Mgr. Pavol Kačmár, PhD., university associate professor   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KPS - Department of Psychology
+421 55 234 7137

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
University of Pavol Jozef Šafarik in Košice, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Arts, Department of psychology, 2012, Psychology
Second degree of higher education:
University of Pavol Jozef Šafarik in Košice, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Arts, Department of psychology, 2014, Psychology
Third degree of higher education:
University of Pavol Jozef Šafarik in Košice, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Arts, Department of psychology, 2017, Social psychology and psychology of work

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: PSYb - Psychology - Member of the Commission for State Final Examinations, study field: Psychology, bachelor I. degree degree
Study programme: PSM_en - Psychology - Member of the Commission for State Final Examinations, study field: Psychology, master II. degree degree
Profile courses
KPS/KOGPS/11 Cognitive psychology - Psychology, bachelor I. degree degree
KPS/STP/21 Current trends in psychology - Psychology, master II. degree degree
KPS/MMS/05 Multidimensional Statistical Methods - Psychology, Ph.D. III. degree degree
Selected publications

V3_009 | Intolerance of uncertainty and reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bavoľár, Jozef, Kačmár, Pavol, Hricová, Monika, Schrötter, Jana, Kováčová Holevová, Bibiána, Köverová, Miroslava, Ráczová, Beáta, The Journal of General Psychology. Abington: Taylor & Francis Group. Routledge, 2023, Roč. 150, č. 2, s. 143-170 [online]. ISSN 0022-1309. ISSN (online) 1940-0888. SCOPUS (3.25 IF2022, Q1)

V3 9 | Crisis Due to Uncertainty? The Role of Information Processing Styles and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Progress and Crisis during Goal-Striving / Pavol Kačmár, Miroslava Korbová, Jozef Bavoľár. In: Studia Psychologica - ISSN 0039-3320. - Roč. 65, č. 1 (2023), s. 36-55. 10.31577/sp.2023.01.865. SCOPUS (CCC; WOS CC; IF 0,953; Q3; 50%)

010960 Replikačné štúdie v psychológii: pojednanie o dvoch dôležitých otázkach / Pavol Kačmár, Matúš Adamkovič. – WOS CC; SCOPUS; CCC. In: Československá psychologie: časopis pro psychologickou teorii a praxi=Czechoslovak psychology. - ISSN 0009-062X. - Roč. 64, č. 1 (2020), s. 66-83. CCC (0.471 - IF2020/2021, Q3).

011472 | To which world regions does the valence - dominance model of social perception apply? - SCOPUS; CCC; WOS CC; In: Nature Human Behaviour. - ISSN 2397-3374. - Roč. 5, č. 1 (2021), s. 159-169. 10.1038/s41562-020-01007-2 (13.663 - IF2020/2021, Q1).

011795  | A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic /Ke Wang. et al. SCOPUS; CCC; WOS CC; In: Nature Human Behaviour. - ISSN 2397-3374. - Roč. 5, č. 8 (2021), s. 1089-1110. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4878591.v1 (13.663 - IF2020/2021, Q1).

Selected projects

Registration Number: APVV-20-0319 Slovak Reseach and Development Agency Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic

Project title: Behavioural aspects of COVID-19: Mapping the COVID-related behaviours and psychological, social, and economic consequences of the pandemic

Project solution period: 2021 – 2024

Position in the project: investigator (responsible for UPJŠ)

Abstract: Because the COVID-19 situation requires (and will require) substantial changes in human behaviour and creates significant burdens on individuals’ daily life, insights from behavioural sciences should be of immense value for epidemiologists, public health experts, policymakers, or other authorities in order to make evidence-driven decisions in tackling the current challenges as well as the consequences of the pandemic. The real value of such information is, unfortunately, often underestimated. Only a relatively small fraction of the research attempts to map COVID-related behaviours and trends in the consequences of the pandemic from a pragmatic and generalizable viewpoint. The dearth of complex representative data on these issues makes it difficult to implement evidence-based policies or to build reliable prognostic models. The proposed project, therefore, aims (1) to examine the explicit behaviours related to the pandemic and their sychological/sociological correlates, allowing thus to unfold the structure of the actual adherence to regulations; (2) to examine post-COVID-19 long-term development and trends in mental health, social relationships, economic well-being, and overall quality of life in time. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide both the general public and authorities with a set of valid, complex, and representative behavioural data and reports. This would substantially increase the effectiveness of tackling this pandemic and its consequences and would help in creating better-prepared strategies for crisis prevention and management. As we embrace open science practices, all materials, data, and outputs of the project will be freely available, which guarantees the sustainability and the importance of this project even long after the current COVID-19 crisis.

