Mgr. Martina Semešiová   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KPS - Department of Psychology
+421 55 234 7158
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Selected projects

Registration Number: VEGA 1/0853/21 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy Of Science

Project title: Specifics of the transition to adulthood in the context of goals and selected personality variables and their impact on the subjective well-being of young adults.

Project solution period: since 2021

Position in the project: investigator

Abstract: The aim of the presented project is to examine the specific features of the period of transition to adulthood, in terms of personal goals and goal-oriented behavior. The project builds on the successfully completed project VEGA Processes of self-regulation in achieving distal goals and use the acquired knowledge about the role of target characteristics (importance, achievability, target progress and motivation) in the process of forming personal goals in specific conditions of emerging adulthood. With regard to current trends in research, the aim of the project is to examine the links between personal goals and identity formation and selected individual characteristics of young people (optimism, hope, intolerance of uncertainty) and to clarify their impact on subjective well-being. These project goals will be pursued through cross-sectional and longitudinal research, which also allows for monitoring of developmental changes.