doc. MUDr. Dalibor Kolesár, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UA - Department of Anatomy
+421 55 234 3384
Associate Professor of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. In addition to pedagogical activities, he is also engaged in scientific research activities focused on the study of morphological changes in selected brain structures after ischemia-reperfusion injury. He participated in the solution of 10 domestic scientific research grant projects (VEGA, APVV) and 1 international grant project. As part of the KEGA project, he co-authored the preparation of teaching texts for dental students in Slovak and English. He is the author and co-author of 48 original scientific and professional papers published in domestic and foreign scientific journals (15 of them in journals registered in the Web of Science or SCOPUS databases), with 74 citations (HI = 7, according to Web of Science). He was the supervisor of 13 diploma theses, 10 of which were successfully defended, and the supervisor specialist of 1 successfully defended dissertation.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2002, Stomatology
Third degree of higher education:
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Neurobiology in Košice, 2006, General Biology
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2019, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Selected publications

(ADE) Andrea Gažová, Maria Kolesárová, Marek Oriňak, Dalibor Kolesár, Jan Kyselovič. Prescriptions of Strong Opioid Analgesics in Primary Care (Pharmacy Care). J Pharm Pharmacol Res 2 (2018): 096-107. Q3

(ADE) Kluchova D., Lovasova K., Vecanova J., Hvizdošova N., Mateffy S., Gavulova E., Kolesar D. EDUCATIONAL APPROACHES IN TEACHING OF HEAD AND NECK ANATOMY // Morphology. 2018. - Vol. 153. - N. S3-1. - P. 64-64. doi: 10.17816/morph.103299

(ADF) Kolesár D, Kolesárová M. Úloha oxidu dusnatého v intercelulárnej signalizácii. Folia medica Cassoviensia, 2018, 72(2), s. 16-23

(ADF) Kolesár D, Kolesárová M. Morfologická a funkčná charakteristika neurónov spinálnych ganglií. Folia Pharmaceutica Cassoviensia, 2019, 1(1), s. 20-31

(V3) HRYNTSOVA, N. HODOROVÁ, I. ROMAYUK, A. KRAVETS, A. RYBÁROVÁ, S. LOVÁSOVÁ, K. MIHALIK, J. PAVLIUK-KARACHEVTSEVA, A. VECANOVÁ, J. KOLESÁR, D. BOLEKOVÁ, A. FLEŠÁROVÁ, S. Adaptive morphofunctional rearrangements in the adult rats adenohypophysis after long-term exposure of heavy metal salts. Acta Medica Martiniana. 2022, 22(2), s. 70-78

(V3) Kolesárová M., Rohaľová J., Marcinčáková D., Kolesár D. Biologická liečba dyslipidemií. Folia Pharmaceutica Cassoviensia, 2024, 6(1), s. 73-88

(P1) Zita Faixová, Elena Piešová, Renáta Szabóová, Zuzana Maková, Mária Kolesárová, Dominika Faixová, Dalibor Kolesár, Andrea Gažová, Pavol Švorc, Soňa Grešová, rec. Ján Kyselovič, Peter Massanyi. Fyziológia a patologická fyziológia pre farmaceutov. 2023

Selected projects

VEGA 1/0218/18, Development of diaschysis in the process of nerve tissue remodeling after ischemic brain ijury


VEGA 1/0636/16, The effect of chronic application of nutritional supplements on the early stages of body development


KEGA 005UPJŠ-4/2016, Coordination of educational approaches in teaching head and neck anatomy at medical faculties


KEGA 006UPJŠ-4/2024 Anatomy of the human body in real images - photographic atlas, part 1.

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