Belianum, 2019. – ISBN 978-80-557-1579-7, s. 26-35 [tlačená forma]

Selected projects

The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant:

VEGA č. 1/039/20, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences

Name of the project:

Constitutional activity of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (legal-political analysis – evaluation - perspectives

Project implementation period:


Status in the project: 


Brief characteristics of the project:

The key aim of the project is the constitutional and political analysis and evaluation of the existing constitutional activity of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (hereafter referred to as the „National Council“) in terms of its impact on the quality of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, resp. the constitutional system of the Slovak Republic (also in international comparison), the authority and acceptance of the constitution in the state and society, as well as the cultivation of the constitutional – political system and the formation of political and legal culture. Based on the results of the analysis, the research team formulates ideas for improving and streamlining the constitutional work of the National Council, as well as strengthening the stability of the Constitution, including the form of concrete ideas de constitutione ferenda and de lege ferenda.  

The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant:

VEGA 1/0321/21, Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences is an internal grant system for the Ministry of Education and Slovak Academy of Sciences

Name of the project:

The research of the correlations between political consciousness distortions and the rise of political extremism at Secondary school students of Košice self-governing region and Prešov self-governing region

Project implementation period:


Status in the project: 


Brief characteristics of the project:

The project proposes to investigate the correlations between the deformations of political consciousness and the rise of political extremism among young people in the Košice and Prešov regions, together with proposals for measures to eliminate them. The methodological basis of the research on the above mentioned issue will be the stages of political consciousness, which have been theoretically elaborated by Professor Marcela Gbúrová. The project should be a continuation of the research on secondary analphabetism in the Slovak Republic carried out between 2016 and 2018 (VEGA No. 1/0658/16), in the framework of which the concept of individual stages of political consciousness (insitic, instructed, professional, theoretical) was introduced in more detail.

The project registration number and the full name of the organisation that awarded the grant:

KEGA 014UPJŠ-4/2020, Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

Name of the project:

An Innovative Model of Education Leading to Active Citizenship as a Prevention of Student Political Extremism

Project implementation period:


Status in the project: 


Brief characteristics of the project:

The aim of the project is to create modern learning modules that provide secondary school students and university students important insights into the need to actively involvement in public life, also about the opportunities for civic and political participation of young people, and the risks of lack of knowledge of social and political processes, their misunderstanding or public concern in general. The aim of the project is, in particular, to activate students in the field of searching, validating and communicating information about political processes. The project objectives are guaranteed by the experience of the project solvers with the solution of secondary illiteracy of selected social groups of respondents and other defective phenomena in the political and public life of the Slovak population after 1989.

International mobilities and visits
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 15.04. – 19.04.2019, Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility (KA-107)
National University for Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest, Rumunsko, 06.05. - 12.05.2019, Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility (KA-107)
Universum International College (Kolegji Universum), Priština, Kosovo (Serbia), 08.05. - 14.05.2022, Erasmus+ Training Mobility (KA107)

Further information