RNDr. Ivan Talian, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
ULBF - Department of Medical and Clinical Biophysics
+421 55 234 3250
RNDr. Ivan Talian, PhD. is a researcher at the Institute of Medical and Clinical Biophysics at the UPJŠ Medical Faculty in Košice. He is an expert in the field of mass spectrometry and separation methods used in proteomic analyzes, including advanced service settings of mass spectrometers and nanoHPLC systems (several certificates obtained from training directly at the manufacturers). He is an advanced user of bioinformatics tools used in proteomic data processing and actively cooperates in creating his own bioinformatics tools in cooperation with TUKE (so far 9 engineering theses have been defended focusing on bioinformatics tools used in proteomics). He is the author or. co-author of 95 original scientific papers and professional papers published in foreign and domestic journals (24 in CC, WoS or Scopus), which have been cited more than 200 times in WoS / Scopus citation indices.

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
University of P.J Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of science, Institute of chemistry, 2005, Chemistry
Second degree of higher education:
University of P.J Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of science, Institute of chemistry, 2006, Chemistry
Third degree of higher education:
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 2010, Analytical chemistry

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Selected publications

ADC, BOBER, Peter, ALEXOVIČ, Michal, TALIAN, Ivan, TOMKOVÁ, Zuzana,KOŽLEJOVÁ, Zuzana,BENCKOVÁ, Mária,ANDRAŠINA, Igor, CICCOCIOPPO, Rachele,PETROVIC, Daniel,ADAMEK, Mariusz, KRUŽLIAK, Peter,SABO, Ján, Proteomic analysis of the vitamin C effect on the doxorubicin cytotoxicity in the MCF 7 breast cancer cell line, Journal of Cancer research and Clinical Oncology. - ISSN 1432-1335. - Vol. 143, no. 1 (2017), s. 35 - 42.13 citations

ADC, SMOLKOVÁ, Romana, SMOLKO, Lukáš, ZELEŇÁK, Vladimír, KUCHÁR, Juraj, GYEPES, Róbert, TALIAN, Ivan,SABO, Ján, BIŠČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana, RABAJDOVÁ, Miroslava, Impact of the central atom on human genomic DNA and human serum albumin binding properties in analogous Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with mefenamic acid, Journal of Molecular Structure. - ISSN 0022-2860. - č. 1188 (2019), s. 42-50. - DOI 10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.03.078, 5 citations

ADC, NÉMETHOVÁ, Miroslava, TALIAN, Ivan, DANIELISOVÁ, Viera,TKÁČIKOVÁ, Soňa, BONOVÁ, Iveta, BOBER, Peter, MATIAŠOVÁ, Milina, SABO, Ján, BURDA, Jozef, Delayed bradykinin postconditioning modulates intrinsic neuroprotective enzyme expression in the rat CA1 region after cerebral ischemia: a proteomic study, Metabolic Brain Disease. - ISSN 0885-7490. - Vol. 31, no. 6 (2016), s. 1391-1403. 4 citations

ADC, ANDELOVÁ, Natália, WACZULÍKOVÁ, Iveta, TALIAN, Ivan, SÝKORA, Matúš, FERKO, Miroslav, mPTP Proteins Regulated by Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mellitus Are Effectively Involved in the Processes of Maintaining Myocardial Metabolic Adaptation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences : Open Access Journal. - ISSN 1661-6596. - Roč. 21, č. 7 (2020), art. no. 2622, s. [1-20]. - DOI 10.3390/ijms21072622, 2 citations

ADC, LAPUTKOVÁ, Galina, BENCKOVÁ, Mária, ALEXOVIČ, Michal, SCHWARTZOVÁ, Vladimíra, TALIAN, Ivan, SABO, Ján, Proteomic and bioinformatics analysis of human saliva for the dental-risk assessment, Open Life Sciences. - ISSN 2391-5412. - Vol. 12 (2017), s. 248 - 265, 1 citation

Selected projects

Integrative strategy in the development of personalized medicine of selected cancers and its impact on quality of life "LISPER" ITMS2014+: 313011V446, vedecko-výskumný pracovník

VEGA 1/0196/20 - Application of proteomic analysis of distal human fluids for determination of temporomandibular joint disorders and evaluation of treatment effect by intra-articular application of hyaluronic acid, principal investigator

Innovative strategy to breast cancer diagnostics and therapy based on changes in proteome of circulating leukocytes, APVV-19-0476, research specialist

International mobilities and visits
Charles University in Prague, Medical Faculty/Department of Biophysics, V Úvalu 84, 15006 Praha 5 Motol, 23/11/2016 do 25/11/2016, Erasmus+

Additional information

International collaboration
DTU Danchip Nationalt Center for Mikro- and Nanofabrikation, Technical University of Denmark, Ørsteds Plads, Building 347, room 178 2800 Lyngby

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