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iveta.rajnicova@upjs.sk |
https://mc3.sk/autor/iveta-nagyova/ | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Social and Behavioural Medicine
MC8O08 | |
+421 55 234 3394 | |
0000-0002-9528-5234 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Public Health - PhD study supervisor, study field: 43. Public Health, III degree
Profile courses
Social Medicine - General Medicine, General Medicine (Single degree study, doctor I. II. deg., full-time form) degree
Seminar of Diploma Thesis 3 - General Medicine, Dental medicine, General Medicine (Single degree study, doctor I. II. deg., full-time form) degree
Behavioural Medicine - General Medicine, General Medicine (Single degree study, doctor I. II. deg., full-time form) degree
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods - Public Health, Public Health (Single degree study, I. II. deg., full-time form) degree
Statistics and demography - Public Health, Public Health (Single degree study, I. II. deg., full-time form) degree
Selected publications
ADC - Nagyova I, Jendrichovsky M, Kucinsky R, Lachytova M, Rus V. Effects of Nordic walking on cardiovascular performance and quality of life in coronary artery disease. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2020,56,5: 616-624; IF 2.258, Q1, cited 3x Scopus |
ADC - Hagovska M, Nagyova I. The transfer of skills from cognitive and physical training to activities of daily living: a randomised controlled study. European Journal of Ageing 2017, 14, 133-142, IF 1.470, Q2, cited 11x Scopus |
ADC - Lachytova M, Katreniakova Z, Mikula P, Jendrichovsky M, Nagyova I. Associations between self-rated health, mental health problems and physical inactivity among urban adolescents. Eur J Public Health. 2017, 27, 6: 984-989, IF 2.516, Q1, cited 10x Scopus |
ACD - Benka J, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, Macejova Z, Lazurova I, van Der Klink JLL, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Social participation in early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients. Disability and Rehabilitation 2016,3812:1172-1179, IF 1.723, Q1, cited 10x Scopus |
ADC - Prihodova L, Nagyova I, Rosenberger J, Roland R, Majernikova M, Groothoff JW, van Dijk JP. Social participation after kidney transplantation as a predictor of graft loss and mortality over 10 years: A longitudinal study. Transplantation 2015; 99,3:568–575, IF 3.535, Q1, cited 9x Scopus |
Selected projects
IMMERSE. EC-Horizon 2020: RIA; No. 945263. “The implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in clinical care pathways: Towards person-centered care in psychiatry” 04/2021-03/2025. Principal Investigator (PI): KU Leuwen, Belgium, prof. Inez Myin-Germeys; National co-ordinator (NC): Dr. Iveta Nagyova; https://immerse-project.eu/ |
SCIROCCO Exchange. EC HADEA 3rd HP-PJ-2018; No. 826676 "Personalised Knowledge Transfer and Access to Tailored Evidence-Based Assets on Integrated Care" 01/2019 – 2/2022. Principal Investigator (PI): Škótska vláda, Veľká Británia, Dr. D. Henderson; National coordinator (NC): Dr. Iveta Nagyová; www.sciroccoexchange.com |
APVV-LORICCOM: No. APVV-15-0719 "Longitudinal research on psychosocial innovations in chronic condition management" 7/2016 –12/2020. Principal Investigator (PI): Dr Iveta Rajničová Nagyová; https://mc3.sk/projekty/loriccom/ |
ICARE4EU: EK: / EAHC DG SANCO No.20121205 "Innovating care for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe; 3/2013 – 4/2016. Principal Investigator (PI): NIVEL, Holandsko, Dr. M. Rijken. National coordinator (NC): Dr. Iveta Nagyová; www.icare4eu.org |
iCARE Study: CIHR: SMC-151518. International COVID-19 Awareness and Responses Evaluation Study. 03/2020-ongoing; Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. K. Lavoie & Prof. S. Bacon, Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre, Canada. National coordinator (NC): Dr. Iveta Nagyová; https://mbmc-cmcm.ca/covid19/ |
2021-present: Re-elected as President of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA). Serving a second term (till Oct 2024) – approved by 80 EUPHA members from 47 countries (honour) 2020-present: Member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health - selected from 230 applicants from 47 countries (honour) 2016: Member of the Expert Evaluator Team for European Commission H2020 research proposals (e.g. SC-RTD; MSCA-ITN, SC-BHC, JPND) on a regular basis since 2016 (honour) 2016: Slovak Literary Fund Citation Award ‘Most cited scientific article in the Social Sciences’ 2015: Training Fellowship: Oxford International Primary Care Research Leadership Programme, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (€8,000) 2015: Slovak Literary Fund Citation Award ‘Most cited author in the Social Sciences: a 3-year citation index’ 2006: Best poster price: 11th International Congress of the European Society for Health and Medical Sociology (ESHMS) “European Health: Old and New Challenges”, 31 August – 2 September 2006, Krakow, Poland 2005-present: Universitair Hoofdocent, Conjoint appointment, University of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen, the Netherlands; since year 2005 (honour) 1995: Salary Award: University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands (€15,900)
CURRENTLY RUNNING PROJECTS EC H2020, SC1-BHC, No. 945263. IMMERSE: The Implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in Clinical Care Pathways. Duration: 2021-2025, Budget: 4 mil EUR. PI: I. Myin-Germeys, Katholieke Universiteit Leuwen, BE. National coordinator: I. Nagyova. Web: www.immerse-project.eu EC HaDEA, 3rd HP, No. 826676. SCIROCCO Exchange: Personalised Knowledge Transfer and Access to Tailored Evidence-Based Assets on Integrated Care. Duration: 2019-2022, Budget: 1.5 mil EUR. PI: D. Henderson, Scottish Government, UK. National coordinator: I. Nagyova. Web: www.sciroccoexchange.com
International collaboration
European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG), The Netherlands University of Montpellier, CEPS Platform, France Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre, Condordia University, Canada International Behavioural Trials Network University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Primary Care, Oxford, United Kingdom
PhD study supervisor - PhD in Medical Sciences, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands Reviewer for Patient Education and Counseling journal Member of the Advisory Board of Slovak Public Health Association (SAVEZ)
Interesting links
https://www.upjs.sk/en/faculty-of-medicine/department/social-and-behavioural-medicine/ https://mc3.sk/