doc. Ing. Jaroslav Majerník, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
ULI - Department of Medical Informatics and Simulator Medicine
+421 55 234 3341

Associated professor, who received his master's degree in the field of electronics and telecommunications and PhD degree in bionics and biomechanics at the Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia. His professional and research interests include medical informatics, multimedia, digital image processing and motion analysis. He is an author and co-author of 15 books and more than 260 research works that were cited more than 280 times (more than 180 in Web of Science and SCOPUS). He participated in 47 research projects, including 16 international and EU grants in the fields of education, biomechanics, medical simulations and computer science. Currently, he acts as associate professor and the Head of Department of Medical Informatics at the Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia. Assoc. Prof. Majernik is the Head of Academic Senate at Faculty of Medicine UPJS, member of ESMAC, MEFANET Coordination Council, ISACA, MEFANET Journal Editorial Board and Multimedia Technology Editorial Board.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2000, Electronics and telecommunication technology
Third degree of higher education:
Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2005, Bionics and biomechanics
Associate professor:
Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Strojnícka fakulta, 2016, Biomedical engineering

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Biomedical statistics in physiotherapy - Physiotherapy, II. degree
Biostatistics - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Informatics - Nursing, I. degree
Informatics - Physiotherapy, I. degree
Informatics - Public Health, I. degree
Computer Biometrics - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Hospital Information System - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Medical Informatics - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Medical Informatics and statistics 1 - Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Medical Informatics and statistics 2 - Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Evidence Based Medicine - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Health and Medical Informatics in PH 1 - Verejné zdravotníctvo, II. degree
Health and Medical Informatics in PH 2 - Public Health, II. degree
Selected publications
Majerník, J.: Increasing Credibility of Teachers in e-Assessment Management Systems Using Multiple Security Features, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2019, 346, pp. 41–52.
Majerník, J.: Reconstruction of Human Motion Trajectories to Support Human Gait Analysis in Free Moving Subjects, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2015, 600, pp. 57–77.
Majernik, J., Madar, M., Mojzisova, J.: Integration of virtual patients in education of veterinary medicine, Proceedings of the 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2017, 2017, pp. 185–188, 8104537.
Kuczmannová, A., Balažová, A., Račanská, E., ...Gál, P., Mučaji, P.: Agrimonia eupatoria L. and Cynara cardunculus L. water infusions: Comparison of anti-diabetic activities, Molecules, 2016, 21(5), 564.
Jedlickova, L., Merkovska, L., Jackova, L., ...Majernik, J., Pella, D.: Effect of Ivabradine on Endothelial Function in Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris: Assessment with the Endo-PAT 2000 Device, Advances in Therapy, 2015, 32(10), pp. 962–970.
Selected projects
ERASMUS+, 2018-1-RO01-KA203-049412, Case-based learning and virtual cases to foster critical thinking skills of students (Clever).
ERASMUS+, 2018-1-SK01-KA203-046318, Building Curriculum Infrastructure in Medical Education (BCIME).
ERASMUS+, 585980-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Training for Medical Education via Innovative eTechnology (MediTec).
ERASMUS+, 561857-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Modernizing Health Education in Universities (ModeHEd).
ERASMUS+, 2014-1-CZ01-KA203-002002, Clinical reasoning skills enhancements with the use of simulations and algorithms (CROESUS).
International mobilities and visits
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, 5.-8.2002, Socrates/Erasmus
Organisational activities
Member of Coordination committee - MEFANET, from 2008
Member of the Editorial Board - MEFANETin, ISSN 1804-8013, from 2008
Member of the Editorial Board - Portal of Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines, from 2008
Member of the Editorial Board - MEFANET Journal, ISSN 1805-9163, from 2012
Member of the Editorial Board - Multimedia Technology, ISSN 2327-1078, from 2013

