prof. Dr. Rudolph Sock   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KAaA - Department of British and American Studies
+421 55 234 7162
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-6938-539X

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Grenoble University, 1980, French Literature, General Linguistics
Second degree of higher education:
Grenoble University, 1981, Linguistics and phonetics
Third degree of higher education:
Grenoble University, 1983, Linguistics and phonetics (Science of Language and Speech)
Associate professor:
Strasbourg University, 1994, General and experimental phonetics and phonology
Strasbourg University, 2000, General and experimental phonetics and phonology
Doctor of Science (DrSc.):
Strasbourg University, 2000, General and experimental phonetics and phonology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: English language for European Institutions and Economy, full-time, member of the Council of the study program, person responsible for teaching the profile subject, member of the commission for state final examinations, study field: philology, I. degree
Study programme: English language for European Institutions and Economy, full-time, member of the Council of the study program, person responsible for teaching the profile subject, member of the commission for state final examinations, study field: philology, II degree
Profile courses
KAaA/TTM/21 - Terminology and Terminography - English language for European Institutions and Economics, Module 2, II degree
KAaA/CPHON/20 - Comparatove phonetics and phonology - English language for European Institutions and Economy, Module 1, I degree
Selected publications

ID: 108561 | On Timing of Tongue and Velic Gestures. Consecutive and Simultaneous Gestures under Phonological Constraints / Vaxelaire, Béatrice [Autor, 10%] ; Bouarourou, Fayssal [Autor, 10%] ; Fauth, Camille [Autor, 10%] ; Laprie, Yves [Autor, 10%] ; Sock, Rudolph [Autor, 60%]

In: Consécutivité et Simultanéité en Linguistique, Langues et Parole : 3. Didactique, Traductologie-Interprétation / Meyer, Jean-Paul [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Paľová, Mária [Zostavovateľ, editor] ; Marsac, Fabrice [Zostavovateľ, editor]. – [recenzované]. – 1. vyd. – Paris (Francúzsko) : L'Harmattan, 2018. – ISBN 978-2-343-14279-1, s. 129-141

ID: 309585 | Detecting Anticipation Foci for Simultaneous Interpreting / Kiktová, Eva [Autor, 25%] ; Zimmermann, Július [Autor, 25%] ; Paľová, Mária [Autor, 25%] ; Sock, Rudolph [Autor, 25%] ; Anticipation in Consecutive and Simultaneous Cognitive Tasks [20.06.2019-22.06.2019, Košice, Slovensko]. – [recenzované]. – WOS CC

In: SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics [elektronický dokument] : Electronic on-line journal. – Prešov (Slovensko) : SKASE. – ISSN (online) 1336-782X. – suppl. Special number Roč. 17, č. 4 (2020), s. 37-58 [online]

ID: 195782 | Consécutivité et Simultanéité en Linguitique, Langues et Parole [textový dokument (print)] : 1. Phonétique, Phonologie / Fauth, Camille [Zostavovateľ, editor, 15%] ; Meyer, Jean-Paul [Zostavovateľ, editor, 15%] ; Marsac, Fabrice [Zostavovateľ, editor, 10%] ; Sock, Rudolph [Zostavovateľ, editor, 60%]. – 1. vyd. – Paríž (Francúzsko) : L'Harmattan, 2018. – 172 s. – ISBN 978-2-343-14277-7

ID: 335195 | De la variation des parametres rythmiques relative a l’exercice de communication : les pauses dans la parole du politique / André, Frédéric [Autor, 10%] ; Béchet, Marion [Autor, 10%] ; Didirkova, Ivana [Autor, 10%] ; Hirsch, Fabrice [Autor, 10%] ; Marsac, Fabrice [Autor, 10%] ; Sock, Rudolph [Autor, 50%] ; Gaudy-Campbell, Isabelle [Recenzent] ; Keromnes, Yvon [Recenzent]