Registration Number: APVV-19-0284 Slovak Reseach and Development Agency Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic

Project title: Factors in the selection and achievement of long-term goals for young people in the period of transition to adulthood.

Project solution period: 2020 – 2024

Position in the project: investigator

Abstract:The main goal of the project is to examine the targeting and planning of the future of young people aged 20 to 30. The result should be the identification of long-term goals and the state of planning in the area of ​​development tasks. Given the declared instability, as a characteristic of the observed development period, we plan to find out whether there is a change in goals, variability of target characteristics and whether there is a postponement of achieving development tasks to a later period. This objective is specified through the following objectives: to find out the current state of future planning by reviewing the long-term goals of young people over the period of 20 to 30 years; examine the stability of target ideas and the motivational and self-regulatory context of achieving targets over a given age period; to find out the significance of individual differences in goal-oriented behavior in developmental goals in the period of transition to adulthood, both in setting and achieving them. The topicality of the research is given by the use of current approaches and research methods to clarify the dynamics of motivational-self-regulatory context to goal-oriented behavior in a given age period.

Registration Number: VEGA 1/0748/19 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy Of Science

Project title: Decision-making characteristics and crisis in the process of achieving goals.

Project solution period: 2018 - 2021

Position in the project: investigator

Abstract: The project focused on the role of selected decision-making characteristics, goal characteristics and motivation in the emergence of obstacles threatening the achievement of the goal and the subsequent emergence of the crisis in achieving the goals (action crisis). The project aims to examine which decision-making methods (operationalized as decision-making styles) interact with motivation (internal / external, approach / avoidance) and goal characteristics (eg commitment to achieve the goal, perceived difficulty of the goal, goal self-effectiveness, effort, progress) related to the action crisis. This goal of the project was achieved within the framework of cross-sectional as well as longitudinal research, which also enabled the monitoring of time changes or causal relationships.

Registration Number: VEGA 1/0853/21 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy Of Science

Project title: Specifics of the transition to adulthood in the context of goals and selected personality variables and their impact on the subjective well-being of young adults.

Project solution period: since 2021

Position in the project: investigator

Abstract: The aim of the presented project is to examine the specific features of the period of transition to adulthood, in terms of personal goals and goal-oriented behavior. The project builds on the successfully completed project VEGA Processes of self-regulation in achieving distal goals and use the acquired knowledge about the role of target characteristics (importance, achievability, target progress and motivation) in the process of forming personal goals in specific conditions of emerging adulthood. With regard to current trends in research, the aim of the project is to examine the links between personal goals and identity formation and selected individual characteristics of young people (optimism, hope, intolerance of uncertainty) and to clarify their impact on subjective well-being. These project goals will be pursued through cross-sectional and longitudinal research, which also allows for monitoring of developmental changes.


Registration Number: APVV-16-0035 Slovak Reseach and Development Agency Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of the Slovak republic

Project title: Research into extralinguistic factors of word-formation and word-interpretation.

Project solution period: 2017 - 2021

Position in the project: investigator

Abstract: The project was focused on the role of creative potential in terms of selected aspects of divergent thinking in word-formation and word interpretation. The main goal of the project was accomplished in a series of inter-disciplinary research.

Organisational activities
Invited lecture for PhD. students: Experiments in psychology. - SvÚ CSPV SAV, 29.6.2020
Invited lecture for PhD. students: Open science and reproducible of psychological research - the role of Pre-registration. - Katedra psychológie FF UK v Prahe, 14.03.2019

Further information