Additional information

  • KEGA 003UPJŠ-4/2023, Innovation of the teaching process in medical and non-medical study programs using medical simulation tools and virtual reality.
    (project leader)
  • KEGA 040UK-4/2022, Content innovation and digitisation of the compulsory subject Medical Biophysics and related compulsory optional subjects.
    (zodpovedný riešiteľ spolupracujúceho pracoviska)
  • Development project of public universities 002UPJŠ-2-1/2021, Support for building practical skills of students of medical and health study fields using simulation tools.
    (project leader)
  • KEGA 011UPJŠ-4/2019, Increasing of competences and critical thinking level in students of medical study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Medicine.
    (project leader)
  • KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016, Visualization of education in human anatomy using video records of dissections and multimedia teaching materials.
    (project leader)
  • KEGA 020UK-4/2014, Innovation of content, forms and methods of practical lessons from biophysics and medical physics for study of medicine and biomedical physics.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • KEGA 005UPJŠ-4/2012, Education of clinical disciplines in pre and post- graduate study forms oriented on increasing of newest infectious diseases knowledge using telemedicine tools.
    (project leader)
  • KEGA 009UPJŠ-4/2012, Utilisation and enhancement of the images in multifunctional biomedical laboratory by using innovative systems.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ITMS 26220120058, A centre of excellence for researching factors affecting health, with a focus on groups of marginalised and immunocompromised persons.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ITMS 26220120067, Centre of excellence for electromagnetic fields in medicine CEEPM.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ITMS 26220120066, Centre of excellence for biomedical technologies (CEBT).
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • KEGA 004UK-4/2011, Electromagnetic biosignals a electromagnetic radiation - electronic education of medical biophysics (creation of e-learning courses).
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ITMS 26250120040, Innovation and extension of ICT in education process and building-up of polyfunctional building of lecture rooms at UPJS in Kosice.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • KEGA 260-002UPJŠ-4/2010, Multimedia technologies in the education of health and nutrition status of population studies for university students using free software applications.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ITMS 26250120028, Creation of OPEN DOOR University using modern ICT and reconstruction of Faculty of arts building in the UPJS campus.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • KEGA 3/7134/09, Development of creative education in multifunction biomedical laboratory for clinical disciplines.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ITMS 26250120003, Modernization of ICT at UPJS in Kosice and reconstruction of University library, lecture rooms, and classrooms.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • KEGA 3/6329/08, Laboratory of virtual hospital based on hospital information systems.
    (project leader)
  • VEGA 1/0823/08, Diagnostics of Vertigo Using Motion Videoanalysis Methods.
    (project leader)
  • KEGA 3/5153/07, Creation of educational hypertext tools for utilization of new telemedicine technologies for all forms of education at medical faculties.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • Development project 2007, VoIP – IP telephony at UPJS 4. phase.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • Development project 2006, Development of basic information infrastructure at UPJS.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • VEGA 1/1094/04, Teoretické princípy, metódy a prostriedky pre analýzu pohybu človeka.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • KEGA 3/1200/03, Vypracovanie vysokoškolských učebníc: Biomechanika človeka I a Biomechanika človeka II pre študijný odbor Biomedicínske inžinierstvo a jeho interdisciplinárne väzby.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • VEGA 1/9402/02, Riešenie strojových podpôr kvadruplegických pacientov pre proces rehabilitácie.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • KEGA 3/0139/02, Obrazový a zvukový atlas prírody a techniky - Slovenskí prírodovedci a technici nevidiacim a slabozrakým.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • VEGA 1/7636/20, Diagnostický a liečebný rehabilitačný strojový systém.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • Visegrad Grant project no. 22230004, V4 Network of Medical Simulation Centres: Building Good Practices.
    (coordinator at UPJŠ)
  • ERASMUS+, 2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094424, New Era in Medical Education (NEWMED).
    (coordinator at UPJŠ)
  • ERASMUS+, 2018-1-RO01-KA203-049412, Case-based learning and virtual cases to foster critical thinking skills of students (Clever).
    (coordinator at UPJŠ)
  • ERASMUS+, 2018-1-SK01-KA203-046318, Building Curriculum Infrastructure in Medical Education (BCIME).
    (project leader)
  • Standard Grant No. 21830315 from the International Visegrad Fund’s "Exhibition and Special Discussion Section on Information and Digital Technologies" (Centre at University of Zilina).
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ERASMUS+, 585980-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP,Training for Medical Education via Innovative eTechnology (MediTec).
    (coordinator at UPJŠ)
  • ERASMUS+, 561857-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Modernizing Health Education in Universities (ModeHEd).
    (coordinator at UPJŠ)
  • RRC/07/2014, Support research and development in the Moravian-Silesian Region 2014 DT 1 – Research teams.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • ERASMUS+, 2014-1-CZ01-KA203-002002, Clinical reasoning skills enhancements with the use of simulations and algorithms (CROESUS).
    (coordinator at UPJŠ)
  • RRC/05/2013, Support research and development in the Moravian-Silesian Region 2013 DT 1 – International research teams.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • Standard Grant No. 21320401 from the International Visegrad Fund’s "International Workshop on Biomedical Technologies".
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • VE20072009007, Identification of persons according to functional and dynamic features.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • IST-5-0535147, 6th Framework Programme, Intelligent environment in mainstream services - Mainstreaming on Ambient Intelligence - MonAMI.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • CZ/04/B/F/NT - 16 8025, Info ReDis - IST Requalification of the Disabled persons.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • Socrates Grundtvig, 101255-CP-1-2002-1-SKGRUNDTVIG-G1, ATTRAIN – Assistive Technology Consultant/Advisor Training Development and Delivery.
    (co-investigator of the project)
  • eMotion Grant, The influence of intensive pre-surgical rehabilitation before total hip endoprothesis on post surgical status of patients.
    (co-investigator of the project)

Further information