doc. PhDr. Peter Nezník, CSc.   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KF - Department of Philosophy
+421 55 234 7134

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Leningrad State University, Faculty of Philosophy, 1985, Philosophy, History of Philosophy
Third degree of higher education:
Saint Petersbug State University, Faculty of Philosophy, 1991, Philosophy, History of Philosophy
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts, 2011, Philosophy, History of Philosophy

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Teaching of Citizenship Education (VOm) - a person responsible for the teaching the profile courses of the study programme, a member of Study Programme Board, study field: Teacher Training and Education Science, Master degree
Profile courses
KF/AXIJ/22 Axiology - Philosophy (Fib), Bachelor degree
KF/FMOPs/15 History of Philosophy - Psychology, Bachelor degree
KF/DFIL/15 History of Philosophy - Slovak and Media Studies, Bachelor degree
KF/DFPs/06 - Psychology, Bachelor degree
Selected publications

AED / Šestov: Dostojevskij a Nietzsche (tragické dvojčatá a ich dielo filozofia tragédie) / Peter Nezník ; recenzenti Vladislav Dudinský,

Tomáš Hauer. - Projekt: Dostojevskij a Nietzsche v kontextoch česko-slovenskej a ruskej filozofie 19. a 20. storočia - VEGA 1/0715/16. In: Nezník, P.; Markov, B. a kol.: Dostojevskij a Nietzsche. Tragický osud človeka. Za a proti.... - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. - ISBN 9788081526329. - S. 229-264.

Shestov: Dostoevsky and Nietzsche (the tragic twins and their work – philosophy tragedy)

AED / Lev Šestov: Strach, obavy a proroctvá... / Peter Nezník ; recenzenti A. Démuth, T. Pružinec. - Projekt: Dostojevskij a Nietzsche v kontextoch česko-slovenskej a ruskej filozofie 19. a 20. storočia - VEGA 1/0715/16. In: Acta moralia Tyrnaviensia IX : dráma slobody v slovanskom svete 20. storočia. - 2019. - ISBN 9788381111195. - S. 139-146.

Peter Nezník: Lev Shestow: Fear, Concerns and Prophecies...

V3 / O vrede i poľze pamjati dlja žizni / Peter Nezník. - recenzované. In: Studia Culturae. - ISSN 2225-3211. - č. 4 (46) (2020), s. 250-258.

[OV 020]; [ŠO 6107]

[NEZNÍK, Peter (100%) ]

Peter Nezník: About the dangers and benefits of memory for life

AED / Achmatovová. Životná dráma ženy vo veršoch / Peter Nezník. - recenzované. In: Žena hrdinka : Zborník príspevkov.

(Ed. A. Katreničová) - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2021. - ISBN 9788081529870. - S. 126-140.

Peter Nezník: Akhmatova. The life drama of a woman in verse.

V3 / Pandemija scopus-virusa / Peter Nezník. - recenzované. In: Vestnik Rossijskogo filosofskogo obščestva. - ISSN 1606-6251. - Roč. 93, č. 3-4 (2020), s. 154-165. 10.21146/1606-6251-2020-3/4-154-165 DOI;

[OV 020]; [ŠO 6107]

[NEZNÍK, Peter (100%) ]


Peter Nezník: Pandemic scopus-virus.

FAI7 / Dostojevskij a Nietzsche. Tragický osud človeka. Za a proti... / Editori Peter Nezník, Boris Markov ; recenzenti Vladislav Dudinský, Tomáš Hauer. - 1. vyd. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. - 446 s. - Projekt: Dostojevskij a Nietzsche v kontextoch česko-slovenskej a ruskej filozofie 19. a 20. storočia - VEGA 1/0715/16. - ISBN 9788081526329.

[NEZNÍK, Peter (50%) - MARKOV, Boris (50%) ]

Dostoevsky and Nietzsche. The tragic fate of man. For and against ... /Eds. Peter Nezník, Boris Markov/

V3 / Philosophy of Tragedy - The Writer and Hamlet (Poet and Philosopher) [elektronický zdroj] / Peter Nezník. In: SKASE Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies. - ISSN 2644-5506. - Roč. 5, č. 1 (2023), s. 29-47, online. - Spôsob prístupu: http://www.skase.sk/Volumes/SJLCS10/03.pdf.

[OV 020]; [ŠO 6107]

[NEZNÍK, Peter (100%) ]

V3 / Demenovskij raj. Začem nužny logiki? Jaroslav Anatoljevič Slinin / Peter Nezník. - recenzované. -

Projekt: Koncept ženy hrdinky v stredovekej exegetickej literatúre - VEGA 1/0257/20.

In: Logiko-filosofskie študii=Logical and Philosophical Studies. - ISSN 2071-9183. - Roč. 20, č. 2 (2022), s. 122-145. 10.52119/LPHS.2022.61.28.009 DOI;

[OV 020]; [ŠO 6107]

[NEZNÍK, Peter (100%) ]

Peter Nezník: The Demänova Paradise. What are Logicians for? Yaroslav Anatolyevich Slinin.

