Mgr. Ondrej Kalina, PhD.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KPPaPZ - Department of Educational Psychology and Psychology of Health
+421 55 234 7109

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of Presov, 2005, psychology
Third degree of higher education:
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, 2012, medical sciences

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
KPPaPZ/SPMOS/16 Social psychology for interdisciplinary study - Psychology, Joint degree study - Psychology, Bc. degree
KPS/PEM/05 Psychology of emotions and motivation - Psychology, Joint degree study - Psychology, Bc. degree
KPS/KOGPS/11 Cognitive psychology - Psychology, Joint degree study - Psychology, Bc. degree
Selected publications

Kalina, Ondrej; Orosova, Olga; Kriaucioniene, Vilma; Lukács, Andrea; Miovsky, Michal. Self-Regulation, Normative Beliefs, Alcohol Use and Consequences among University Students from Eastern Europe. Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja. Journal for general social issues; 30(3), p.: 467-485, 2021.Q3, IF 0.5

Kalina O, Orosová O, Kriaucioniene V, Lukács A. The role of self-regulation and life-optimism in sexual risk behaviour in university students from Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia. Health Problems of Civilization. 2017; 11(3), p.:180-189, 2017.

Kalina, O. Value orientations and risky sexual behaviour among first year university students. Health Problems of Civilization. 14(1), p.: 9-17, 2020.

McAlaney J., Dempsey R.C., Helmer S.M., Van Hal G., Bewick B.M., Akvardar Y., Guillén-Grima F., Orosova O., Kalina O., Stock C., Zeeb H. Negative Consequences of Substance Use in European University Students: Results from Project SNIPE. European Addiction Research. 27 (1), p.:75-82, 2021. Q1, IF 3.01

VAN HAL, G., TAVOLACCI, MP., STOCK, Ch., VRIESACKER, B., OROSOVÁ, O., KALINA, O., et al. European University Students' Experiences and Attitudes toward Campus Alcohol Policy: A Qualitative Study. Substance Use & Misuse. 53(9), p.: 1539-1548.Q2, IF 1.1

Selected projects

Co-researcher: JUST-2019-AG-DRUGS:

SUPPORTING INITIATIVES IN THE FIELD OF DRUGS POLICY (European Commission JUSTICE PROGRAMME). IMPRESA - Implementing Methamphetamine Prevention Strategies into Action. 01/2021 – 12/2022. Co-investigator of the project. The project is focused on the selection and implementation of specific intervention packages aimed at preventing methamphetamine use in selected European cities. At the level of individual pilot cities, the most appropriate methamphetamine prevention strategy will be developed according to specific local needs and resources and based on the results of mapping of all stakeholders. The intervention strategy will then be implemented at the local level.


Co-researcher: VEGA 1/0523/20

The scientific grant agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Problem behaviour of adolescents. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the protective and risk factors. 2020-2022. Co-investigator of the project. The project aims to improve the knowledge regarding the factors associated with problem behaviours by (a) applying a longitudinal design and multilevel modelling, (b) broadening the number of intrapersonal and interpersonal factors investigated in relation to problem behaviour in order to achieve a better understanding of the complexity of this behaviour, (c) focusing on a vulnerable group of adolescents in psychological care who manifest high levels of problem behaviour, (d) including data from more informants.


Co-researcher: VEGA 1/0623/17

The scientific grant agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Analysis of personal-social characteristics and risk behavior indicators of adolescents in the context of family processes. Co-investigator of the project. 2017-2019. The main goal of this project is to analysze social and personal characteristics of adolescents in relation to indicators of risk behaviour in the context of family processes. In this project, the existing longitudinal datasets will be analyszed and additional data will be obtained from adolescents and their parents. The goal is to analysze the discrepancies in the perception of family processes between parents and adolescents; explore changes in family processes, social and personal characteristics and risk behaviour of adolescents as well as to analysze potential moderators of these relationships.



The International Sex Survey (ISS) under the auspices of the Department of Psychology at the University of Montreal in Canada, covering 45 countries around the world, aims to: (1) validate publicly available questionnaires that can reliably assess the various sexual behaviors that can be used in future research and practice, (2) examine risk and protective factors contributing to problematic and non-problematic forms of sexual behavior (with particular emphasis on compulsive behavior and problematic use of pornography), and (3) identification of populations at risk of developing problematic sexual behavior, which can be addressed in preventive measures and interventions. All original research information is available here. Media partner: Press Agency of the Slovak Republic - TASR



APVV-15-0662 The Slovak Research and Development Agency. Psychological mechanism of changes in risk behavior of pupils and college students. Risk behavior and emigration and migration intentions. 2016-2020. Co-investigator of the projec.The aim of the first part of the project is to build on and further develop databased prevention of substance use (SU) among schoolchildren and university students (Solomon four group design will be used to address program effectiveness among schoolchildren and university students). The effectiveness of the universal prevention program of SU Unplugged will be also explored by using comparisons of its implementation with and without booster sessions. Particular attention will be paid to the exploration of the short term and long term effectiveness of the Unplugged program (up to 3 years) also in the context of risk behavior of parents and the context of family processes which will be based on comparative parent-child data. The second part of the project is to focus on the exploration of university students´ intentions regarding migration (national) and emigration (international) and their changes in Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and other cooperating EU countries in relation risk behavior and personal and environmental resources. The further aim of the second part of the project is to explore opinions about migration and emigration of schoolchildren and their changes in relation risk behavior and their predictors.


Organisational activities
member of state commissions at bachelor's and master's degree - Faculty of Arts

Further information