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beata.hubkova@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/LF/zamestnanec/beata.hubkova | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry
MB5O27 | |
+421 55 234 3365 | |
0000-0002-6291-4014 |
Profile courses
Medical Biochemistry 2 - General Medicine, I. + II. degree
Medical Biochemistry 2. - Dental Medicine, I. + II. degree
Selected publications
ADC - Birková A., Oboril, J., Kréta R., Čižmárová B., Hubková B., Šteffeková Z., Genči J., Paralič J., Mareková M. - Human fluorescent profile of urine as a simple tool of mining in data from autofluorescence spectroscopy - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control -2020 - 56(2) - IF=3,137, Q2, Cited: 8-times |
ADM - Valko-Rokytovská M., Hubková B., Birková A., Mašlanková J., Stupák M., Zábavníková M., Čižmárová B., Mareková M. - Specific urinary metabolites in malignant melanoma - Medicina - 2019 - 55(5) - IF=1.205, Q3, Cited: 9-times |
ADM - Lazúrová Z., Figurová J., Hubková B., Mašlanková J., Lazúrová I. - Urinary bisphenol A in women with polycystic ovary syndrome – a possible suppressive effect on steroidogenesis? - Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation - 2021 - 42(3) - SCOPUS, SJR=0.487, Q3, Cited: 11-times |
V3 - Čižmárová B., Tomečková V., Hubková B., Hurajtová A., Ohlasová J., Birková A. - Salivary Redox Homeostasis in Human Health and Disease - International journal of molecular sciences - 2022 - 23(17) - IF=5.6, Q1, Cited: 9-times |
ADC - Birková A., Valko-Rokytovská M., Hubková B., Zábavníková M., Mareková M. - Strong Dependence Between Tryptophan-Related Fluorescence of Urine and Malignant Melanoma - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2021 - 22(4) - IF=4,556, Q1, Cited: 4-times |
Selected projects
VEGA 1/0540/20 - Štúdium vybraných biomarkerov vzniku a progresie demyelinizačných ochorení CNS - doc Mgr. Peter Urban, PhD.
VEGA 1/0333/20 - Slzná tekutina a sliny v preventívnej, prediktívnej a personalizovanej medicíne - doc. RNDr. Vladimíra Tomečková, PhD.
APVV-19-0493 - Výskum raného detstva v marginalizovaných rómskych komunitách: kontextuálne faktory psychomotorického vývinu detí počas prvých 1000 dní - doc. Mgr. Zuzana Dankulincová, PhD. |
KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2023 – KAZUPORTÁL pre podporu a inováciu výučby lekárskej biochémie – MUDr. Anna Birková, PhD. |
KEGA 014UPJŠ-4/2023 – Základy chémie pre zahraničných študentov – Biomedicínske aspekty a aplikácie – doc. RNDr. Marek Stupák, PhD. |
International mobilities and visits
University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Medicine, ul. Medykow 18, 40-752 Katowice, Poland, 21.5-25.5.2018, Erasmus+ mobilita
University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Medicine, ul. Medykow 18, 40-752 Katowice, Poland, 23.5-31.5.2019, Erasmus+ mobilita
Organisational activities
member of the Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association - Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association, 2017-till present
Editorial board member - Laboratórna Diagnostika / Laboratory Diagnostics, peer-reviewed scientific journal
of the Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association, 2018-till present
Reviewer - Laboratórna Laboratórna Diagnostika / Laboratory Diagnostics, peer-reviewed scientific
journal of the Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association, 2018-trvá
Reviewer - MDPI Journals: Applied Sciences: IF 2.679, Q2; Cells: IF 6.600, Q2; Diagnostics: IF
3.706, Q2; Diseases: indexed in ESCI. PubMed. PMC; Genes: IF 4.096, Q2; Healthcare:
IF 2.645, Q2; Children: IF 2.863, Q2; International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health: IF 3.390, Q1; International Journal of Molecular Sciences: IF 5.92,
Q1 ; Journal of Clinical Medicine: IF 4.242, Q1; Medicina: IF 2.430, Q2; Molecules:
IF 4.412, Q2; Symmetry: 2.713, Q2; Veterinary Sciences: IF 2.304, Q1
2021: CEOG 2021 Best Paper Award winer: ADC - Kraus V., Kraus L., Birková A., Veliká B., Hubková B., Grešová A., Stupák M., Mareková M. - Telocytes: a brief review for the obstetrics / gynecology clinician - Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology -2019 - 46(6), p. 867-871, IF 0,139, Q3
ongoing projects: VEGA 1/0540/20: Study of selected biomarkers of CNS demyelinating diseases onset and progression VEGA 1/0333/20: Tear fluid and saliva in preventive, predictive and personalized medicine APVV-19-0493: RomaReach – Research on early childhood in marginalized Roma communities: contextual factors of psychomotor development in the first 1000 days
International collaboration
ongoing cooperation: Dr. Jolanta Zalejska-Fiolka, University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Dentistry, Poland
Defended diploma theses: Cholesterol in lipoprotein subfractions in patients with metabolic syndrome (M. Balogh); A relationship between lipoprotein fractions and homocysteine in patients with dyslipidemia (C. Carbonell Capó); A relationship between lipoprotein subfractions and lipid profile in obese patients (A. Lindenbeck); Determination of urinary hippuric acid as a biomarker of a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables (T. R. Seng) Currently supervised diploma theses: Changes in lipoprotein profile in preeclampsia (S. Krysztofiak); Changes in lipoprotein composition of blood serum as an early tool for diagnosing atherosclerosis (B.G. Filipowicz); Changes in lipoprotein profile in mild hypertension (I.F. Da Silva Dias Corte Real)
Interesting links
https://www.upjs.sk/en/faculty-of-medicine/department/medical-and-clinical-biochemistry/ https://www.upjs.sk/en/faculty-of-medicine/department/medical-and-clinical-biochemistry/research/