Selected projects

Grand scheme: VEGA 1/0232/21 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy of Science


Project title:

Implementation period: 01/2021 - 12/2023

doc. PhDr. Štefan Jusko, PhD - invetigator/

Position: member of research team

The main research goal of the project is to subject historical-philosophical and philosophical interpretation to thorough analysis of the relationship between philosophy and science from the point of view of non-analytic philosophy (in our case phenomenological), further from the point of view analytical philosophy and finally also from the point of view of Nietzsche's concept of perspectivism. In this context, we will put special emphasis on examining Nietzsche's attitude to science, which is more or less in our philosophical environment unexamined. This "forgotten", or We will shift the "bypassed" dimension of Nietzsche's philosophical legacy to significant attention. The reason is more than understandable - the mutual conditionality of two opposite views of the world of man, based on the concretization of Nietzsche's method of perspectivism. This method points out that perspectivist, situational goals are in each time sequence the result of the mutual conditionality of the scientific image of the world (the world that we can know mathematically) and the lived world (which is exclusively personal, i.e. the world of my identity, which is about one's own being). The result of this relationship is a synergistic experience: man is in the world, but at the same time, the world is in man.

Hypothesis: The generator of the dynamic relationship of phenomenology, analytical philosophy and Nietzsche's philosophy to science (and vice versa) is the mutual conditionality of the scientific picture of the world and our natural world. But the point is to learn to tame Western self-destructive rationality. And Nietzsche is surprisingly still the most inspiring in this.

Grand scheme: VEGA 1/0257/20 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy of Science


Project title: The concept of woman heroine in the medieval exegetic literature.

Koncept ženy hrdinky v stredovekej exegetickej literatúre.

Implementation period: 01/2020 - 12/2022

/Mgr. et Mgr. Anabela Katreničová PhD - invetigator/

Position: member of research team

(completed successfully)

The aim of this scientific project consists in the study of the medieval interpretation of the woman heroine concept, which leaves the gender stereotypes by her courage and will, crosses over her social status and influences the history. The analysis issues from the study of the selective exegetical texts and the medieval latin authors, which participated by their interpretations on the creation of the image of the strong woman capable to change her destiny and destiny of her family. The result of the project will be the publication of the several studies concerning the detailed analysis of the archetypes of the biblical women and finally the publication of the monograph focusing on the different views of the woman status and role in the medieval exegetical literature reflecting the social situation of the time. At the same time the monograph provides the presentation of the development of the relationship of the society toward woman, who finally finds there her stable position.

Grand scheme: VEGA 1/0715/16 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy of Science

Project title: Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche in context of Czecho-Slovakian and Russian philosophy in 19th and 20th Centuries.

Dostojevskij a Nietzsche v kontextoch česko-slovenskej a ruskej filozofie 19. a 20. storočia.

Implementation period: 01/2016 - 12/2018

Position: Principal Investigator

(completed successfully)

The project makes problem of man the centre of attention through correlations of Czech, Slovak and Russian

philosophers and their relation to the philosophy and philosophical aspects of works of Dostoyevsky and

Nietzsche. Furthermore, the project examines the connection between Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche. Even though

Dostoyevsky´s influence on Nietzsche is evident. Among Czech and Slovak philosophers, the project studies

Masaryk, Patočka, Münz and the authors like Gálik, Červeňák and others. Russian philosophers from the period

of the turn of 19th and 20th century represent the largest sample to be studied. Many of them were writing works

in exile, in Czechoslovakia as well. These philosophers, namely Solovyov, Berdyaev, Lossky, Perfecky, Frank,

Shestov and others followed so-called Russian Enlightenment in 19th century. Our aim is to show the connection

between Russian and Czechoslovakian culture. The credo of this effort is the statement of Dostoyevsky: "Europe

as well as Russia is our mother."

Grand scheme: APVV-14-0706 Slovak Research and Development Agency

Project title: Heidegger, metaphysics and History of Philosophy

Heidegger, metafyzika a dejiny filozofie.

Implementation period: 07/2015 - 06/2018

Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. V. Leško, CSc.

Position: member of research team

(completed successfully)

Grand scheme: VEGA 1/0536/12 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy of Science

Project title: Slovak philosophy of the 20th century in the international context (ideas, inspirations and disputes).

Slovenská filozofia 20. storočia v medzinárodnom kontexte (idey, inšpirácie a spory).

Implementation period: 01/2012 - 12/2014

Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. MA. E. Lalíková, PhD.

Position: member of research team

(completed successfully)

Grand scheme: VEGA 1/0890/12 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy of Science

Project title: Philosophical study of the nature of language

Filozofické skúmanie povahy jazyka

Implementation period: 01/2012 - 12/2014

Principal Investigator: Prof. PhDr. E. Andreanský, PhD.

Position in the project: Member

(completed successfully)

Grand scheme: VEGA 1/0650/08 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy of Science

Project title: Heidegger and History of Philosophy

Heidegger a dejiny filozofie.

Implementation period: 01/2008 - 12/2010

Principal Investigator: prof. PhDr. V. Leško, CSc.

Position: member of research team

(completed successfully)

Grand scheme: VEGA 1/4679/07 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic and Slovak Academy of Science

Project title: Jan Patočka's asubjective phenomenology and history of philosophy.

Asubjektívna fenomenológia Jana Patočku a dejiny filozofie.

Implementation period: 01/2007 - 12/2009

Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. PhDr. P. Tholt, PhD.

Position: member of research team

(completed successfully)

International mobilities and visits
Institute of Philosophy Saint Petersburg State University Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 23. 04. - 27. 04. 2018, Erasmus + teaching mobility
Institute of Philosophy Saint Petersburg State University Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 16. 04. - 3. 05. 2019, Erasmus + teaching mobility
Organisational activities
Assessor of VEGA projects - Scientific Grand Agency VEGA, 2014 -
Assessor of APVV projects - Scientific Grand Agency APVV, 2014 -
Evaluator for Humanities and the arts panel - Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), 2020

Further information