MUDr. Eva Janitorová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. SK - 1st Department of Stomatology
+421 55 234 3442
MUDr. Eva Janitorová, Ph.D. is an assistant professor at the 1st Department of Stomatology of the Faculty of Medicine of UPJŠ and UNLP in Košice. She graduated from the UPJŠ Medical Faculty in Košice in 1999 in the field of dentistry and since the end of her studies she has been working at the Department of Periodontology of the 1st Department of Stomatology of the UPJŠ Medical Faculty and the UNLP. In 2002 she passed the qualification attestation of the 1st degree in dentistry and subsequently in 2003 she obtained the Certificate in mucogingival surgery. In the same year, she defended her dissertation at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava on the topic of Mucogingival surgery and its role in the prevention of periodontal diseases. Based on the successful defense of her dissertation in the field of 51-17-9 dentistry, she was awarded a PhD. From 2004 to 2010 and in the academic year 2015/2016, she held the position of Deputy Head of Education.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1999, stomatology
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2003, Stomatology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Preventívne zubné lekárstvo, Preventive Dental Medicine - zubné lekárstvo/dental medicine, II. degree
Parodontológia 1, 2, 3, Periodontology 1, 2, 3 - zubné lekárstvo/dental medicine, II. degree
Selected publications

AFH1 Hodnotenie možných biomarkerov parodontitídy v sline [elektronický zdroj] / Jana Kluknavská ... [et al.]. - recenzované. - Projekt: Štúdium vzniku a progresie parodontitíd využitím najnovších molekulárno-biochemických metód - VEGA 1/0559/18 ; Slzná tekutina a sliny v preventívnej, prediktívnej a personalizovanej medicíne - VEGA 1/0333/20. In: Interaktívna konferencia mladých vedcov 2021 : Preveda. - Banská Bystrica : Občianské združenie Preveda, 2021. - ISBN 9788097236076. - S. 1-2, online. [KLUKNAVSKÁ, Jana DOK-51-E (30%) - VAŠKOVÁ, Janka (25%) - JANITOROVÁ, Eva (15%) - KRAJČÍKOVÁ, Kristína (15%) - MAŠLANKOVÁ, Jana (15%) ]

AFH6 Orálne prejavy toxicko-alergických reakcií na dentálne materiály a iné prípravky / Neda Markovská, Eva Janitorová. [Oral manifestation of toxic-aleregic reaction on dental materials and other substances]. In: Interdental 2015 : 23. medzinárodný stomatologický kongres a výstava: Bratislava, 14.-16.5.2015. - Bratislava : Slovenská komora zubných lekárov, 2015. - ISBN 9788097037154. - S. 33. Kód vedného odboru: 180 [MARKOVSKÁ, Neda (50%) - JANITOROVÁ, Eva (50%) ]

Organisational activities
member of Slovak Chamber of Dentists - Slovak Chamber of Dentists, since 2004 until now
member od stomatological association - Slovak Medical Association, since 2006 until now

Additional information

Further information