doc. Marián Milčák, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KSSFaK - Department of Slovak Studies, Slavonic Philologies, and Communication
+421 55 234 7127
Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Sjb Slovak Language and Literature - a person responsible for the teaching the profile courses of the study programme, study field: Philology, Bachelor degree
Study programme: Sjm Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature - a person responsible for the teaching the profile courses of the study programme, study field: Teacher Training and Education Science, Master degree
Study programme: SJb Interdisciplinary Study of Slovak Language and Literature (sub-programme) - a member of the State Examinations Board, study field: Philology, Bachelor degree
Study programme: LV Literary Science - a person responsible for the teaching the profile courses of the study programme, study field: Philology, PhD. degree
Study programme: LV Literary Science, a member of the Subject Area Board for Doctoral Studies, study field: Philology, PhD. degree
Profile courses
KSSFaK/SLL45/15 Slovak Literature after 1945 - Interdisciplinary Study of Slovak Language and Literature (sub-programme), Bachelor degree
KSSFaK/L89/09 Slovak Literature after 1989 - Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature, Master degree
KSSFaK/PPTEE/08 Poetics of Prosaic Text - Literary Science, PhD. degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: LV Literary Science, a member of the Board of the Field of Habilitation and Inauguration Proceeding, study field to which it is assigned: Philology
Selected publications

On transformation of the subject in contemporary poetry (Zbigniew Herbert and Rudolf Jurolek) / Milčák Marián, 2015.

In: Slavisticna Revija. - ISSN 0350-6894. - Vol. 63, no. 3 (2015), s. 327-337. SCOPUS.

Krátko o minimalizme (Štefan Strážay v retrospektíve) / Milčák, Marián [Autor, 100%] ; Zelenka, Miloš [Recenzent] ; Tivadar, Hotimir [Recenzent]

In: Sedemdeset let slovakistike v Ljubljani : Posvečeno Andreju Rozmanu / Šramel, Špela Sevšek [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Pallay, Jozef [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – Ljubljana (Slovinsko) : Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2017. – ISBN 978-961-237-956-8, s. 189-193.

ID: 109114 | Teserakt [textový dokument (print)] / Milčák, Marián [Autor, 100%]. – 1. vyd. – Levoča (Slovensko) : Vydavateľstvo Modrý Peter, 2018. – 56 s. [3,00 AH]. – ISBN 978-80-89545-69-8.

ID: 453606 | Provinčné básne [textový dokument (print)] / Milčák, Marián [Autor, 100%]. – 1. vyd. – Levoča (Slovensko) : Vydavateľstvo Modrý Peter, 2021. – 80 s. [tlačená forma]. – (Mušľa). – ISBN 978-80-8245-004-3.

ID: 167878 | K poetike vnemu. Krátka nad/interpretácia Stachovej básne "Po návšteve" / Milčák, Marián [Autor, 100%]

In: Fraktál [textový dokument (print)] : literatúra horizontálne a vertikálne. – Závod (Slovensko) : Fraktál. – ISSN 2585-8912. – Roč. 2, č. 3 (2019), s. 33-35 [tlačená forma].

Selected projects

Grant scheme: VEGA Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, science, research and sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, registration number 1/0467/21

Project title: Formability of Subject and its Non-tradidional Forms in Creating the Image of Man in Contemporary Slovak Poetry

Implementation period: 01/21 - 12/23

Position: principal investigator

Vedúci projektu VEGA.

The ambition of the project is literary-critical reserach into the category of what is called lyrical subject (or speaker) in contemporary poetry, its prospective formability and plurality. It will be an attempt to optimise the categorisation of lyrical subject and to create a broader and more adequate conceptual platform that would start from close reading of poetical texts to reflect contemporary authorial strategies oriented to create the image of man and diverse models of its emotional world. The author will not go into the research into the category of subject in isolation but in close connection to particular authorial strategies (and poetics). The research will possible parallels in other literatures (Polish, Czech, wrold) take into consideration with respect to artistic performance and axiological overlap.

Grant scheme: KEGA Cultural and Educational Agency, registration number 022UPJŠ-4/2017

Project title: Language and Literature in Contemporary Socio-Cultural and Medial Context

Implementation period: 01/17 - 12/19

Position: member of research team

The project was oriented on extension, completion and integration of the curriculum for students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level of university studies of Slovak language and literature and massmedia studies as well by way of non-traditional forms of presentation of language and culture as a socio-cultural phenomenom. The plan was to introduce linguistic, literary and medial issues in a broader context - both as a historical nad cultural heritage and as a topical and dynamical phenomenon, whereas all these phenomena can be learned in mutual live interaction. Various forms were used to this kind of introduction and completion of the curriculum of teaching Slovak language and literature, and massmedia communication - chats with authors, literary excursions, excursion tours on particular places in Slovakia related to notable persons related to language, literature and culture, workshops aimed at writing various kinds of messages (from literature, journalistic genres to websites) and interactive co-operation with distinguished contemporary artists, lectures of prominent figures not only from linguistics, literature and media art, but also from other fields of art and culture. All these activities can add to deeper understaning of the national cultural heritage of Slovakia in broader (transnational) context, too and at the same time encourage students to seek active and intergrating perception of language, literature as a live part of philologically oriented studies.

International mobilities and visits
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana, May 20 - 23, 2019, Erasmus+
Organisational activities
chats with Slovak writers - organiser, moderator - Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2016 -
co-operation with the Department of Slovak Studies, Faculty of Arts, University in Ljubljana - reviewer, supervisor, consultant - Faculty of Arts, University in Ljubljana, 2015 -
reviewer of academic publications and anthologies - Modrý Peter Publishing House, Levoča, Slovakia, 1992 -

Further information