MUDr. Jaroslav Rosenberger, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UPZMV - Department of Health Psychology and Research Methodology
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
2. IK - 2nd Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Jaroslav Rosenberger (1975) graduated as a Medical Doctor in 1999 from the Medical Faculty of PJ Safarik University in Košice, Slovak Republic. After completing his university education he went to work at the First Internal Clinic of the Faculty Hospital in Kosice, and after three years of practice finished his specialization in Internal Medicine (2002). Thereafter he specialized in Nephrology (2005). His PhD thesis Perceived Health Status after Kidney Transplantation was defended at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) in 2006. His medical activities are arranged in the Transplantation Department of the University Hospital L. Pasteur Kosice (and II. Internal Clinic Medical Faculty PJ Safarik University) and FMC – dialysis services Slovakia where he treats nephrological, dialysed and transplanted patients. His primary focus is on quality of life, adherence, health literacy, malnutrition, epidemiology and chronic kidney disease – mineral and bone disorder. Apart from his medical activities in the field of nephrology his research activities are mainly focused on quality of life in patients with several chronic diseases (chronic kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary artery disease). He serves as a scientist at Institute of Health Psychology and Methodology of Research (Medical Faculty, University PJ Safarik Kosice).

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Medical Faculty, University PJ Safarik Kosice, , general medicine
Second degree of higher education:
Medical Faculty, University PJ Safarik Kosic, 1999, general medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Univeristy of Groningen, the Netherlands, 2006, medical sciences

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Internal Medicine 5 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal Medicine 3 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Seminar of Diploma Thesis 1 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Seminar of Diploma Thesis 2 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Seminar of Diploma Thesis 4 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Selected publications
Selected projects

APVV-16-0490 How to use health literacy profiles in improvement of chronic disease management. 2017-2021, principal investigator

Organisational activities
board secretary - Slovak Nephrology Society, 2019
vicepresident - Dialysis Section of the Slovak Nephrology Society, 2022
member - European Renal Association, 2002
member - Slovak Nephrology Society, 1999

Additional information

ERA/EDTA „Best Abstracts presented by young Authors“, annual congress, 2006, Glasgowe (UK) Slovak Nephrology Society award for publication of the year 2006 Slovak Transplantation Society award for publication of the year 2006 ERA-EDTA Distinguished Fellow (FERA) 2018
2011-2014 LORIDIS: Longitudinal research on incapacitating chronic disease (APVV-0220-10) 2006-2009 Kvalita života u pacientov s chronickou chorobou: viacúrovňový integratívny prístup (APVV-20-038305), hlavný riešiteľ v rokoch 2008-2009 2016-2019 Agreement for cooperation in the research on chronic disease 2009-2016 Perceived health status in patients with chronic kidney failure (GR090708) 2009-2013 Social class and its impact on patients´ functional status and recovery process – 2009 (No. 275/2009-LF) 2009-2016 Development in functional status and quality of life among children with renal disease (GR090724B) 2009-2016 Biomedical, psychosocial factors related to functional status and well-being among patients with multiple sclerosis – 2nd wave (GR090724C) 2009-2016 Biomedical, psychosocial factors related to functional status, well-being among patients with Parkinson’s disease – 2nd wave (GR090724A) 2004-2007 Centrum pre vzdelávanie a výskum spoločenských aspektov v zdraví, APVV-20-028802 2011-2014 HepaMeta Risk factors for hepatitis B/C and metabolic syndrome in a group of people living in Roma settlements 2017- 2021 APVV-16-0490 Využitie profilu zdravotnej gramotnosti na skvalitnenie manažmentu chronických ochorení. (How to use health literacy profiles in improvement of chronic disease management.)
International collaboration
activity in the frame of European Renal Association (ERA) collaboration with workplaces in University of Groningen (the Netherlands)

Further information