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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health
S301 | |
+421 55 234 7180 | |
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Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Person responsible for teaching a profile course, study field: Psychology, bachelor degree
Study programme: Person responsible for teaching a profile course, study field: Teacher Training and Education Science, Master degree
Profile courses
KPPaPZ/ZMPPV/15 Introduction to Research Methodology in Education and Psychology - Teacher training combination study programmes, teacher training foundations, Master degree
KPPaPZ/PSBc/06 Bachelors thesis seminar - Teacher training combination study programmes, teacher training foundations, bachelor degree
KPPaPZ/VPMOS/16 Developmental Psychology for Joint-degree Study - Joint degree study - Psychology, bachelor degree
KPPaPZ/USMM/19 Introduction to Statistics for Joint-degree Study - Joint degree study - Psychology, bachelor degree
Selected publications
Bacikova-Sleskova, M., Barbierik, L., & Orosová, O.(2024). Perceived Parental Control, Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Adolescents’ Psychological Adjustment. Does Gender Matter?. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33:1632–1646 (2022: 2.1 – IF, Q2 ) |
Bacikova-Sleskova, M., Barbierik, L., Gajdoš, A. (2024). Family and School Factors Related to Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Adolescence. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 12:1, 54-67. DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2023.2296049 Q2, IF 1.8 |
1. Bačíková, M., Barbierik, L., Kalina, O. (2023). Keď dieťa potrebuje nielen psychológa. Grada, ISBN: 978-80-8090-686-3 |
Bacikova-Sleskova, M., Barbierik, L., Janovská, A., Kalina, O., & Orosová, O. (2021). Did perceived parenting in adolescence change as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown? A natural experiment. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice.10(4), 271–280. , Scopus, Q3 |
Bacikova-Sleskova, M., Benka, J., Orosova, O. (2021). Parental behavioural control and knowledge in early adolescence. A person-oriented approach. Current Psychology, 40:2735–2744. Q2, IF 2.05 |
Selected projects
Project APVV-23-0500, The Slovak Research and Development Agency "In-depth Insights to Teachers' Well-Being: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Teachers' Well-Being, Including the Parent-teacher Relationship" 09/2024 - 06/2028 Principal investigator Annotation: The aim of the project is to understand and promote the well-being of teachers in a national and international context using a mixed methods design (quantitative, qualitative and experimental). Well-being is defined as a specific concept in the context of quality of life, predominantly characterized by positive experiences, optimal functioning in interpersonal relationships. More broadly it can be understood in relation to self as finding or experiencing meaning in life and to fulfilling one´s goals. Within work package WP1, the existing international cooperation will be extended by exploring the factors that contribute to the well-being of teachers and prospective teachers with an emphasis on stress and coping. WP2 will focus on the well-being of teachers with an emphasis on their relationships with pupils´ parents, communication between teachers and parents and parental over- involvement at school. Within WP3, an intervention program will be developed with its effectiveness evaluated using a between subject experimental design. The intervention will focus on improving teacher-parent relationships, teacher self-efficacy in communication with parents as well as coping with problem parents and over-involved parents. A novel statistical approach (network analysis) will be applied to gain a deeper understanding of the complex structure of well-being among teachers and its interconnection with other factors. In order to achieve these goals, previous experience with large international data sets will be drawn on as well as previous evaluations of prevention programme effectiveness and several ongoing international co-operations. The results of the project will be presented in the form of scientific studies and presentations at national and international conferences. The obtained knowledge will be used in practice by offering the intervention program to teachers in practice, study materials for teachers and through educating prospective teachers. |
Project VEGA 1/0523/20 The Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences "Problem behaviour of adolescents. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the protective and risk factors" from 01/2020 to 12/2023; Principal investigator Annotation: Problem behaviour of adolescents is reflected in many externalizing and internalizing behaviours. A comprehensive theoretical model of problem behaviour (Jessor, 2018; Lerner, Simi, 2000) emphasizes the existence of broad risk and protective factors of such behaviour on both interpersonal and intrapersonal level. Current trends in problem behaviour research stress the importance of complex models and longitudinal research designs. This project aims to improve the knowledge regarding the factors associated with problem behaviours by (a) applying a longitudinal design and multilevel modelling, (b) broadening the number of intrapersonal and interpersonal factors investigated in relation to problem behaviour in order to achieve a better understanding of the complexity of this behaviour, (c) focusing on a vulnerable group of adolescents in psychological care who manifest high levels of problem behaviour, (d) including data from more informants. |
