prof. MUDr. Ingrid Hodorová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UA - Department of Anatomy
+421 55 234 3212
Prof. MUDr. Ingrid Hodorová, Ph.D. is professor in the field of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology and at the same time the head of the Institute of Anatomy at the UPJŠ Medical Faculty in Košice. Her professional and research interests include the study and immunohistochemical detection of possible prognostic and predictive markers in selected human tumors. She is the author or co-author of 4 university textbooks, 7 scripts and textbooks, 187 scientific and professional papers that have been cited 187 times in the Web of Science citation indexes and the Scopus database. Prof. MUDr. Ingrid Hodorová Ph.D. is the president of the Slovak Anatomical Society at the Slovak Medical Society.
Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Anatomy, histology and embryology, study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Study programme: Anatomy 2 - garant, study field: General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Profile courses
Anatomy - Anatomy, histology a embryology, III. degree
Anatomy 2 - Anatomy, histology a embryology, I.+II. degree
Selected publications
ADC - J. Mihalik, A. Kreheľová, V. Kovaříková, P. Solár, I. Domoráková, A. Pavliuk-Karachevtseva, A. Hladová, S. Rybárová, I. Hodorová, GPx8 Expression in Rat Oocytes, Embryos, and Female Genital Organs During Preimplantation Period of Pregnancy, International Journal of Molecular Sciences : Open Access Journal, (2020), E6313, s. 1-16, IF 4.556, Q1
ADC - I. Hodorová, S. Rybárová, P. Solár, M. Benický, D. Rybár, Z. Kováčová, J. Mihalik, Monoamine Oxidase B in Renal Cell Carcinoma, Medical Science Monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research, (2018), s. 5422-5426. IF 1.9, Q3

ADC - Kováčová, Zuzana, and Ingrid Hodorová. “Carbonic Anhydrase IX and Survivin in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cells: Slovakian Population Study.” Biology (2020) IF 5.079, Q1 - JCR, Q1

ADC - J. Mihalik, J. Mašlanková, P. Solár, F. Horváthová, B. Hubková, V. Almášiová, J. Šoltés, M. Švaňa, S. Rybárová, I. Hodorová, The effect of R-(-)-deprenyl administration on reproductive parameters of rat males, European Journal of Pharmacology, (2015), s. 148-152, IF 3.263, Q2
ADD - A. Hladová, I. Hodorová, S. Rybárová, J. Mihalik, N. Bobrov, P. Solár, Z. Benetinová, L. Mirossay, Influence of paclitaxel therapy on expression of ssIII-Tubulin and Carbonic anhydrase IX proteins in chemically-induced rat mammary tumors, Biologia, (2020), s. 1991-1999, IF 0.811, Q4
Selected projects

VEGA 1/0173/19, Influence of entacapone administration on antioxidant status and reproductive parameters of male rats.


Grant KEGA 019UPJŠ-4/2018, New subject at the Faculty of Medicine: "Methods of effective learning".


KEGA grant 006UPJŠ-4/2024, Anatomy of human body in real pictures - 1st part


VEGA 1/0204/16, Influence of cytostatic treatment on the dynamics of expression of factors causing drug resistance in experimentally induced mammary carcinoma.


KEGA grant 018UPJS-4/2021, Ultrasound anatomy of peripheral nerves and vessels

Principal inestigator

International mobilities and visits
Anatomy department, First faculty of Medicine, Charles Unversity , Prague, Czech republic, U nemocnice 3, Prague, Czech republic, 1. 5. - 31. 5. 2012, prof. MUDr. Karel Smetana, DrSc.
Buchara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi street 1, Bukhara 705018, Uzbekistan, 28. 4. - 6. 5. 2016, doc. Dilmurod Khojiev, PhD.
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv Universtiy, Israel, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel, 18. 5. - 1. 6. 2018, Ala Heimann - Kabrina
Vilnius University, Medical faculty, Litva, M. K. Čiurlionio g. 21, Vilnius 03101, Lithuania, 18. 5. - 24. 5. 2019, Andrej Suchomlinov
Buchara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, Navoi street 1, Bukhara 705018, Uzbekistan, 31. 5. - 11. 6. 2019, doc. Dilmurod Khojiev, PhD.
2. Medical faculty UK Praha, V Úvalu 84, Praha 5, Czech republic, 11. 09. - 17. 09. 2024, Erasmus+
Organisational activities
Head of Department of Anatomy - Department of Anatomy, Pavol Jozef Safárik University, Medical faculty, since 2016
guarantor of the study program Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - Pavol Jozef Safárik University, Medical faculty, since 2024
member of the trade union commission of the study program Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - Pavol Jozef Safárik University, Medical faculty, since 2020
member of the General Medicine Study Program Board - Pavol Jozef Safárik University, Medical faculty, since 2021

Additional information

Further information