doc. MUDr. Erik Dosedla, PhD., MBA   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
G-PK Šaca - Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics UPJS MF and AGEL Hospital Košice-Šaca
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
G-PK Šaca - Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics UPJS MF and AGEL Hospital Košice-Šaca
Associated professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at UPJŠ in 2005. In 2010, he obtained a specialization in the gynecology and obstetrics - the European Certificate in Bratislava. In 2016, he obtained an MBA, in the same year he achieved subspecilization certification in the maternal and fetal medicine. In 2017, he defended his dissertation at Charles University in Prague and obtained a PhD title. Since 2005 he has been working at the Gynecology and Obstetrics department of the UPJŠ Medical Faculty and the Agel Hospital Košice-Šaca, where he worked as the chief physician of the maternity ward, and since 2013 he has been the head of the department. He holds many international certificates that entitle him to perform conciliar ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology and obstetrics in a subspecialty focused on obstetrics. He is a trainer of ČSUPG ČLS JEP with the highest qualification, the final solver of the most complex cases and a consultant with nationwide scope and international recognition. He is the author of two monographies- Moderný cisársky rez a Sexuálne a reprodukčné práva žien, the author and co-author of more than 72 scientific and professional works. He regularly participates in domestic and international professional events, at which he also lectures as an invited author. He is a member of SGPS, ČSUPG ČLS JEP, ISUOG. He works as the editor-in-chief of the Slovak editorial board of the professional portal www.gynstart and the editor of the journal Aktuálni gynekologie a porodnictví. His priorities in professional practice include perinatology, fetal medicine, early prenatal diagnosis, minimally invasive gynecological surgery. His most recent achievements and professional focus include obtaining a certificate in the Da Vinci Technology Training operating system as a console surgeon and being authorized to perform robotic-assisted gynecological surgeries. He performs external fetal rotations, thereby contributing to the expansion of the spectrum of procedures offered in the field of maternal-fetal medicine.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty od Medicine, 2005, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2017, Experimental surgery/Obstetrics and Gynecology
Associate professor:
University of Pavol Jozef Šafarik in Košice, 2021, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Gynecology and obstetrics 1 - general medicine, I. and II. degree degree
Gynecology and obstetrics 2 - general medicine, I. and II. degree degree
Gynecology and obstetrics 3 - general medicine, I. and II. degree degree
Selected publications

Outcomes of laparoscopic treatment in women with cesarean scar syndrome

Dosedla, E., Calda, P.

Medical Science Monitorthis link is disabled, 2017, 23, pp. 4061–4066

Ultrazvuková charakteristika jazvy po cisárskom reze [elektronický zdroj] / Erik Dosedla ; recenzenti Marián Kacerovský, Jozef Zahumenský. - 1. vyd. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020. - 83 s. [3,6 AH], online. - ISBN 9788081529085. - Spôsob prístupu: https://unibook.upjs.sk/img/cms/2020/lf/usg-charakteristika-jazvy-po-cisarskom-reze.pdf.

[DOSEDLA, Erik (100%) ]

Laparoskopická hysterektómia [elektronický zdroj] / Erik Dosedla ; recenzenti Marián Kacerovský, Jozef Zahumenský. - 1. vyd. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020. - 90 s. [3 AH], online. - ISBN 9788081529061. - Spôsob prístupu: https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/gynekologia-a-porodnictvo/1417-laparoskopicka-hysterektomia.

[DOSEDLA, Erik (100%) ]

Genistein Improves Skin Flap Viability in Rats: A Preliminary In Vivo and In Vitro Investigation / L. Fáber ... [et al.]. - Projekt: Vplyv prírodných látok na nádorové mikroprostredie - VEGA 1/0753/17 ; Úloha galektínu-1 a -3 v hojení kožných rán - VEGA 1/0404/15 ; Vplyv estrogénovej substitučnej terapie na hojenie rán a prežívanie kožných lalokov - VEGA 1/0048/15 ; Sprostredkúvajú galektíny ochranný vplyv estrogénov/fytoestrogénov na srdce po infarkte myokardu? - VEGA 1/0660/16 ; UK/109/2017 ; Genistein a estrogénová signalizácia: sľubná molekula zlepšujúca hojenie rán u postmenopauzálnych žien? - APVV APVV-16-0207 ; Bunkové interakcie v nádorovom mikroprostredí a ich farmakologické ovplyvnenie - APVV APVV-16-0446 ; Galektíny ako potencionálne modulátory mikroprostredia nádoru/rany - APVV APVV-14-0731.

