Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. Andrej Jenča, CSc., MPH   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
KSMCH AK - Department of Stomatology and Maxilofacial Surgery and Akadémia Košice, n. o.
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
KSMCH AK - Department of Stomatology and Maxilofacial Surgery and Akadémia Košice, n. o.
prof. MUDr.Andrej Jenča,CSc.,MPH. is a professor of Dental Medicine at the Medical Faculty in UPJŠ in Košice. At the same time, he has been the guarantor of Dental Medicíne. The 15 years guarantees doctoral study program of Dental Medicine at the UPJŠ Faculty of Medicine. He was the president of the UPJŠ academic senate for 5 years and held the position of dean of the Faculty of Medicine for 4 years.Since 2006 he has been the guarantor of a specialized study in the field of Maxillofacial Surgery and the certified fields of Dentoalveolar Surgery and Implantology. He was the supervisor of 36 successfully defended doctoral theses in the Dental Medicine study program, 4 in the Biomedicine study program at Technical University Košice, and 53 diploma theses in the Dental Medicine study program .He has been and continues to be involved in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors, injuries, anomalies, and inflammatory diseases of the oromaxilofacial area. The result of his work in the field of reconstructive and regenerative medicine in the head and neck are a great benefit. He is a successful responsible project leader of 8 scientific research grants funded by grant agencies in the country and 2 European agencies. He is also a co-researcher of another 6 grants in cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Technical University of Košice, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy. He is the author of 449 original works (74 with the largest number of citations in CC or Scopus) and professional works published in foreign and domestic journals, textbooks, books and scientific monographs, which have been cited 273 times (Web of Science and SCOPUS database in number 104).

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Josef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1977, Dentistry
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Josef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1986, Dentistry
Associate professor:
Charles University in Prague, 2003, Dentistry
Charles University in Prague, 2004, Dentistry
Doctor of Science (DrSc.):
Charles University in Prague, 2003, Dentistry

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Dental Medicine, Chairman of the State Commission, Therapeutic Dental Medicine, study field: Dental medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: Dental Medicine, Chairman of the State Commission, Orthopedic Dentistry, study field: Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: Dental Medicine, Chairman of the State Commission, Maxillofacial Surgery, study field: Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: Dental Medicine, person responsible for the study program, study field: Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: Dental Medicine, person responsible for the study program, study field: Dental Medicine, III. degree
Profile courses
Dentoalveolar Surgery 3 - Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Maxillofacial Surgery 2 - Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Conservative Dentistry 6 - Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Maxillofacial Surgery - Dental Medicine, III. degree
Dentistry - Dental Medicine, III. degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: trade union commission for habilitation and inauguration proceedings of LF UK, study field to which it is assigned: Dental Medicine
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: member of the trade union commission in 3.dgr. LF UK, study field to which it is assigned: Dental Medicine
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: member of the trade union commission for surgical sciences, study field to which it is assigned: Veterinary Medicine
Selected publications

Compliance with gluten-free diet in a selected group of celiac children in the Slovak Republic / Kvetoslava Rimárová ... [et al.]. - Projekt: Aplikácia inovatívnych multimediálnych prístupov vo výučbe účinkov fyzikálnych faktorov s využitím expozičného modelu pre študentov zdravotníckych odborov - KEGA 007UPJŠ-4/2018.

In: Central European Journal of Public Health=CEJPH. - ISSN 1210-7778. - supl. Roč. 26, č. Supplement (2018), s. S19-S24. 10.21101/cejph.a5369 DOI; SCOPUS; CCC; WOS CC;

[RIMÁROVÁ, Kvetoslava (45%) - DORKO, Erik (10%) - DIABELKOVÁ, Jana (36%) - SULINOVÁ, Zlatana DOK-51-I (1%) - BAKOVÁ, Jana DOK-51-E (1%) - UHRIN, Tomáš DOK-51-E (1%) - JENČA, Andrej (1%) - JENČOVÁ, Janka (1%) - PETRÁŠOVÁ, Adriana (1%) - JENČA, Andrej (1%) - JENČA, Jozef (1%) - MAKOVICKÝ, Pavol (1%) ]

In vitro and in vivo study of microporous ceramics using MC3T3 cells, CAM assay and a pig animal model / Tomco, M. ... [et al.].

In: Anatomical Science International. - ISSN 1447-6959. - Roč. 92, č. 4 (2017), s. 569-580. 10.1007/s12565-016-0362-x DOI; CCC; SCOPUS; WOS CC;

2018 CC

[TOMČO, Marek (35%) - PETROVOVÁ, Eva (10%) - GIRETOVÁ, Mária (5%) - ALMÁŠIOVÁ, Viera (5%) - HOLOVSKÁ, Katarína (5%) - CIGÁNKOVÁ, Viera (5%) - JENČA, Andrej (5%) - JENČOVÁ, Janka (5%) - JENČA, Andrej (5%) - BOLDIŽÁR, Martin (5%) - BALAZS, Kosa (5%) - MEDVECKÝ, Ľubomír (10%) ]

Prečo je včasná diagnostika retencie očného zuba v čeľusti dôležitá v detskom veku? / Juraj Bánovčin ... [et al.].

In: Pediatria : vedecko-odborný lekársky časopis : Scientific Medical Journal=Pediatrics. - ISSN 1336-863X. - Roč. 13, č. 3 (2018), s. 119-122.

