doc. Ing. Anna Čepelová, PhD.   SK

FVS UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Public Administration
KEaRVS - Department of Economics and Management of Public Administration
FVS UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Public Administration
KEaRVS - Department of Economics and Management of Public Administration
+421 55 2345138 voip:5138

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, 1990, Management and economics of agriculture
Second degree of higher education:
University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, 1992, Management and economics of agriculture
Third degree of higher education:
University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, 1996, Sectoral and cross-cutting economies
Associate professor:
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Economics in Košice, 2003, Economics and business management

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Public administration, study field: Political Science, Bachelor's (first degree) degree
Study programme: Public administration, study field: Political Science, Diploma (second degree) degree
Study programme: Public administration, study field: Political Science, Dissertation (third degree) degree
Profile courses
KEaRVS/EVSVS/14 Government and public sector economy - Public administration, Bachelor's (first degree) degree
KEaRVS/RIADVS/14 Governance in public administration - Public administration, Diploma (second degree) degree
KEaRVS/MANVS/14 Management in public administration - European public administration, Bachelor's (first degree) degree
KEaRVS/MANvO/20 Management in organizations - European public administration, Diploma (second degree) degree
KEaRVS/EAFVS/12 Economic aspects of the functioning of public administration - Public administration, Dissertation (third degree) degree
KEaRVS/MAK-d/122 - Macroeconomy - European Public Administration, Bachelor's (first degree) degree
Selected publications
AAA ČEPELOVÁ, A. - CHMELAŘOVÁ, M.: Smart solutions as an instrument for buil ding smart cities / Anna Čepelová, Magdalena Chmelařová ; recenzenti V. Kebo, A. Daňková. [Inteligentné riešenia ako nástroj na budovanie inteligentných miest]. - 1. vyd. - Opava : Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2020. - 100 s. - ISBN 9788075104199. [ČEPELOVÁ, Anna (50%) - CHMELAŘOVÁ, Magdalena (50%) ]
ADC ZELEŇÁKOVÁ, M. - LABANT, S. - ZVIJÁKOVÁ, L. - WEISS, E. - ČEPELOVÁ, A. - WEISS, R. - FIALOVÁ, J. - MINĎAŠ, J.: Methodology for environmental assessment of proposed activity using risk analysis [elektronický zdroj] / Martina Zeleňáková ... [et al.]. - Projekt: Inteligentné mestá ako spôsob implementácie konceptu trvalo udržateľného rozvoja miest Slovenskej republiky - VEGA 1/0302/18. In: Environmental impact assessment review=EIA review. - ISSN 0195-9255. - Roč. 80, (2020), s. 1-14. - Spôsob prístupu: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195925518304049. - DOI 10.1016/j.eiar.2019.106333, H87; Q1; SJR 1,23 [ZELEŇÁKOVÁ, Martina (50%) - LABANT, Slavomír (10%) - ZVIJÁKOVÁ, Lenka (10%) - WEISS, Erik (10%) - ČEPELOVÁ, Anna (10%) - WEISS, Roland (3%) - FIALOVÁ, Jitka (5%) - MINĎAŠ, Jozef (2%) ]
ADM ČEPELOVÁ, A. - DOUŠA, M.: Slovakia and the Czech Republic on the path towards Sustainable Development / Anna Čepelová, Milan Douša. [Slovenská republika a Česká republika na cestě k trvale udržitelnému rozvoji]. - Projekt: Inteligentné mestá ako možnosť implementácie koncepcie trvalo udržateľného rozvoja miest v Slovenskej republike - VEGA 1/0302/18. In: Bulletin of geography : Socio-economic series. - ISSN 1732-4254. - Roč. 47, č. 47 (2020), s. 7-25. - DOI 10.2478/bog-2020-0001, H14; Q1; SJR 0,28, [ČEPELOVÁ, Anna (50%) - DOUŠA, Milan (50%) ]
ADM ČEPELOVÁ, A. - KOREŇOVÁ, D.: Optimizing the education process of a company employees by BPMN (Business Process Modeling & Notation) / Anna Čepelová, Darina Koreňová. [Optimalizácia vzdelávacieho procesu zamestnancov podniku pomocou BPMN (modelovanie a notifikácia podnikových procesov)]. - Projekt: Inteligentné mestá ako možnosť implementácie koncepcie trvalo udržateľného rozvoja miest v Slovenskej republike - VEGA 1/0302/18. In: Quality - Access to Success : Journal of management systems=Calitatea - Acces la Succes : Revista de Sisteme de management. - ISSN 1582-2559. - Roč. 20, č. 171 (2019), s. 21-26, H20; Q3; SJR 0,28 [ČEPELOVÁ, Anna (50%) - KOREŇOVÁ, Darina (50%) ]
ADM ČEPELOVÁ, A. - DOUŠA, M.: Progress in implementation of sustainable development in V4 countries / Anna Čepelová and Milan Douša. - recenzované. - Projekt: Inteligentné mestá ako spôsob implementácie konceptu trvalo udržateľného rozvoja miest Slovenskej republiky - VEGA 1/0302/18. In: International Journal of Sustainable Development. - ISSN 0960-140. - Roč. 23, č. 3/4 (2020), s. 205-222. [ČEPELOVÁ, Anna (50%) - DOUŠA, Milan DOK-19-I (50%) ]
Selected projects