In: Molecules : a Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry. - ISSN 1420-3049. - Roč. 23, č. 7 (2018), s. 1-17. - DOI 10.3390/molecules23071637

[FÁBER, Lenka (8%) - KOVÁČ, Ivan (8%) - MITRENGOVÁ, Petra (8%) - NOVOTNÝ, Martin (8%) - VARINSKÁ, Lenka (8%) - VASILENKO, Tomáš (8%) - KELLO, Martin (5%) - ČOMA, Matúš (5%) - KURUC, Tomáš (5%) - PETROVÁ, Klaudia (5%) - ŠUŠANÍKOVÁ, Ivana (5%) - VITKOVSKÁ, Anika (1%) - GÁLOVÁ-PERŽEĽOVÁ, Vlasta (1%) - MIŽÁKOVÁ, Štefánia (1%) - DOSEDLA, Erik (1%) - SABOL, František (1%) - LUCZY, Ján (1%) - NAGY, Milan (1%) - MAJERNÍK, Jaroslav (2%) - KOŠČO, Martin (1%) - MUČAJI, Pavel (1%) - GÁL, Peter (16%) ]

Využitie Indol-3-karbinolu a jeho metabolitu 3,3 ́-diindolylmetánu v gynekológii / Erik Dosedla, Zuzana Turcsányiová.

In: Aktuální gynekologie a porodnictví : recenzovaný on-line časopis : oficiální časopis České společnosti pro ultrazvuk v porodnictví a gynekologii : Official Journal of the Czech Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology=Actual Gynecology and Obstetrics. - ISSN 1803-9588. - Roč. 12, (2020), s. 40-45.

[DOSEDLA, Erik (50%) - TURCSÁNYIOVÁ, Zuzana (50%) ]

Je nutná zmena prístupu k vedeniu pôrodu na základe zmeny reprodukčného správania tehotných? / Erik Dosedla ... [et al.]. - recenzované.

In: Aktuální gynekologie a porodnictví : recenzovaný on-line časopis : oficiální časopis České společnosti pro ultrazvuk v porodnictví a gynekologii : Official Journal of the Czech Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology=Actual Gynecology and Obstetrics. - ISSN 1803-9588. - Roč. 14, (2022), s. 6-11.

[DOSEDLA, Erik (40%) - BALLOVÁ, Zuzana (30%) - TURCSÁNYIOVÁ, Zuzana (28%) - CALDA, Pavel (2%) ]

MSEP 034222

Obří hemangiom krku plodu spojený s postnatalním Kasabachovým-Merrittovým syndromem / Erik Dosedla, ... [et al.]. - recenzované.

In: Česká gynekologie : časopis České gynekologické a porodnické společnosti=Czech gynecology=journal of the Czech gynecology and obstetrics society. - ISSN 1210-7832. - Roč. 87, č. 1 (2022), s. [1-1]. SCOPUS;

[DOSEDLA, Erik (40%) - BALLOVÁ, Zuzana (40%) - MARCIOVÁ, Zuzana (19%) - CALDA, Pavel (1%) ]

Additional information

Dean's Award for the best scientific work of the Student Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ, 2005 Personality of the Year 2007, 1st private Hospital Košice-Šaca, a.s. 2007 Czech Prize of the Czech Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology ČLS JEP 2013. In 2023, he received the Personality of the Year award at the AGEL Košice-Šaca Hospital a.s., and in 2024 he was awarded the Golden Aesculap award for his contribution to the field of publications.
Clinical trial KF 5503/35: A randomized, double-blind, parallel-arm, placebo- and comparator-controlled trial of the efficacy and safety of multiple doses of immediate-release / IR / CG 5503 for postoperative pain following abdominal hysterectomy Prospective cohort study on the origin of adult diseases in the prenatal development period in the Slovak population. Project of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic no. 2007/07 - SZU-03 BIOMEDIRES 2 project study APVV-21-0136 Biological, biochemical and mechanical characteristics of biocomposite filaments of polymer scaffolds for applications in biomedical engineering. Co-investigator of the project 21652 OASIS 2 focusing on clinical trials of non-hormonal solutions for vasomotor manifestations of climacteric syndrome. Co-investigator of the project ONIRY focusing on trials of a medical device for examining anal sphincter injury during childbirth.
International collaboration
Member of ČSUPG ČLS JEP and ISUOG.
sports- cycling, hiking, skialp

Further information