RNDr. Izabela Bertková, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
CKPV - Center of Clinical and Preclinical Research MEDIPARK
+421 55 234 3266

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
P.J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, 1994, General biology
Third degree of higher education:
P.J. Šafárik University, Faculty of Science, 2013, Animal physiology
Associate professor:
Science qualification IIa, 2017,

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Selected publications

ADC Štofilová, J., Langerholc, T, Botta, C., Treven, P., Gradišnik, L., Salaj, R., Šoltésová, A., Bertková, I., Hertelyová, Z., Bomba, A. Cytokine production in vitro and in rat model of colitis in response to Lactobacillus plantarum LS/07 /. Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy, 2017; 94:1176-1185. IF=4,545 Q1, cit.:16x

ADC Hijová, E., Bertková, I., Štofilová, J. Dietary fibre as prebiotics in nutrition, Central European Journal of Public Health=CEJPH. 2019, 27( 3): 251-255. IF=0,653 Q3, cit.:10x

ADC Brestenský, M., Nitrayová, S., Bomba, A., Pátraš, P., Strojný, L., Szabadosová, V., Pramuková, B., Bertková, I. The content of short chain fatty acids in the jejunal digesta, caecal digesta and faeces of growing pigs. Livestock Science, 2017; 205: 106-110. IF=1,7 Q2, cit.:9x

ADC Hijová, E., Kuzma, J., Strojný, L., Bomba, A., Bertková, I., Chmelárová, A., Hertelyová, Z., Benetinová, V., Štofilová, J., Ambro, Ľ. Ability of Lactobacillus plantarum LS/07 to modify intestinal enzymes activity in chronic diseases prevention. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2017; 64(1):113-116. IF= 1,42 Q2, cit.:5x

ADC Kvaková, M., Bertková, I., Štofilová, J., Savidge, Tor C. Co-encapsulated synbiotics and immobilized probiotics in human health and gut microbiota modulation. Foods. - ISSN 2304-8158. - Roč. 10, č. 6 (2021), art. no. 1297, s. 1-28. - DOI 10.3390/foods10061297.  IF=4,957 Q1, cit.:2x

Selected projects

APVV -16-0176 project: Targeted modulation of gut microbiota and its transplantation in prevention and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.

-chef researcher

Drive4SIFood - ITMS2014+: 313011V336: Demand-driven research for sustainable and innovative foods - researcher

T288 Functional foods for healthy life ITMS2014+313012T288 - researcher

VEGA 1/0393/20: Relationship between adherent and immunomodulatory properties of probiotic lactobacilli and the functionality and integrity of the intestinal barrier in inflammatory bowel diseases - researcher

VEGA 1/0309/16 Modulation of intestinal microflora and lipid metabolism in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases using probiotic microorganisms and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - researcher

International mobilities and visits
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, v. v. i., Praha, Czech Republic, 24.6.2019-29.6.2019, ERASMUS+