doc. MUDr. Janette Baloghová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
KD - Department of Dermatovenerology
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
KD - Department of Dermatovenerology

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University of P.J.Šafárik, Faculty of Medicine, Košice, 1996, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, 2006, Dermatovenerology
Associate professor:
Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023, Dermatovenerology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Dermatovenerology I, II - Dermatovenerology, II degree
Dermatovenerology I, II - Dermatovenerology, II degree
Dermatovenerology - Dermatovenerology, II degree
Dermatovenerology - Dermatovenerology, II degree
Prevention in Dermatology - Dermatovenerology, I degree
Selected publications

V3 1 Homocysteine Is a Marker of Increased Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease Risk in Psoriatic Patients, but It Does Not Reflect the Effect of Biological Therapy in the Longitudinal Observation / Janette Baloghova, Eva Feketeova, Peter Kolarcik. - recenzované.

In: International Journal of Clinical Practice=IJCP. - ISSN 1368-5031. - (2022), art. no. 3820094, s. [1-6]. 10.1155/2022/3820094 DOI;

ADC 3 Comparison in detection of prodromal Parkinson's disease patients using original and updated MDS research criteria in two independent cohorts / Kristína Kulcsarová ... [et al.]. - Projekt: Nové biomarkery prodromálnej Parkinsonovej choroby - APVV APVV-18-0547 ; Identifikácia a validizácia nových biomarkerov prodromálnej Parkinsonovej choroby vo veľkej kohorte pacientov s idiopatickou poruchou správania v REM spánku - VEGA 1/0596/19 ; Otvorená vedecká komunita pre moderný interdisciplinárny výskum v medicíne (OPENMED) - ITMS 313011V455.

In: Parkinsonism & Related Disorders : Official Journal of the International Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. - ISSN 1353-8020. - Roč. 87, (2021), s. 48-55. 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2021.04.028 DOI; CCC; SCOPUS; WOS CC;

[KULCSAROVÁ, Kristína (50%) - VENTOSA, Joaqium Ribeiro (5%) - FEKETEOVÁ, Eva (5%) - MARETTA, Milan (5%) - LEŠKO, Norbert (5%) - BENČA, Miroslav (1%) - HAŇ, Vladimír (5%) - GOMBOŠOVÁ, Laura (2%) - BALOGHOVÁ, Janette (1%) - SLAVKOVSKÁ, Miriam (1%) - BROSMANOVÁ, Mária (1%) - VANČOVÁ, Zuzana (2%) - LEPEJ, Ján (1%) - RABAJDOVÁ, Miroslava (1%) - AMBRO, Ľuboš (1%) - TÓTH, Štefan, jr. (2%) - KUDELA, Filip (0.5%) - KUDELA, Igor (0.5%) - STRIGAČOVÁ, Lujza (0.5%) - ROŠKOVIČOVÁ, Veronika (0.5%) - GDOVINOVÁ, Zuzana (5%) - ŠKORVÁNEK, Matej (5%) ]

AEC 1 Skin Diseases Associated with Chronic Renal Failure / J. Baloghová. - recenzované.

In: A Surgeon’s Perspective on Dialysis Patients. - New York : NOVA Science Publishers, 2021. - ISBN 9781536192629. - S. 311-341 [2,08 AH].

[BALOGHOVÁ, Janette (100%) ]

Skin Conditions and Movement Disorders: Hiding in Plain Sight

Movement Disorders Clinical Practice

2022-03-24 | Journal article

DOI:CONTRIBUTORS: Kristina Kulcsarova; Janette Baloghova; Jan Necpal; Matej Skorvanek

AFD1 Výskyt erózií ústnej dutiny u pacientov s lichenom a bulóznymi dermatózami. In: Nové prístupy a trendy výskumu v morfologických disciplínach: Janette Baloghová, Vladimíra Schwartzová, Silvia Timková, Margaréta Tamášová, recenzenti Ingrid Hodorová, Eva Mechírová, Silvia Rybárová: Zborník vedeckých prác. - Košice: Typopress-tlačiareň, 2017.- ISBN 9788081290527. - S. 9 - 14.

Selected projects

11/2019 – 06/2023  Open scientific community for modern interdisciplinary research in medicine (project OPENMED code 313011V455) co-researcher

12/2020-12/2021 - Elimination of the risk of the effects of coherent radiation during dermatological procedures (project ERIDOK, code ŽoNFP:NFP313010R720) , NACE projektu: Other research and experimental development in the field of natural and technical sciences, for LF UPJŠ team - project guarantor

07/2015 – 06/2019 New biomarkers of premotor stage Parkinson's disease. APVV-14-0415 , co-researcher

Further information