MUDr. Anna Ürgeová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
4. IK - 4th Department of Internal Medicine
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
4. IK - 4th Department of Internal Medicine
MUDr. Anna Ürgeová, PhD. graduated from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Faculty of Medicine, in 2016. Subsequently, she continued her doctoral studies in Internal medicine at the 4th Department of Internaml Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ. She has been working as a university teacher since 2018. After she successfully defended her dissertation, in which she analyzed the infuence of selected genetic variants on the effect of treatment with gliptins, she continued to work as an assistant professor since 2021. She also works as a physician at the 4th Department of Internal Medicine.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2016, 7.1.1. všeobecné lekárstvo, všeobecné lekárstvo
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2020, 45. všeobecné lekárstvo, vnútorné choroby

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Internal propedeutics - General medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine 1 - General medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine 2 - General medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine 3 - General medicine, I.+II. degree
Interná medicína 4 - všeobecné lekárstvo, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine 5 - General medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine 6 - General medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine 1 - Dental medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine 4 - Dental medicine, I.+II. degree
Interná medicína 2 - všeobecné lekárstvo, I.+II. degree
Interná medicína 3 - všeobecné lekárstvo, I.+II. degree
Interná medicína 6 - všeobecné lekárstvo, I.+II. degree
Selected publications

ADC Gotthardová, I., Javorský, M., Klimčáková, L., Ürgeová, A., ...Židzik, J., Tkáč, I., KCNQ1 gene polymorphism is associated with glycaemic response to treatment with DPP-4 inhibitors In: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. - ISSN 0168-8227. - Vol. 130 (2017), s. 142 - 147. IF 4.234; Q1; Citované 10-krát

ADC Urgeova, A.; Javorsky, M.; Klimcakova, L.; ... Yaluri, A. Stancakova, Genetic variants associated with glycemic response to treatment with dipeptidylpeptidase 4 inhibitors In: Pharmacogenomics. - ISSN 1462-2416. - Roč. 21, č. 5 (2020), s. 317-323. - DOI 10.2217/pgs-2019-0147 IF 2.339; Q2; Citované 4-krát

ADF Ürgeová A., Tkáč I., Lieky ovplyvňujúce inkretínový systém a ich farmakogenetika In: Folia medica Cassoviensia. - ISSN 1337-7817. - Roč. 72, č. 1 (2018), s. 19-28.

ADF Javorský M., Gotthardová I., Ürgeová A., Kozárová M., Tkáč I., Personalizovaná liečba diabetu mellitu na báze genetickej analýzy In: Interná medicína : recenzovaný, postgraduálne zameraný odborný lekársky časopis : peer-reviewed postgraduate medical journal=Internal medicine. - ISSN 1335-8359. - Roč. 19, č. 12 (2019), s. 461-466.

BFA Javorský M., Gotthardová I., Ürgeová A., Klimčáková L., Doubravová P., ..., Tkáč I., GLP1R gene variant is associated with glycemic preponse to treatment with DPP-4 inhibitors In: 7th Meeting of EASD Study Group on Genetics of Diabetes (EASD-SGGD) : Programme & Abstract Book. - Praha : EASD, 2019. - S. 87-87.

Selected projects

VEGA: 1/0027/16 Hlavný riešiteľ: prof. MUDr. Ivan Tkáč, PhD. Sledovanie asociácií vybraných génových variantov s odpoveďou na liečbu orálnymi antidiabetikami gliptínmi. Trvanie 2016-2019; spoluriešiteľ

Organisational activities
member - Slovenská internistická spoločnosť, 2017-súčasnosť

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