MUDr. Janka Vecanová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UA - Department of Anatomy
+421 55 234 3217
MUDr. Janka Vecanová, Ph.D. is an assistant professor at the Institute of Anatomy of UPJŠ LF. She is currently working on the digitalization and modernization of teaching, especially the creation of anatomical videos - documentation of autopsies on real human bodies for educational purposes. She has created more than 600 minutes of short educational films in Slovak and English, which serve students of general and dental medicine as well as students of physiotherapy and nursing.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
PJ Šafárik University, 1996, general medicine
Third degree of higher education:
PJ Šafárik University, 2012, Anatomy, histology, embryology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Selected publications
Anatomical variation in the course of the phrenic nerve / Natalia Hvizdosova ... [et al.]. In: International Journal of Anatomical Variations. - ISSN 1308-4038. - Roč. 13, č. 3 (2020), s. 109-110. [HVIZDOŠOVÁ, Natália (50%) - MATÉFFY, Stanislav DOK-51-E (25%) - KOVÁČOVÁ, Zuzana (10%) - VECANOVÁ, Janka (10%) - HODOROVÁ, Ingrid (5%) ]
Educational approaches in teaching of head and neck anatomy / Kluchová, D. ... [et al.]. In: Morphology=Morfologiia. - ISSN 1026-3543. - Roč. 3, (2018), s. 64-65. [KLUCHOVÁ, Darina (40%) - LOVÁSOVÁ, Květuše (10%) - VECANOVÁ, Janka (10%) - HVIZDOŠOVÁ, Natália (10%) - MATÉFFY, Stanislav DOK-51-E (10%) - GAVULOVÁ, Eva (10%) - KOLESÁR, Dalibor (10%) ]
Nález variabilného odstupu vetiev truncus coeliacus / Janka Vecanová ... [et al.] ; recenzenti Katarína Holovská, Lenka Luptáková. - Projekt: KEGA 005UPJŠ-4/2016 ; KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016. In: 21. Košický morfologický deň : zborník vedeckých prác. - Košice : Ústav veterinárského lekárstva a farmacie, 2018. - ISBN 9788080775780. - S. 116-119. [VECANOVÁ, Janka (50%) - HORVÁTHOVÁ, Františka (5%) - HVIZDOŠOVÁ, Natália (5%) - MATÉFFY, Stanislav DOK-51-E (20%) - KLUCHOVÁ, Darina (5%) - BONA, Martin (10%) - KOVÁČOVÁ, Zuzana (5%) ]

Anatomical variation of the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery

Natália Hvizdošová, Stanislav Matéffy, Zuzana Kováčová, Janka Vecanová

Folia societatis medicinae legalis Slovacae : vedecký recenzovaný časopis Slovenskej súdno-lekárskej spoločnosti Slovenskej lekárskej spoločnosti, ISSN 1338-4589, Roč. 10, č. 1 (2020), s. 13-15

Raritný Langerov svalový oblúk - arcus axillaris muscularis

Stanislav Matéffy, Františka Horváthová, Janka Vecanová, Adriana Boleková, Ingrid Hodorová

Morfologie v Čechách a na Slovensku III, Ostrava: X-Media Servis, 2016, ISBN 9788074648137, S. 71-74

Selected projects

Grant KEGA 017UPJŠ - 4/2016 Visualization of human anatomy by videodocumentation of dissection and production of multimedia educational works, subinvestigator.

Grant VEGA 1/0218/18 Formation of diaschisis in proces of remodelation of nerve tissue after ischemic damage of brain, subinvestigator.

Grant VVGS IPEL -2020-1460 Production of educational videos for studying skull for subject Anatomy, principal investigator.

Grant VVGS IPEL -2021- Production of english dubbing to educational videos - Dissection of thorax, abdomen and pelvis (digitalization of anatomy teaching), principal investigator 

Grant RP VVŠ 002UPJŠ-2-1/2021 - Support for receiving of practical skills for medical students and nurses by simulatory tools, subinvestigator

Additional information

Project KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016, Visualization of teaching human anatomy by using videos - documentation of autopsies and multimedia educational works. Project VVGS IPEL 2020-1460 Production of educational videos for studying skull in Human Anatomy (making of videoatlas of human skull) Project VVGS IPEL 2021 -1972 Production of english dubbing videos - Dissection of thorax (digitalization of anatomy classes) Project 2021 RPMŠ VVaŠ SR RP -Support for building practical skills of medical and healthcare students using virtual reality simulation tools

Further information