Mgr. Tomáš Šeďo   SK

FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KSP - Department of Social Work
+421 55 234 7146
I am an internal doctoral student at the Department of Social Work of the Faculty of Philosophy of the UPJŠ in Košice in the field of Integrative Social Work. My scientific-research and publication activity is directed towards the issue of radicalisation as a socio-pathological phenomenon in the youth group. my pedagogical activity at KSP is leading seminars on subjects such as Social Pathology and Counselling, Therapy and Intervention in Social Work.
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Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Social work (Member of the Study Programme Council), study field: social work, 2. (daily and external form) degree
Study programme: Integrative social work (Member of the Study Programme Council), study field: social work, 3. (daily and external form) degree
Selected publications

ŠEĎO, T. 2023. Explaining the Process of Radicalization of Adolescents through Social Factors - Research Project. In Book of Abstracts. 16th International Spring School of Social Work. University of Ostrava: Faculty of Social Studies.

ŠEĎO, T., V Lichner. 2022. Metaanalýza vybraných koncepcií preventívnych a deradikalizačných programov. In Fedoročko, P (ed.) Jarná škola doktorandov. Zborník príspevkov z 8. ročníka. Košice. UPJŠ v Košiciach: ŠafárikPress. ISBN 978-80-574-0107-0.

ŠEĎO, T., V Lichner. 2022. Sociálne vzťahy a ich vplyv na radikalizáciu mládeže. In Šutor, L. (ed.) Doktorandské miscelaneá 8. Jesenná škola doktorandov, zborník príspevkov. Košice: UPJŠ v Košiciach: ŠafárikPress. ISBN 978-80-574-0231-2.

ŠEĎO, T., V LICHNER. 2021. Rodina ako faktor radikalizácie. Môže rodina radikalizovať? In Žiaková, E., T. Šeďo (eds.) Metanoia v teórii a praxi sociálnej práce. 9. ročník Košických dní sociálnej práce. ISBN 978-80-574-0103-2.

ŠEĎO, T., V LICHNER. 2021. Sociálne faktory procesu radikalizácie mládeže. In Bánovčinová, A. (ed.). Zborník prác zo 17. ročníka celoslovenského Študentskej vedeckej odbornej činnosti v odbore Sociálna práca. ISBN 978-80-568-0460-5.

Organisational activities
Member of the Academic Senate for the Student Part, Senator - Academic Senate of Faculty of Arts University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, 2021 -

Additional information

Rector´s Award 2021

Further information