MUDr. Jana Kaiferová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. SK - 1st Department of Stomatology
+421 55 234 3306
MUDr. Jana Kaiferová, Ph.D. is an assistant professor at the 1st Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of UPJŠ and UNLP in Košice. She graduated from the UPJŠ Medical Faculty in Košice in 1998 in the field of dentistry with honors and has been working at the 1st Dental Clinic of the UPJŠ Medical Faculty and the UNLP, currently in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, with the exception of 2015-2020. From 2015 to 2020, she worked at the Dental Clinic of the General Hospital and the Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. In 2001 she passed the qualification attestation of the 1st degree in dentistry, in 2007 she received a certificate in the certified work activity mucogingival surgery. In the same year, she defended her dissertation at the Faculty of Medicine of UPJŠ in Košice on the topic of Oral Health of Patients with Hemoblastosis. Based on the successful defense of her dissertation in the field of 51-17-9 dentistry, she was awarded a PhD. In 2009 she passed the qualification attestation of the 2nd degree in Pediatric Dentistry at the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava. She specializes mainly in the treatment of high-risk and non-cooperating pediatric patients in preschool and early school age in sedation and general anesthesia.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Medicine,, 1998, Stomatology
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Medicine, 2007, Stomatology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Paediatric Dentistry 1,2,3 / Detské ZL - Dental Medicine / zubné lekárstvo, II. degree
Radiology in OFO / Rádiológia v OFO - Dental Medicine / zubné lekárstvo, II. degree
Propedeutics of DM 1,2,3,4 / / Propedeutika ZL 1,2,3,4 - Dental Medicine / zubné lekárstvo, II. degree
Selected publications

AFG : Nanoindentation hardness of enamel / Halgaš Radoslav, Dusza Ján, Markovská Neda, Kaiferová Jana, Kovácsová Lucia, 2011. In: YUCOMAT 2011 : 13. Annual Conference. Hunguest Hotel Sun Resort Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 5-9, 2011 : materials research society of serbia, 2011. - . - S. 160.

ADC : Nanoindentation testing of human enamel and dentin / Halgaš Radoslav, Dusza Ján, Kaiferová Jana, Kovácsová Lucia, Markovská Neda, 2013. In: Ceramics - Silikáty. - ISSN 0862-5468. - Vol. 57, Iss. 2 (2013), s. 92-99.

ADC : Indentation testing of human enamel / Halgaš Radoslav, Dusza Ján, Kovácsová Lucia, Kaiferová Jana, Markovská Neda, 2012. In: Chemicke listy. - ISSN 0009-2770. - Roč. 106, suppl. 3 (2012), s. s417-s418. (2012) Chemicke Listy 106 (SUPPL. 3) PP. s417 - s418

AFG : Cudzie teleso ako príčina zápalu slinnej žľazy - kazuistika / Kovácsová Lucia, Kaiferová Jana, Tomová Mária, 2011. In: VIII. Jindřichohradecké dny : 15.-16.4.2011 : program abstrakta. - Jindřichov Hradec, 2011. - S. 18.

Selected projects
VEGA 1/1109/11 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins in patient samples using 2D nano-HPLC and mass spectrometry. 

Grant VEGA č.2/0122/12 : – projekt základného výskumu : Mechanické vlastnosti zubnej skloviny a syntetických zubných výplní.

International mobilities and visits
University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1720 University Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35294, United States, 2014, internship
Charles University Prague, First Medical Faculty, Kateřinská 32, Prague, 2013, internship
Organisational activities
Student Tutor - Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice

Additional information

Workshop GABA (Advanced Erosion Workshop), Basel, SUI Fellowship at the University in Birmingham, Alabama, USA Workshop USTI (Ultrasonic Teaching Institute), Berlin, Germany Workshop EADPH (European Association of Dental Public Health), Peer Review, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Workshop EADPH (European Association of Dental Public Health) – Abstract writing, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic State-of-the-Art of Tooth-Coloured Adhesive Restorations, 5th Advanced ICAS Training Course, University of Ulm, Germany
Interesting links
https://www.eapd.eu https://iapdworld.org

Further information