doc. Mgr. Iveta Jeleňová, PhD.   SK

FVS UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Public Administration
KSS - Department of Social Studies
FVS UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Public Administration
KSS - Department of Social Studies
+421 55 2345129 voip: 5129
Iveta Jeleňová is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Studies within the Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. Currently, her research interest focuses on intercultural communication, attitudes towards immigrants, and experiences unique to minority populations. She has participated in a wide range of research projects at national and international level in Eastern Europe.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of Presov, Faculty of Arts, 2001, Psychology
Third degree of higher education:
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, 2006, Psychology
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Arts, 2019, Psychology, Social Psychology and Work Psychology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: European public administration, The Member of Study Programme Council, study field: Political Science, I. degree
Study programme: European public administration in English and German, The Member of Study Programme Council, study field: Political Science, I. degree
Study programme: European public administration, The Member of Study Programme Council, study field: Political Science, II. degree
Study programme: European public administration, The Person Responsible for the Profile Course, study field: Political Science, II. degree
Study programme: European public administration, The Member of State Exam Committee, study field: Political Science, II. degree
Profile courses
KSS/SPSY_EVS-d/22 - Sociálna psychológia [Social psychology] - European public administration, I. degree
KSS/IK evs/22 - Interkultúrna komunikácia [Intercultural communication] - European public administration, II. degree
Selected publications

JELEŇOVÁ, I. (2022). Rozvoj interkultúrnej kompetentnosti študentov (európskej) verejnej správy [Development of interculturalcompetence of students of (European) Public Administration]. In: Interkultúrna komunikácia vo výučbe odborného cudzieho jazyka. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 2022. ISBN 9788055529752, s. 30-39.

JELEŇOVÁ, I., & SÁPOSOVÁ, Z. (2019). The use of the Hungarian language in Košice as a challenge. Szellem és Tudomány, 10, 75-89.

Jeleňová, I. (2019). Člověk v interkulturní komunikaci [People in intercultural communication]. In J. Výrost, I. Slaměník, E. Sollárová (Eds.), Sociální psychologie: teorie, metody, aplikace (pp. 580-589). Praha: Grada Publishing.

Jeleňová, I. (2019). Sociální psychologie dopravy [Social psychology of transport]. In J. Výrost, I. Slaměník, E. Sollárová (Eds.), Sociální psychologie: teorie, metody, aplikace (pp. 680-689). Praha: Grada Publishing.

SÁPOS, A. & JELEŇOVÁ, I. (2022). Népszámlálás Szlovákiában 2021 [Census in Slovakia 2021]. Szellem és Tudomány = Mind and Science, 13, 1, 148-175.

Selected projects

Project registration number: VEGA 1/0764/24

Name of the project: Environmental attitudes, pro-environmental behaviour and its promotion

Implementation period: 01/2024 - 12/2026

Position in the project: principal investigator

Project summary: In the context of the Green Transition, people need to feel a personal responsibility to act to limit climate change. The aim of the project is to explore environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior and to increase pro-environmental behavior in the workplace using behavioral interventions. The project will focus on the analysis of environmental factors with respect to selected demographic characteristics, psychological characteristics and politics. In relation to this, the researchers will study how organizations in the public and private sectors promote pro-environmental behavior in the work environment, both from an organizational and employee perspective.

Project registration number: VEGA 2/0089/23

Name of the project: Woman and the world of work. Changes in the education and employment of women in Slovakia in the years 1918 - 1960

Implementation period: 01/2023 - 12/2026

Position in the project: scientific co-worker

Project summary: The aim of the project is to examine how important historical events from the period 1918-1960 and the changes associated with it were able to influence the position of women and their application in the work sphere. In connection with this, the researchers will focus on mapping the possibilities, limits and changes in the secondary, vocational and higher education of girls and women. Following this, they will find out how women were able to use the education they received in the work. They will focus on the analysis of women's employment in individual sectors of the economy and examine the employment of women in selected institutions and companies. At the same time, they will focus on examining horizontal and vertical gender segregation.

Project registration number: VEGA 2/0068/19

Name of the project: Attitudes towards migrants in socio-psychological contexts

Implementation period: 01/2019 -12/2022

Position in the project: scientific co-worker

Project summary: The project aims to examine the attitudes and perception of migrants in selected European countries. The aim of the project is to examine attitudes towards migrants within the Slovak Republic as well as in the European context; examine socio-demographic characteristics in the context of attitudes towards migrants and psychological characteristics in the context of attitudes towards migrants; comparison between European countries in the context of measured variables based on existing available data (e.g., European Social Survey).

International mobilities and visits
Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain, 10.05.2012 – 18.05.2012, Erazmus intensive program; lecturer; 7th European Students Meeting ESM "Intercultural Knowledge Transfer in Engeeniring for a Sustainable Global ICT Community" SUSCOMTEC
Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Finanzen Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 24.02.2013 – 03.03.2013, Erazmus intensive program; lecturer; program name „Integration durch Mobilität“
Organisational activities
member - Board for Internal Quality Evaluation at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2021 - present
member - Academic Senate of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2013 - present
member - Scientific Board of Faculty of Public Administration of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2023 - present
member - Academic Senate of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2014-2015, 2016-2019
member - Council of Universities of the Slovak Republic, 2015-2019

Additional information


Further information