In: s. 99-111

ID: 254298 | Sens (inter)dits (4) [textový dokument (print)] [zborník (do 2021)] : didactique des langues et phonétique / Lacassain-Lagoin, Christelle [Zostavovateľ, editor, 20%] ; Marsac, Fabrice [Zostavovateľ, editor, 16%] ; Schmitt, François [Zostavovateľ, editor, 16%] ; Dańko, Magdalena [Zostavovateľ, editor, 16%] ; Vaxelaire, Béatrice [Zostavovateľ, editor, 16%] ; Sock, Rudolph [Zostavovateľ, editor, 16%]. – 1. vyd. – Paris (Francúzsko) : Éditions L' Harmattan, 2021. – 142 .s [14,05 AH]. – [recenzované]. – ISBN 978-2-343-22732-0

Selected projects

Project name: Adaptive matrix tests in audiometry and perceptual phonetics

Project registration number: 1/0344/21

Grant scheme: Scientific Grant Agency (VEGA)

Project implementation period: 1/2021 - 12/2023,

Position in the project: project investigator

Brief characteristics of the project: 

The project is focused on the creation of a database of sentence speech tests in the Slovak language. The project is aimed at creating a database of sentences based on adaptive test matrices, which represent a modern and globally respected principle of creating audiometric tests. The results of tests based on adaptive matrices allow verification and comparison of the results achieved on a global scale, as well as acceptance by the scientific community and the third sector.

National Research Agency Public Health Contract - BENEPHIDIRE (Stuttering: Neurology, Phonetics, Computer Science for its Diagnosis and Rehabilitation). Awarded to F. Hirsch, University of Montpellier (2018 - 2023).

Role: co-leader with 4 partners

Project registration number: APVV-15-0307

Grant scheme: Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

Name of the project: Anticipačné fonetické stratégie pre simultánne a konzekutívne tlmočenie

Period: 2016 - 2020

Role: project leader


The study of anticipatory phonetic strategies focuses on anticipatory phonetic phenomena as basic

elements of microgenesis. The range of anticipatory speech strategies ranges from the micro level,

i.e. from purely phonetic segments up to the macro level of words, sentences, and the entire speech

production. At the micro level, anticipatory articulation gestures are understood as the expansion or

extension of these gestures to adjacent phonetic segments. At the macro level, the extension of

anticipatory phenomena exceeds segments and syllables. Segments and syllables are characterized

by prosodic features, especially by intonation schemes, which are applied from words to whole

sections of sentences. Anticipatory phenomena are inherent in speech production, and the listeners

have learned to use them in speech perception for adequate and optimal reconstruction of current

linguistic meaning.


Grant scheme: EUCOR CONTRACT – The European Campus EVTZ Seed Money “DIS-AGREE

Name of the project: Empirical, methodological and theoretical state-of-the-art work on the basic practices of (dis)agreement and (dis)alignment in embodied interaction in face-to-face and mediated interactions”

Period: 2018 - 2021

Role: co-leader with 4 partners

International mobilities and visits
Haskins Laboratories, Yale University Affiliate, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, 18 months in 1992, 1 months a year from 1993 to 1996, Funded Postdoctoral Research (Fyssen Foundation - Cognitive Sciences) and a contract woth Haskins Labs. Speech Motor Control
University of Sousse, Tunisia, 10 days in April 2007, Aim: Creation of a research network; consultancy for the purpose of creation and equipment of an experimental phonetics laboratory. Funded by the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
BINZHOU MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, School of International Studies and School of Special Education, Yantai City, Binzhou, China, 15 days in September 2017, Aim: Creation of a Research Network; consultancy within the Field of Articulatory and Acoustic Data Analysis: Speech Disorders. Funded by the Chinese Government
ZIGONG FIRST CIVIC HOSPIITAL, Zigong, China, 15 Days in Ocotber 2017, Aim: Creation of a Research Network; Consultancy within the Field of Articulatory and Acoustic Data Analysis: Speech Disorders. Funded by the Chinese Government
UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY, Chengdu, China, 7 Days, 2018, Aim: Creation of a Research Network; Consultancy in the Field of Articulatory and Acoustic Data Analysis: Speech Disorders. Funded by the Chinese Government
BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL UNIVERSITY, School of Communication Sciences, Beijing, China, 7 Days, 2018, Invited Mobility: National Language Commission - PRC - UNESCO and Beijing Language Commission, 2nd International Exhibition of Languages and Culture in China: Forum on Language Services and Human Life
Organisational activities
Member of Editorial Board - Harmattan Publishing in Paris, since 2016

Further information