Project VEGA-1/0623/17 The Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences "An analysis of social and personal characteristics of adolescents in relation to indicators of risk behavior in the context of family processes.! from 01/2017 to 12/2019 ; Principal investigator Annotation: The main goal of this project is to analyze social and personal characteristics of adolescents in relation to indicators of risk behavior in the context of family processes. In this project, the existing longitudinal datasets will be analyzed and additional data will be obtained from adolescents and their parents. The goal is to analyze the discrepancies in the perception of family processes between parents and adolescents; explore changes in family processes, social and personal characteristics and risk behavior of adolescents as well as to analyze potential moderators of these relationships. The findings will be disseminated via publications in scientific journals and presented at international scientific conferences. |
Project KEGA – 016UPJŠ-4/2017 ; Kultural and educational grant agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Academy of Sciences "Fidelity of the universal drug prevention program “Unplugged” in the context of Slovak primary schools." from 01/2017 to 12/2019 Investigator Annotation: There is an urgent need for data-based prevention programs in Slovakia. This project aims to update and implement the universal drug prevention program “Unplugged” which has been experimentally tested since 2012 on a representative sample of Slovak primary school pupils and its effectiveness is being evaluated. More specifically, the aim of this project is to explore the fidelity of this prevention program with regard to its individual components (adherence, exposition, susceptibility, quality of intervention implementation, differences in intervention) update the program and secure conditions for implementation through the application of successive methodic and procedural features of effective prevention programs: professional and methodical background of implementation (updated methodic manual, university handbook of methodology for teachers) professional training of teachers – future leaders of prevention program “Unplugged”; monitoring the effectiveness of the program with regard to its professional and training level. We assume that this project can influence prevention activities in schools within the whole country. |
Project APVV-15-0662, The Slovak Research and Development Agency "Psychological mechanism of risk behavior change of schoolchildren and university students. Risk behavior and migration/emigration intentions." from 07/16 to 12/20 Investigator Annotation: The aim of the first part of the project is to build on and further develop databased prevention of substance use (SU) among schoolchildren and university students (Solomon four group design will be used to address program effectiveness among schoolchildren and university students). The effectiveness of the universal prevention program of SU Unplugged will be also explored by using comparisons of its implementation with and without booster sessions. Particular attention will be paid to the exploration of the short term and long term effectiveness of the Unplugged program (up to 3 years) also in the context of risk behavior of parents and the context of family processes which will be based on comparative parent-child data. The second part of the project is to focus on the exploration of university students´ intentions regarding migration (national) and emigration (international) and their changes in Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and other cooperating EU countries in relation risk behavior and personal and environmental resources. The further aim of the second part of the project is to explore opinions about migration and emigration of schoolchildren and their changes in relation risk behavior and their predictors. |
International mobilities and visits
Universtiy West, Trollhattan, Sweden, 8.5.2023-12.5.2023, Erazmus
Department of Social Medicine, University of Groningen, Medical Center,, Groningen, The Netherlands, 15.2. – 14.5. 2004, Erazmus +
Organisational activities
member of academic senat of UPJŠ - Academic sena tFF UPJŠ, 2023-ongoing
member of selecting comittee - National Scholarship program, 2023-ongoing
national representative - EARA - European Association for Research in Adolescence, 2012 - ongoing
member - European Health Psychology Association EHPS, 2004-2009
department coordinator Erazmus+ - Faculty of Arts UPJŠ, 2008- 2023
Department coordinator Socrates-Erazmus - Faculty of Science UPJŠ, 2004-2006
Ongoing project (principal investigator) 2023-2028 APVV-23-0500 In-depth Insights to Teachers' Well-Being: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Teachers' Well-Being, Including the Teacher-parent Relationship
International collaboration
University West, Trolhattan Sweden University of Bruxelles, Belgium
- member of European Association of Research on Adolescence EARA - member of European Health Psychology Association EHPS - member of Child and Adolescent Public Health section of the EUPHA (European Public Health association) - reviewer for impact factor journals (napr. Journal of Child and Family, Current Psychology, Applied Research in Quality of Life, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships,...)
Interesting links