doc. Ing. Beáta Hubková, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
ULCHBKB - Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry
+421 55 234 3365
doc. Ing. Beáta Hubková, Ph.D. (111 scientific publications, of which 104 publications of category A; 84 citations, of which 61 citations registered in the Web of Science citation indexes and in the SCOPUS database), assistant professor at the Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, LF UPJŠ, is the researcher of national and international projects (APVV, VEGA, CEMIO), specializes in the analysis of metabolites by selected biochemical methods such as Lipoprint (ELFO), RP-HPLC, ELISA. She supervised 4 successfully defended diploma theses and ŠVOČ, at the same time she is the supervisor of 3 diploma theses.

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Foof Technology, 1999, Biotechnology and Chemical Technology - Management of Chemical and Food Technology
Second degree of higher education:
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Foof Technology, 2001, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, 2015, 7.1.25 Clinical Biochemistry
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine,, 2024, Clinical Biochemistry

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Medical Biochemistry 2 - General Medicine, I. + II. degree
Medical Biochemistry 2. - Dental Medicine, I. + II. degree
Selected publications

ADC - Birková A., Oboril, J., Kréta R., Čižmárová B., Hubková B., Šteffeková Z., Genči J., Paralič J., Mareková M. - Human fluorescent profile of urine as a simple tool of mining in data from autofluorescence spectroscopy - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control -2020 - 56(2) - IF=3,137, Q2, Cited: 8-times

ADM - Valko-Rokytovská M., Hubková B., Birková A., Mašlanková J., Stupák M., Zábavníková M., Čižmárová B., Mareková M. - Specific urinary metabolites in malignant melanoma - Medicina - 2019 - 55(5) - IF=1.205, Q3, Cited: 9-times

ADM - Lazúrová Z., Figurová J., Hubková B., Mašlanková J., Lazúrová I. - Urinary bisphenol A in women with polycystic ovary syndrome – a possible suppressive effect on steroidogenesis? - Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation - 2021 - 42(3) - SCOPUS, SJR=0.487, Q3, Cited: 11-times

V3 - Čižmárová B., Tomečková V., Hubková B., Hurajtová A., Ohlasová J., Birková A. - Salivary Redox Homeostasis in Human Health and Disease - International journal of molecular sciences - 2022 - 23(17) - IF=5.6, Q1, Cited: 9-times

ADC - Birková A., Valko-Rokytovská M., Hubková B., Zábavníková M., Mareková M. - Strong Dependence Between Tryptophan-Related Fluorescence of Urine and Malignant Melanoma - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2021 - 22(4) - IF=4,556, Q1, Cited: 4-times

Selected projects
VEGA 1/0540/20 - Štúdium vybraných biomarkerov vzniku a progresie demyelinizačných ochorení CNS - doc Mgr. Peter Urban, PhD.
VEGA 1/0333/20 - Slzná tekutina a sliny v preventívnej, prediktívnej a personalizovanej medicíne - doc. RNDr. Vladimíra Tomečková, PhD.

APVV-19-0493 - Výskum raného detstva v marginalizovaných rómskych komunitách: kontextuálne faktory psychomotorického vývinu detí počas prvých 1000 dní - doc. Mgr. Zuzana Dankulincová, PhD.

KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2023 – KAZUPORTÁL pre podporu a inováciu výučby lekárskej biochémie – MUDr. Anna Birková, PhD.

KEGA 014UPJŠ-4/2023 – Základy chémie pre zahraničných študentov – Biomedicínske aspekty a aplikácie – doc. RNDr. Marek Stupák, PhD.

International mobilities and visits
University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Medicine, ul. Medykow 18, 40-752 Katowice, Poland, 21.5-25.5.2018, Erasmus+ mobilita
University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Medicine, ul. Medykow 18, 40-752 Katowice, Poland, 23.5-31.5.2019, Erasmus+ mobilita
Organisational activities
member of the Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association - Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association, 2017-till present
Editorial board member - Laboratórna Diagnostika / Laboratory Diagnostics, peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association, 2018-till present
Reviewer - Laboratórna Laboratórna Diagnostika / Laboratory Diagnostics, peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry, Slovak Medical Association, 2018-trvá
Reviewer - MDPI Journals: Applied Sciences: IF 2.679, Q2; Cells: IF 6.600, Q2; Diagnostics: IF 3.706, Q2; Diseases: indexed in ESCI. PubMed. PMC; Genes: IF 4.096, Q2; Healthcare: IF 2.645, Q2; Children: IF 2.863, Q2; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: IF 3.390, Q1; International Journal of Molecular Sciences: IF 5.92, Q1 ; Journal of Clinical Medicine: IF 4.242, Q1; Medicina: IF 2.430, Q2; Molecules: IF 4.412, Q2; Symmetry: 2.713, Q2; Veterinary Sciences: IF 2.304, Q1

Additional information

2021: CEOG 2021 Best Paper Award winer: ADC - Kraus V., Kraus L., Birková A., Veliká B., Hubková B., Grešová A., Stupák M., Mareková M. - Telocytes: a brief review for the obstetrics / gynecology clinician - Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology -2019 - 46(6), p. 867-871, IF 0,139, Q3
ongoing projects: VEGA 1/0540/20: Study of selected biomarkers of CNS demyelinating diseases onset and progression VEGA 1/0333/20: Tear fluid and saliva in preventive, predictive and personalized medicine APVV-19-0493: RomaReach – Research on early childhood in marginalized Roma communities: contextual factors of psychomotor development in the first 1000 days
International collaboration
ongoing cooperation: Dr. Jolanta Zalejska-Fiolka, University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Dentistry, Poland
Defended diploma theses: Cholesterol in lipoprotein subfractions in patients with metabolic syndrome (M. Balogh); A relationship between lipoprotein fractions and homocysteine in patients with dyslipidemia (C. Carbonell Capó); A relationship between lipoprotein subfractions and lipid profile in obese patients (A. Lindenbeck); Determination of urinary hippuric acid as a biomarker of a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables (T. R. Seng) Currently supervised diploma theses: Changes in lipoprotein profile in preeclampsia (S. Krysztofiak); Changes in lipoprotein composition of blood serum as an early tool for diagnosing atherosclerosis (B.G. Filipowicz); Changes in lipoprotein profile in mild hypertension (I.F. Da Silva Dias Corte Real)
Interesting links
https://www.upjs.sk/en/faculty-of-medicine/department/medical-and-clinical-biochemistry/ https://www.upjs.sk/en/faculty-of-medicine/department/medical-and-clinical-biochemistry/research/

Further information