VEGA č. 1/0595/21: Public administration interventions at the time of COVID-19 and their impact on the quality of life of citizens of selected communitie. The project summary: The aim of the project is to analyze public administration interventions during the COVID - 19 pandemic or a similar pandemic that may occur in the future. In the following text we will talk about COVID - 19. and its impact on quality of life of selected communities such as seniors and low-income citizens. According to the current situation, the selection of the given communities is intentional and the aim is to present, on the basis of the analysis, specific measures that are contextualized by social policy priorities at various levels such as state, regional, municipal and are implemented by various entities in public administration., 2021 - 2023, scientific co-workers.

VEGA č. 1/0302/18: Smart cities as a possibility to implementation the concept of sustainable urban development in the Slovak Republic. The project summary: The concept of sustainable development speaks about how economic growth that covers the needs of society, by creating the conditions of well-being in the short, medium, but especially long term. The concept built on the premise that development must meet today's needs without endangering the possibilities of continued growth for future generations. Against the background of economic and technological changes caused by globalization and integration process, the city must face the challenges in Europe, which combine elements of competitiveness and sustainable urban development at the same time. This problem affects the issue of quality of life in the city with an emphasis on issues such as housing, urban economics, culture, social and environmental conditions affecting the competitiveness of life in individual cities, not excluding the towns in the SR. The basic aim the project will be scientific analysis of smart cities factors influencing the number of changes in selected Slovak cities. 2018 - 2020, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR

Name: NAKAP - Preparation of new capacities for ESI Funds 

Contribution Provider: Government Office of the Slovak Republic

Project coordinator: doc. Ing. Silvia Ručinská, PhD.

Resolution period: 2017 - 2018

International mobilities and visits
Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Rome, Italy, Via dei Colli della Farnesina 144 VI/A Roma, Italy, October 2018, Erasmus +, UPJŠ Košice
Silesian university in Opava, Bezručovo náměstí 885/14, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic, September 2019, Erasmus +, UPJŠ Košice
University of Manchester, Oxford Rd, Manchester, M13 9PL United Kingdom, March 1998, Tempus Project S JEP 09155-95 „ ISO Standards in Slovak university education.“ Faculty of Business Administration in Košice, EU Bratislava
Plymouth Business University, Plymouth Devon PL4 8AA United Kingdom, April 2000, Tempus Project S JEP 12491-97 „ European Studies in business Administration“ the duration of the project is until June 2000. Faculty of Management Comenius University, Department of Management, Bratislava.
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmuss university, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam The Netherlands, November 1996, Tempus Project S JEP 09155-95 „ ISO Standards in Slovak university education.“ Faculty of Business Administration in Košice, EU Bratislava
Institute for Public Administration Prague, Baarova 1026/2, Praha 4, 140 00, Czech Republic, Apríl 2015, Erasmus +, UPJŠ Košice
Organisational activities
- Head of The Department of Economics and Governance of Public Administration - Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2017 - continues
- Vice-Dean for Scientific Research Activities and Foreign Relations - Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2015 - 2017
- Member of the Commission for Doctoral Studies - Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2012 - continues
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal Public Administration and Society - Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2014 - continues
- Member of the Scientific Council - Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2007 - continues

Further information