prof. MVDr. Ján Mojžiš, DrSc.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UFR - Department of Pharmacology
+421 55 234 3485
prof. MVDr. Ján Mojžiš, DrSc. is a professor of Pharmacology and head of the Department of Pharmacology at the Medical Faculty in UPJŠ in Košice. He is co-guarant of doctoral study program medical pharmacology in the field of pharmacy. He was the supervisor of 15 successfully defended doctoral theses in study programs Pharmacology or Medical Pharmacology. As part of his research activities, he is interesting on anticancer effect of natural compounds and their synthetic derivatives with special focus to tumour microenvironment. He is the author or co-author of near 300 original scientific (145 in CC, WoS or Scopus) and professional papers published in foreign and domestic journals which have been cited more than 1950 times in WoS/Scopus citation indexes. Moreover, he is author or co-author of six monographs and six textbooks of Pharmacology for students of medical and pharmaceutical schools.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Veterinary University in Košice, 1980, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Veterinary University in Košice, 1991, Biochemistry
Associate professor:
Faculty of Medicine at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 1996, Pharmacology
Faculty of Medicine at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2003, Pharmacology
Doctor of Science (DrSc.):
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2012, Pharmacology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Medical Pharmacology - member of jury for defendence of PhD; co-guarant of doctoral study program medical pharmacology, study field: Pharmacy, III. degree
Profile courses
Pharmacology 2 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Pharmacology 2 - Dentistry, Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Pharmacology - Medical Pharmacology, III. degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: Medical Pharmacology; co-guarant, study field to which it is assigned: Pharmacy
Selected publications

ADC: Mirossay L, Varinská L, Mojžiš J. Antiangiogenic Effect of Flavonoids and Chalcones: An Update. Int J Mol Sci. 19, pii: E27., 2018 (IF=3,226; Q1) cit. 48 x

ADC: Kapinova, A., Stefanicka, P., Kubatka, P., Zubor, P., Uramova, S., Kello, M., Mojzis, J., Blahutova, D., Qaradakhi, T., Zulli, A., Caprnda, M., Danko, J., Lasabova, Z., Busselberg, D., Kruzliak, P.: Are plant-based functional foods better choice against cancer than single phytochemicals? A critical review of current breast cancer research. Biomed Pharmacother. 96, 1465–1477, 2017 (IF= 2,326; Q1) cit. 51 x

ADM: Kello M, Takac P, Kubatka P, Kuruc T, Petrova K, Mojzis J. Oxidative Stress-Induced DNA Damage and Apoptosis in Clove Buds-Treated MCF-7 Cells. Biomolecules 10, pii: E139, 2020 (IF=4,649; Q1) cit. 8 x

ADM: Takac P, Kello M, Vilkova M, Vaskova J, Michalkova R, Mojzisova G, Mojzis J. Antiproliferative Effect of Acridine Chalcone Is Mediated by Induction of Oxidative Stress. Biomolecules 10, pii: E345, 2020 (IF=4,649; Q1) cit. 12 x

ADM:  Michalkova, R.; Mirossay, L.; Gazdova, M.; Kello, M.; Mojzis, J. Molecular Mechanisms of Antiproliferative Effects of Natural Chalcones. Cancers 13, 2730 2021 (IF=6,639; Q1) cit: 8x

ADC: Kubatka P, Kello M, Kajo K, Samec M, Liskova A, Jasek K, Koklesova L, Kuruc T, Adamkov M, Smejkal K, Svajdlenka E, Solar P, Pec M, Büsselberg D, Sadlonova V, Mojzis J. Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) Demonstrates Oncostatic Activity in the Therapeutic and Preventive Model of Breast Carcinoma. Int J Mol Sci. 22, 183, 2021 (IF= 5,923; Q1); cit 11x

ADM: Kello M, Kuruc T, Petrova K, Goga M, Michalova Z, Coma M, Rucova D, Mojzis J. Pro-Apoptotic Potential of Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf Extract and Isolated Physodic Acid in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Model In Vitro. Pharmaceutics. 13, 2173, 2021. (IF=6,321; Q1)

ADC: Samec M., Liskova A., Koklesova L., Samue SM., Zha K., Buhrmann C., Varghese E., Abotaleb M., Qaradakhi T., Zulli A., Kello M., Mojzis J., Zubor P., Kwon TK., Shakibaei M., Büsselberg D., Sarria GR., Golubnitschaja O., Kubatka P.: Flavonoids against the Warburg phenotype—concepts of predictive, preventive and personalised medicine to cut the Gordian knot of cancer cell metabolism. EPMA Journal 11, 377-398, 2020 (IF=6,543; Q1), cit 21 x

