MVDr. Eva Lovásová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UPF - Department of Pathological Physiology
+421 55 234 3348
PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY: Seminars, practical exercises and lectures in the subjects Pathological Physiology 1 and 2 for the General Medicine and Dental Medicine fields of study in Slovak and English. Seminars, practical exercises and lectures in the subject Pathological Physiology for bachelor forms of study - Nursing, Physiotherapy and Public Health. Seminars and lectures in elective courses Molecular Pathophysiology and Clinical Pathophysiology in Slovak and English. Cooperation on the preparation of study materials for these subjects. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY: Monitoring of markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant protection of the organism in various pathological conditions (intoxication, immunodeficiency conditions, diabetes mellitus ...) in human medicine and in experiment. Modification of the method for assessment the total antioxidant capacity of plasma.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice, 1990, General Veterinary Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice, 2004, Veterinary Physiology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Patologická fyziológia 1, 2, Pathological Physiology 1, 2 - Všeobecné lekárstvo, General Medicine, 1st and 2nd degree degree
Patologická fyziológia 1, 2, Pathological Physiology 1, 2 - Zubné lekárstvo, Dental medicine, 1st and 2nd degree degree
Patologická fyziológia - Ošetrovateľstvo, Fyzioterapia, Verejné zdravotníctvo, 1st degree degree
Selected publications

ADM - NIŠTIAR, F., LUKAČÍNOVÁ, A., RÁCZ, O., NOVÁKOVÁ, J., LOVÁSOVÁ, E., BRENIŠIN, M., RUSNÁKOVÁ, S.: Preventive effect of natural dietary supplement - Flavin7 - on the onset of spontaneous diabetes mellitus in bio-breeding diabetes prone tats. Physiology and Pharmacology, Vol. 22 (2018), s. 11 - 18. ISSN 2476-5236. IF 0,56, Q4

BDF - LOVÁSOVÁ, E., NOVÁKOVÁ, J.: Mechanizmy karcinogénneho účinku kovov. Folia Medica Cassoviensia. Roč. 70, č. 1 (2016), s. 24 - 28. ISSN 1337-7817.

AFC - LOVÁSOVÁ, E., NOVÁKOVÁ, J., CIMBOLÁKOVÁ, I.: Fyziologické hodnoty vybraných plazmatických proteínov u samcov potkanov kmeňa. Ochrana zvířat a welfare: Sborník příspěvkú. - Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, 2016. S. 133-137. ISBN 9788073057800.

AFC - Animálne modely vo vedeckom výskume a etické aspekty / Iveta Cimboláková, Eva Lovásová, Jaroslava Nováková. - recenzované.

In: Ochrana zvířat a welfare 2015 : 23. mezinárodní konference. - Brno : Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, 2016. - ISBN 9788073057800. - S. 144-149.

AFC - Fyziologické hodnoty vybraných parametrov antioxidačnej ochrany u samcov a samíc potkanov kmeňa wistar / Jaroslava Nováková, Eva Lovásová, Iveta Cimboláková ; recenzenti Vladimír Večerek, Eva Voslářová, Zbyněk Semerád.

In: Ochrana zvířat a welfare: Sborník příspěvkú. - Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno, 2016. - ISBN 9788073057800. - S. 360.

Selected projects

VEGA 1/0622/20 Study of molecular and metabolomic profile of breast cancer / researcher

VEGA 1/0584/16 Relationship between PNMK levels and LBP/sCD14 ratio in blood breast patients / researcher

Additional information

UPJŠ LF Award for the best original scientific work in 2001
Principal Investigator: Project VEGA 1/0387/10 The effect of chronic exposure to subtoxic doses of cadmium and mercury on reproductive, physiological, biochemical and antioxidant parameters in rats. Deputy Investigator: Project VEGA 1/3494/06 Alternative (non-animal) methods for testing (toxicity and mutagenicity) of chemicals: use of protozoa and mammalian cells. Principal investigator: Prof., MVDr. František Ništiar, CSc. Co-investigator of another 14 projects.

Further information