[BÁNOVČIN, Juraj (80%) - JENČA, Andrej (5%) - JENČA, Andrej (5%) - PETRÁŠOVÁ, Adriana (5%) - JENČOVÁ, Janka (5%) ]

Oral Microbiota from the Stomatology Perspective / Andrea Stašková, Radomíra Nemcová, Stanislav Lauko, Andrej Jenča. - Projekt: Synergický účinok sekundárnych metabolitov rastlín a produktov probiotických baktérií na inhibíciu biofilm tvoriacich patogénov - APVV APVV-15-0377 ; Štúdium účinku prospešných mikroorganizmov a ich bioaktívnych produktov na inhibíciu biofilm tvoriacich patogénov - VEGA 1/0081/17.

In: Bacterial Biofilms. - Londýn : IntechOpen, 2019. - ISBN 9781789859003. - S. 1-21.

[STAŠKOVÁ, Andrea (45%) - NEMCOVÁ, Radomíra (30%) - LAUKO, Stanislav (20%) - JENČA, Andrej (5%) ]

ADC2 Effectiveness of primary vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis in employees of the armed forces / Dorko E. ... [et al.]. - Projekt: Klinicko-epidemiologická štúdia etiologických faktorov vybraných kliešťami prenášaných ochorení (Lymská borelióza, vírusová kliešťová encefalitída) s použitím metód molekulovej biológie a sérológie - VEGA 1/0198/13 ; Klinicko-epidemiologická štúdia vplyvu genetických, infekčných a exogénnych faktorov na prenatálne, perinatálne a novorodenecké indikátory - VEGA 1/0011/14. In: Central European Journal of Public Health=CEJPH. - ISSN 1210-7778. - Roč. 26, (2018), s. 42-46. - DOI 10.21101/cejph.a5271 [DORKO, Erik (60%) - BUŠOVÁ, Andrea DOK-51-I (10%) - RIMÁROVÁ, Kvetoslava (10%) - DRABIŠČÁK, Erik (6%) - KIZEK, Peter (5%) - POPAĎÁK, Peter (2%) - POPAĎÁKOVÁ, Jana (2%) - JENČOVÁ, Janka (2%) - JENČA, Andrej (2%) - PETRÁŠOVÁ, Adriana (1%) ]

Selected projects

KEGA: 2015-2017, co-investigator of the project, E-learning education of diseases in dentoalveolar surgery by using multifunctional laboratory methods

KEGA: 2021-2023, co-investigator of the project, E-learning education in preclinical and clinical disciplines in Dental Medicine in crisis and emergency conditions.

KEGA: 2018-2020, co-investigator of the project,E-learning modern education and implementation of interactive education in therapeutic dentistry

Project Stimulus,principal investigator of the project, 2019.

KEGA: 2017-2019, co-investigator of the project, E-learning modern education and implementation of interactive education in practical paediatric dentistry and prosthetic dentistry.

International mobilities and visits
Charles University , 1. Faculty of Medicine, Praha,Cech Republic, 1978-1979, 1980-1981, 1982-1983, 1987-1988, 2001-2002, an internship, grant projects
Masaryk University, Brno, Cech Republic, 1986-1987, an internship, grant projects
Palacky University Olomouc, Olomouc,Cech Republic, 1988, an internship, grant projects
Centrálny náučno i sledovateľský inštitút Moskva, Moskva,Russia, 1982-1983, an internship
Centrum Medical Chiurgical foch Paris, Sorbona, Paris, France, 1983-1984, study visit
Universitae de Nantes, Nantes,France, 1997-1998,2000-2001, study visit
Organisational activities
member of the senate, AS - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Faculty of Medicine, 1994-2002
president of academic senate, - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Faculty of Medicine, 1998-2003
Dean of Faculty of Medicine - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Faculty of Medicine, 2003-2007
Member of the board of universities SR - Slovakia, 1998-2002

Additional information

Literary Fund Award - Section for Scientific and Professional Literature in 2005 in the category of biological and medical sciences for the work Medical Lymphology, 21.9. 2006, Bratislava. Bronze Medal of Slovak Medical Society in 1993. Medal of Merit for the Development of the University Hospital in Košice Tr.SNP. and the University Hospital in Košice Rastislavova 43. Silver Medal of Slovak Medical Society in 2001. Gold Medal of Slovak Medical Society in 2003. Bronze Medal of the Technical University in Košice. Award for the realization of 3 conferences of political persecution, Memorial to military camps of forced labor in 2003. Award for cooperation in science and research, SAS Košice in 2006. Award for cultural and educational contribution to Slovak nation. Medal J. Ch.Korc in 2012. Mikovíni Grand Gold Medal as an award for extraordinary contribution in the field of science and technology of Slovak Republic in 2013 Awarded by Mayor of Košice on the occasion of the award for extraordinary contribution in the field of science and technology by Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sports of Slovak Republic in 2014. Commemorative medal JLF UK and UN Martin for assistance in establishing Award of Minister of Health for development and contribution to Slovak health care in 2016. Top innovator in Slovak healthcare in 2016.
Prof. Andrej Jenča, MD, CSc., MPH was twice the KEGA project manager, five times the co-investigator, once the COST B23 project leader in 2005-2007, the VEGA project leader in 2006-2008, the APVV project in 2008-2010. Other projects were CEBT and POKIMP. He is currently actively involved in the STIMULY MŠ SR project.
International collaboration
Czech Republic, Prague, Charles University Poland, Wroclaw, Wroclaw Medical University French, Nantes, Nantes University

Further information