ADC: Takac P., Kello M., Bago Pilatova M., Kudlickova Z., Vilkova M., Slepcikova P., Petik P., Mojzis J.: New chalcone derivative exhibits antiproliferative potential by inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest, mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis and modulation of MAPK signalling pathway. Chem Biol Interac 292, 37–49, 2018. (IF=3,296; Q1); cit. 22x

ADC: Kubatka P, Kello M, Kajo K, Kruzliak P, Výbohová D, Mojžiš J, Adamkov M, Fialová S, Veizerová L, Zulli A, Péč M, Statelová D, Grančai D, Büsselberg D. Oregano demonstrates distinct tumour-suppressive effects in the breast carcinoma model. Eur J Nutr. 56, 1303-1316, 2017 (IF=3,467; Q1). cit. 21x

Selected projects

APVV–0408–12: Galectins and angiogenesis . 2013-2017: PI: prof. MVDr. Ján Mojžiš, DrSc.

APVV-16-0446; Cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment and their pharmacological modulations. 2017-2021; PI from 2018 - prof. MVDr. Ján Mojžiš, DrSc.

VEGA 1/0322/14: Indole phytoalexins - mechanism of their anti-proliferative effect. 2014-2016. PI: prof. MVDr. Ján Mojžiš, DrSc.

VEGA 1/0753/17; Effect of natural compunds on tumor microenvironment. 2017-2020, PI: prof. MVDr. J. Mojžiš, DrSc.

VEGA 1/0539/21; Fibroblasts and tumor microenvironment: cell interactions and their pharmacological modulation. PI: prof. MVDr. J. Mojžiš, DrSc.

EU founds: OPENMED CodeITMS2014+:313011V455. PI of activity 7.1: prof. MVDr. J. Mojžiš, DrSc.

Organisational activities
Member of Scientific Board of Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Natural Sciences and University of PJ Šafarik - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2011-2015
Member of the committee of the Slovak Pharmacological Society - Sloval Medical Society, 2010-until now
Member of juries for defendence of PhD. theses in pharmacology , Member of juries for defendence of PhD. theses in Molecular Cytology - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2004-until now
Deputy Chairman of the UPJŠ Attestation Commission in Košice - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2015-until now
Member of commisions of Grant agencies (VEGA, APVV) - Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports, Slovak Republic, 2013-2021 (VEGA); 2015-until now (APVV)

Additional information

- co-author of publications awarded as the best publications of Fac.Med. UPJS (1994, 1995) - 1st and co-author of publications awarded as the best publications of Fac.Med. UPJS (1996, 1998) - co-author (1997) of book (Pharmacology) awarded as the best monography of Fac. Med. UPJS - 1. author of lecture awarded as the best lecture in the frame of 49. Czech and Slovak Pharmacological congress in Bratislava (1999) - Honorary citizen of the City of Mobile, USA (1997) - award of Slovak Pharmacological Society for publishing activity - 1st author (2001) of book awarded as the best monography of Fac. Med. UPJS - co-author of publications awarded as the best publications of UPJS Faculty of Medicine (2002, 2003) - Co-author of publication awarded as the best publication of journal Psychiatry for prax (2012) - Rector´s Award for scientific research and publishing activity (2015)
In position of principal investigator. APVV. 1. Anticancer effect of natural compunds: focus to angiogenesis. APVV-0325-07; 2. Galectins and angiogenesis APVV-0408-12; 3. Cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment and their pharmacological modulations. APVV-16-0446; VEGA 1. Natural compounds and their use in chemoprevention/therapy on cancers. VEGA 1/1176/04 2. Effect of natural compounds and their synthetic derivatives on tumor angiogenesis. VEGA 1/4236/07 3. Anticancer effect of indole phytoalexins - focus to angiogenesis. 1/0302/10 4. Indole phytoalexins - mechanism of their anti-proliferative effect. VEGA 1/0322/14; 5. Effect of natural compunds on tumor microenvironment. VEGA 1/0753/17 6. Fibroblasts and tumor microenvironment: cell interactions and their pharmacological modulation. 1/0539/21 EU founds 1. Open scientific community for modern interdisciplinary research in medicine (OPENMED) – PI of activity 7.1
- member of juries for defendence of PhD. theses in pharmacology and toxicology - expert for elaboration of accompaining material for registration of drug products - referee for evaluation of PhD. theses or publications for national or international scientific journals - member of Scientific Board Fac.Med. UPJS, Kosice (from 1997-2015) - member of Scientific Board UPJS, Kosice (from 2011-2015) - member of commisions of Grant agencies (VEGA, APVV) - member of editorial board Folia Cassoviensia - member of editorial board Internatiol Journal of Current Chemistry

Further information