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katarina.sinanska@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/FF/zamestnanec/katarina.sinanska | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
Department of Social Work
S318 | |
+421 55 234 7125 | |
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0788-6863 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: SPFb, SPFbex, SPFb-e Social Work (Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, Member of the Commission for State Final Examinations), study field: Social Work, I., Full-time Form and Part-time Form degree
Study programme: SPFm, SPFmex, SPFm-e Social Work (Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, Member of the Commission for State Final Examinations), study field: Social Work, II., Full-time Form and Part-time Form degree
Study programme: SPFmK, SPFmexK, SPFm-eK Social Work - Conversion Programme (Member of the Study Programme Council, Person responsible for teaching a profile course, Member of the Commission for State Final Examinations), study field: Social Work, II., Full-time Form and Part-time Form degree
Study programme: ISPd, ISPdex - Integrative Social Work (Person responsible for teaching a profile course, Member of the Commission for dissertation examinations and dissertation defenses), study field: Social Work, III., Full-time Form and Part-time Form degree
Profile courses
KSP/TeoSP/12 Theory of Social Work - Social Work, I. degree
KSP/SPKTSP/15 Community Social Work Practice and Field Social Work - Social Work, II. degree
KSP/CvPK/11 Human in Mental Crisis - Integrative Social Work, III. degree
Overview of the responsibility for
the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure
in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure:
Social Work, study field to which it is assigned: Social Work
Selected publications
186432 AAB ŠIŇANSKÁ, K. a D. ŠLOSÁR. Komunita a komunitná práca. [Community and community work]. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020. ISBN 9788081528613. |
229524 AAB ONDRAŠIKOVÁ, F. a K. ŠIŇANSKÁ. Analýza vykonávania sociálnej práce v oblasti bývania, zameranej na klientov z marginalizovaných rómskych komunít. [Analysis of the implementation of social work in the field of housing, focused on clients from marginalized Roma communities]. Prešov: Projekt DOM.ov nezisková organizácia, 2020. ISBN 9788097383800. |
229371 ADM TÓTHOVÁ, L., K. ŠIŇANSKÁ a E. ŽIAKOVÁ. Continuous care of cancer patients through the lens of social work. Kontakt: vědecký časopis Zdravotně sociální fakulty Jihočeské univerzity: časopis pro ošetřovatelství a sociální vědy ve zdraví a nemoci: Journal of Nursing and Social Sciences related to Health and Illness. 2020. 22(4), 270-277. ISSN 1212-4117. |
230448 ACB ŠIŇANSKÁ, K. Špecifiká práce s mládežou v neziskovom sektore. [Specifies of youth work in the non-profit sector]. Košice: Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress, 2020. ISBN 9788081529498. |
1149183 V3 HOVANOVÁ, M. a K. ŠIŇANSKÁ. Social Isolation, Social Support, and Radicalisation of Adolescents. Czech and Slovak Social work. 2024. 24(1), 57-72. ISSN 1213-6204. |
Selected projects
1/0285/18 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) and of Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) (VEGA) Project title: Risk behavior of adolescents as clients of social work due to their loneliness Project implementation period: 01/18 - 12/20 Position in the project: co-investigator of the project Brief description of the project: The ambition of the project developers was achieved: to examine the relationship between adolescents' loneliness and their risk behavior and to create a tool for measuring the loneliness of the target group. Research has shown that there is a correlation between experiencing loneliness and the occurrence of risky behavior in social work clients. At the same time, the team of the grant task proposed a tool for measuring loneliness as a possible preventive means in social work with clients. https://www.minedu.sk/vedecka-grantova-agentura-msvvas-sr-a-sav-vega/ |
008UPJŠ-4/2019 Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, science, research and sport of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) (KEGA) Project title: Prevention of oncological diseases from the perspective of social work Project implementation period: 01/19 -12/20 Position in the project: co-investigator of the project Brief description of the project: The result of the grant task was the development of a brochure for oncology patients entitled "Bedeker oncology treatment", which accurately guides patients on their path of cancer treatment. https://www.minedu.sk/kulturna-a-edukacna-grantova-agentura-msvvas-sr-kega/ |
