Mgr. Mgr. Mária Fedorčáková, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KH - Department of History
+421 55 234 7157
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-6799-6242

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
University of Prešov, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, 2006, Teacher training and education science, music - history
Second degree of higher education:
University of Prešov, Faculty of Arts, 2007, History, Archival Science, Auxiliary Sciences
Third degree of higher education:
University of Prešov, Faculty of Arts, Department of History, 2011, Slovak history

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
History of Slovakia 1780 - 1918 - History, single degree study, Bachelor level degree
Museums and Cultural Heritage - History, Master level degree
Master´s Thesis Seminar I - History, Master level degree
Master´s Thesis Seminar II - History, Master level degree
History of Slovakia 1780 - 1918 - History, joint degree study, Bachelor level degree
Bachelor Thesis Seminar I - History, joint degree study, Bachelor level degree
Bachelor Thesis Seminar II - History, joint degree study, Bachelor level degree
Master´s Thesis Seminar I - Teaching of Academic Subjects - History, Master level degree
Master´s Thesis Seminar - Teaching of Academic Subjects - History, Master level degree
Selected publications

AAB Scientific monographs published in domestic publishing house

Civitas nostra Bardfa vocata : Správa mesta Bardejov v stredoveku (1320 - 1526)

Košice : Bessarion, 2021, 239 p. [12,2 AH],, ISBN 9788097395001

ADN - Articles published in domestic journals indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS 

„V cnosti svätej poslušnosti.“ Moc a autorita jágerských biskupov v komunikácii s mestom Bardejov v stredoveku

Studia Historica Nitriensia, ISSN 1338-7219, Vol. 24, nr. 1 (2020), pp. 36-52

ADN - Articles published in domestic journals indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS 

Medzi radnicou a kostolom: mestská škola v Bardejove v stredoveku

In: Mesto a dejiny. - ISSN 1339-0163. - Vol. 6, nr. 2 (2017), pp. 48-61.

V3 Spory o česť, rituály násilia a konflikty v stredovekom Bardejove / Mária Fedorčáková.

In: Forum historiae : časopis a portál pre históriu a príbuzné spoločenské vedy. - ISSN 1337-6861. - Vol. 16, nr. 2 (2022), pp. 21-37. 10.31577/forhist.2022.16.2.3 DOI; SCOPUS; 2022 Nordic List=1 [OV 030]; [ŠO 7115]

[FEDORČÁKOVÁ, Mária (100%) ]

ADE - Articles in journals abroad

Sociálne a hospodárske väzby medzi bardejovskými mešťanmi a mešťanmi z Malopoľska a Sliezska v prvej polovici 15. storočia

Res Gestae : Czasopismo historyczne, ISSN 2450-4475, Vol. 4, nr. 6 (2018), pp. 69-84

Selected projects

2023 Little Big Women. Summer School of Historical Sources for Family Research and Gender History. Visegrad Fund č. 22230253



2023 - 2027 VEGA 2/0017/23 Legal norm versus judicial practice. Historical, Discursive and Social Aspects of Justice, Crime and Punishment in

medieval and early modern periods. (member)

2023 - 2024 VVGS 2023 - 2676 History of university education in Košice. Project leader.

Since the 19th century, the history of university education has constituted a separate field of historical

research, which since its inception has focused mainly on the history of the oldest universities in the European

area. In addition to research on institutional history, which still has a firm place in the discipline, historians

have also focused their interest on other topics related to university education - academic peregrination,

intellectual networks, the concept of the university idea, university tradition and culture and their

manifestations. The present project is a continuation of the research of sources on university history in Košice,

which was carried out in 2019-2023 through the projects VVGS - PCOV History of UPJŠ and Historical Digital

Archive (HiDA) I - III. Within these projects, heuristic research of sources on the history of the University of

Košice (1657 - 1777), its successor institutions and research on the university tradition that can be traced in

Košice over three centuries up to the current UPJŠ, founded in 1959, was carried out. The knowledge presented

above represents an information base not only for further scientific research, but also for use in the teaching

process. The course History of University Education in Košice provides an opportunity to familiarize students

with the multilayered activities of individual academic institutions in the city, their personnel history and

influence on the city's society and culture. The present project aims to create a content concept for teaching

university history in Košice through multimedia study material that will synthesize the existing knowledge of

research on university history and at the same time present it in an interactive form. The history of individual

academic institutions, personalities associated with higher education, university tradition and culture and their

manifestations in the environment of academic institutions, university architecture and its functions in the

urban space will have their place here. This will not be an exclusively linear and institutional conception of

university history, but an introduction to the various thematic areas that together form the structure of the

history of university education in a particular city. A course designed in this way creates space for the

development of interdisciplinary relations and leads students to actively explore the history of their own

institution, city and region.

2022 - 2023 VVGS 2022 - 2112 The History of UPJŠ and Historical Digital Archive (HiDA) III. Project leader.

2020 - 2021 VVGS 2020 - 1661 The History of UPJŠ and Historical Digital Archive (HiDA) II. Project leader.

International mobilities and visits
University of Szeged, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Medieval and Early Modern History, Szeged, Hungary, 1 - 31. April 2009, Research fellowship
The State Archive in Poznań, Poznań, Poland, jun 2008, Internship
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Instytut Historii i Archivistiki, Krakow, 6.1.2024 - 13. 1. 2024, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training
Slovak Historical Institute in Rome, Via della Concilliazione 44, 00193 Rome, 29.6.2024 - 13.7.2024, Research scholarship in Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu
Organisational activities
Member of the editorial board - Archívny almanach, since 2023
Member of the scientific society - MECERN - Medieval Central European Network, since 2018
Member of the scientific society - Slovak Historical Society at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, since 2018
Member of the scientific society - Košice Historical Society, since 2018
Member of the scientific society - EAUH - European Association for Urban History, 2018 - 2021

Further information