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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Medical and Clinical Biophysics
MB4O26 | |
+421 55 234 3250 | |
0000-0002-9698-6024 |
Selected publications
ADC, BOBER, Peter, ALEXOVIČ, Michal, TALIAN, Ivan, TOMKOVÁ, Zuzana,KOŽLEJOVÁ, Zuzana,BENCKOVÁ, Mária,ANDRAŠINA, Igor, CICCOCIOPPO, Rachele,PETROVIC, Daniel,ADAMEK, Mariusz, KRUŽLIAK, Peter,SABO, Ján, Proteomic analysis of the vitamin C effect on the doxorubicin cytotoxicity in the MCF 7 breast cancer cell line, Journal of Cancer research and Clinical Oncology. - ISSN 1432-1335. - Vol. 143, no. 1 (2017), s. 35 - 42.13 citations |
ADC, SMOLKOVÁ, Romana, SMOLKO, Lukáš, ZELEŇÁK, Vladimír, KUCHÁR, Juraj, GYEPES, Róbert, TALIAN, Ivan,SABO, Ján, BIŠČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana, RABAJDOVÁ, Miroslava, Impact of the central atom on human genomic DNA and human serum albumin binding properties in analogous Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with mefenamic acid, Journal of Molecular Structure. - ISSN 0022-2860. - č. 1188 (2019), s. 42-50. - DOI 10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.03.078, 5 citations |
ADC, NÉMETHOVÁ, Miroslava, TALIAN, Ivan, DANIELISOVÁ, Viera,TKÁČIKOVÁ, Soňa, BONOVÁ, Iveta, BOBER, Peter, MATIAŠOVÁ, Milina, SABO, Ján, BURDA, Jozef, Delayed bradykinin postconditioning modulates intrinsic neuroprotective enzyme expression in the rat CA1 region after cerebral ischemia: a proteomic study, Metabolic Brain Disease. - ISSN 0885-7490. - Vol. 31, no. 6 (2016), s. 1391-1403. 4 citations |
ADC, ANDELOVÁ, Natália, WACZULÍKOVÁ, Iveta, TALIAN, Ivan, SÝKORA, Matúš, FERKO, Miroslav, mPTP Proteins Regulated by Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mellitus Are Effectively Involved in the Processes of Maintaining Myocardial Metabolic Adaptation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences : Open Access Journal. - ISSN 1661-6596. - Roč. 21, č. 7 (2020), art. no. 2622, s. [1-20]. - DOI 10.3390/ijms21072622, 2 citations |
ADC, LAPUTKOVÁ, Galina, BENCKOVÁ, Mária, ALEXOVIČ, Michal, SCHWARTZOVÁ, Vladimíra, TALIAN, Ivan, SABO, Ján, Proteomic and bioinformatics analysis of human saliva for the dental-risk assessment, Open Life Sciences. - ISSN 2391-5412. - Vol. 12 (2017), s. 248 - 265, 1 citation |
Selected projects
Integrative strategy in the development of personalized medicine of selected cancers and its impact on quality of life "LISPER" ITMS2014+: 313011V446, vedecko-výskumný pracovník |
VEGA 1/0196/20 - Application of proteomic analysis of distal human fluids for determination of temporomandibular joint disorders and evaluation of treatment effect by intra-articular application of hyaluronic acid, principal investigator |
Innovative strategy to breast cancer diagnostics and therapy based on changes in proteome of circulating leukocytes, APVV-19-0476, research specialist |
International mobilities and visits
Charles University in Prague, Medical Faculty/Department of Biophysics, V Úvalu 84, 15006 Praha 5 Motol, 23/11/2016 do 25/11/2016, Erasmus+
International collaboration
DTU Danchip Nationalt Center for Mikro- and Nanofabrikation, Technical University of Denmark, Ørsteds Plads, Building 347, room 178 2800 Lyngby