prof. Dr. Ivan Halász, Ph.D.   SK

FVS UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Public Administration
KVPD - Deparment of Public Law Disciplines
+421 55 234 5127 voip: 5127

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Law faculty, University of Eötvös Lóránd, (ELTE) Budapest, 1995, law
Third degree of higher education:
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Philosophy, Budapest/Charles University, Faculty of Law, Prague, 2001,2012, history (Eastern European history)/law (public law)
Associate professor:
Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Law, Budapest (Habilitation, title: Dr.habil.)/Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague, 2012, political science and legal science / Slavonic studies
National University for Public Service, Budapest, 2013, public law
Doctor of Science (DrSc.):
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (still without nostrification in Slovakia), 2022, law and states

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Public Administration, study field: Political Science, 2nd degree degree
Profile courses
Constitutional Law - Public Administration, 1st degree degree
European Law - Public Administration, 2nd degree degree
Public Administration in a Democratic State - Public Administration, 3rd degree degree
Selected publications

Halász, I.: Representation of National and Ethnic Minorities in the Hungarion Parliament. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, Vol. 31, No. 5. pp. 67-84. (2022) ISSN 1731-6575

Halász, I.: The administration of foreign affairs in the Central European countries (1867-1945). Sapientia Forum Iuris, Cluj Napoca, 2019, 110 p. (ISBN 978-606-9061-01-5)

Halász, I.: The past and symbolism in the constitutions of Central European states. USP AV CR, Praha, 2020, 151 p. (ISBN 978-80-87439-41-8)

Halász, I. - Gedeon, M. (Eds.): The Development of European and Regional Integration Theories in Central European Countries. CEA Publishing, Miskolc-Budapest, 2022. 243 p. (ISBN 978-615-6474-04-9)

Halász, I.: The establishment of the institutional framework of comparative law in the socialist Czechoslovakia and Hungary. HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES 63 : 3 pp. 236-257. , 22 p. (2022)

Selected projects

Member of research team: Title: Hungarian historical constitution yesterday and today, No. NKFI 14 3008, leader of project: Prof. Gábor Schweitzer (2022-2026)

Kultminor No. 18-170-00735 Southern Slovakia: stereotypes and interethnic coexistence in literature (2018)

Kultminor No. 20-230-00352 The left and the neighborhood in literature (2020)

member of the research team of the NKFI-EPR project No. 134962 "Legal approaches to operationalize nationality and ethnicity" (2020-2024), main researcher: Prof. András László Pap

leader of project: International Visegrad Fund VUSG No. 60900011(Political integration of migrants in the states of V4.) (2008-2013)

International mobilities and visits
University of Edinburgh, Institute of Advanced Studies, Edinburgh (UK), august-october 2006, Andrew Mellon Scholarship
Faculty of Public Policy, University of Silesia, Opava (CZ), 2018-2020, part-time visiting professor and editor-in-chief of CEP magazine
University of Valencia, Valencia (ESP), 1 - 6 May 2023, Erasmus Mobility
Organisational activities
vice dean for scientific activity - Faculty of Public Administration, Corvin University and Budapest, 2010-2011
member of the scientific council - Faculty of Central European Studies of the University of Konstantin Filozofa in Nitra, 2012-2013
member - International Advisory Body, Sliezska univerzita v Opave, 2020-2023
member of the editorial board - Acta Humana (journal), 2014-2022
member of the editorial board - Central European Papers (journal), 2016-2022

Further information