1/0754/21 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) and of Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) (VEGA) Project title: "Push-pull" social factors related to the degree of radicalization of adolescents in the context of Social Work Project implementation period: 01 / 21-12 / 23 Position in the project: co-investigator of the project Brief description of the project: The main goal of the project is to compile a "push-pull" model of social and family predictors of adolescent radicalization and to verify the assumption that the radicalization process is influenced by specific operationalized factors. The project corresponds to the working fields of social work and the modeled predictors are influenced by its tools. It partially focuses on the exploration of the process of radicalization of adolescents in the conditions of the Slovak Republic and its identification. The result of the project will be a model of important social and family "push-pull" predictors of the process of radicalization of adolescents. https://www.minedu.sk/vedecka-grantova-agentura-msvvas-sr-a-sav-vega/ |
018UPJŠ-4/2024 Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, science, research and sport of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) (KEGA) Project title: PhotoVoice as an Innovative Method of Advocating for the Social Needs of People with Hearing Impairments Project implementation period: 01/24 -12/25 Position in the project: Head of the Project Brief description of the project: The goal of the project is to identify and advocate the social needs of people with hearing impairments through participatory research, while the main activity of the project will be the implementation of the PhotoVoice qualitative method. https://www.minedu.sk/kulturna-a-edukacna-grantova-agentura-msvvas-sr-kega/ |
International mobilities and visits
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Kněžská 8, 370 01 České Budějovice, 08.-09.03.2022, Erasmus+: Erasmus staff mobility - Teaching/Training
University of Ostrava, Českobratrská 16, 702 00 Ostrava, 10.-15.04.2023, Erasmus+: Erasmus staff mobility - Training
Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt in Germany (THWS), Faculty
of Applied Social Sciences, Münzstraße 12, 97070 Würzburg, 19.-21.10.2023, Erasmus+: Erasmus staff mobility - Training
Université Catholique de Lille, l'Institut social de Lille, Campus Saint-Raphaël, 83 Boulevard Vauban, 59800 Lille, 08.10.-12.10.2024, Erasmus+: Staff Mobility For Teaching
Organisational activities
Expert Assessor - Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry od Education of the Slovak Republic (ME SR)
and of Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) (VEGA), 2018-present
Expert Assessor - Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, science, research
and sport of the Slovak Republic (KEGA), 2024-present
Expert Assessor - Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia (GA JU), 2020-present
Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Educators in Social Work - Association of Educators in Social work, 2021-2024
Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Educators in Social Work - Association of Educators in Social work, 2024-present
Expert and tutor - Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family/Expert Group within the National
Project "Professional Practice for Students of Social Work and Psychology", 2022-2023
I work with the non-profit organization Cesta von, which has won several awards for developing a unique early intervention program for children from marginalized Roma communities, called Omama. Probably the best known is the award from 2019, when the Omama program won first place in the prestigious international SozialMarie award, which recognizes the best social innovations in Central Europe. The project succeeded among 224 submitted projects from 6 countries. Slovakia thus won gold for the first time during the 15-year history of this award.
International collaboration
At the Department of Social Work, I work as the department coordinator of the Erasmus + program. I develop our international contacts, I am preparing for the conclusion of an agreement on international cooperation with major foreign universities. I send our students and colleagues abroad and I receive foreign ones with us. In cooperation with the non-profit organization Association FOR BETTER LIFE, I work in the international network YEPP (Youth Empowerment Partnership Program), based in Berlin, which is dedicated to promoting youth participation across Europe.
Interesting links
I am very close to the non-profit sector and working in non-governmental organizations, especially with a special focus on working in marginalized Roma communities. I present links to two civic associations (Association FOR A BETTER LIFE and CESTA VON) which implement innovative projects in the social field. cestavon.sk zdruzenieprelepsizivot.sk
Our house is always open for family members and friends. If I don't pay attention to my twins Miško and Magdalénka, I like to read interesting books, watch a good movie and take care of the garden. In winter we ski together, in summer we like to swim.