prof. MUDr. Jozef Radoňak, CSc., MPH   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. ChK - 1st Department of Surgery
+421 55 234 3488
Prof. Jozef Radoňak, MUDr., CSc., MPH is a professor of surgery and Head of the 1st Department of Surgery at the UPJŠ Faculty of Medicine in Košice. He is a member of the Scientific Board of UPJŠ LF, and supervisor of the Doctoral Study Programme in Surgery in the study branch of General Medicine. He was the supervisor of 7 successfully defended doctoral theses in the study programme Surgery and 33 diploma theses. In the years 2012-2018 he served as Vice-dean for grants and structural funds at UPJŠ LF. His scientific and research activities are focused on the use of stem cells and their application in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the possibility of liver regeneration in liver damage and after extensive liver resections to promote wound healing. The further research objective pursues the possibility of using nanotechnology in surgery. The Department is also focused on the study of biostimulation in wound healing by laser radiation at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels. The Department focuses its research on the possibilities of surgical treatment of oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas. He is the leading investigator or member of the project team in several projects of basic and applied research. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 original scientific papers (44 in CC, WoS or SCOPUS) and several monographs, which have been cited 731 times, out of which 623 are registered in WoS/SCOPUS databases. He serves as an editor-in-chief of the journal Slovak Surgery. He is a member of several professional associations and the president of the Slovak Surgical Society. He is a Chief regional surgeon of the Košice self-governing region. Within the grant agencies of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, he is a vice-chair of the VEGA Board for Medical Sciences.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1983, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1998, Surgery
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2003, Surgery
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2008, Surgery

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: General medicine - 5th.year (head of the committee), study field: Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: General medicine - 6th.year (head of the committee), study field: General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: Chairman of the commission, study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Study programme: Person responsible for the study program, study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Study programme: Person responsible for profile subject, study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Profile courses
Surgery Propedeutics - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Surgery 1,2,3,6 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Surgery 1,2,3,4,5 - Dental Medicine, I.+II. degree
Clerkship - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Nursing care - General Medicine, I. degree
General surgery - General Medicine, III. degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: Surgery, study field to which it is assigned: General Medicine
Selected publications

Classic and New Markers in Diagnostics and Classification of Breast Cancer [elektronický zdroj] / Roman Beňačka ... [et al.]. - recenzované. In: Cancers. - ISSN 2072-6694. - Roč. 14, č. 21 (2022), art. no. 5444, s. 1-22, online. - Spôsob prístupu: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6694/14/21/5444. Projekt: Štúdium molekulového a metabolomického profilu karcinómu prsníka - VEGA 1/0622/20. 10.3390/cancers14215444 DOI;DOI; WOS; SCOPUS; 2022 AIS=1.099; 2022 CiteScore=7,4; 2022 impact factor=5.2; 2022 SJR=1,312; 2022 SNIP=1,086; 2022 Q2(Oncology) JCR; 2022 Q1(Oncology) Scimago; 2022 Q2(Cancer research) Scimago; 2022 Q2(Oncology) AIS; 2022 Q2(Oncology) JCI [OV 180]; [ŠO 5141]

[BEŇAČKA, Roman ( Autor, 35% ) - SZABÓOVÁ, Daniela ( Autor, 20% ) - GUĽAŠOVÁ, Zuzana ( Autor, 10% ) - HERTELYOVÁ, Zdenka ( Autor, 15% ) - RADOŇAK, Jozef ( Korešpondenčný autor, 20% )]

Imipridone enhances vascular relaxation via FOXO1 pathway / Kristen R. McSweeney ... [et al.].[Imipridón zvyšuje vaskulárnu relaxáciu cestou FOXO1]. In: Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology=CEPP. - ISSN 0305-1870. - Roč. 47, č. 11 (2020), s. 1816-1823. 10.1111/1440-1681.13377 DOI;DOI; CCC; WOS; SCOPUS; 2020 IF=2,557; 2020 SJR=0,752; 2020 CiteScore=4,2; 2020 SNIP=0,709; 2020 AIS=0.540; 2020 Q3(Pharmacology & pharmacy) JCR; 2020 Q3(Physiology) JCR; 2020 Q2(Pharmacology) Scimago; 2020 Q3(Physiology) Scimago; 2020 Q3(Physiology (medical)) Scimago; 2020 Q3(Pharmacology & pharmacy) AIS; 2020 Q3(Physiology) AIS [OV 180];

[MCSWEENEY, Kristen R. ( Autor, 10% ) - GADANEC, Laura Kate ( Autor, 10% ) - QARADAKHI, Tawar ( Autor, 10% ) - GAMMUNE, Thushira Malindra ( Autor, 10% ) - KUBATKA, Peter ( Autor, 10% ) - ČAPRNDA, Martin ( Autor, 10% ) - FEDOTOVA, Julia ( Autor, 10% ) - RADOŇAK, Jozef ( Korešpondenčný autor, 10% ) - KRUŽLIAK, Peter ( Korešpondenčný autor, 10% ) - ZULLI, Anthony ( Korešpondenčný autor, 10% )]

Peripheral Blood CD8+ T-Lymphocyte Immune Response in Benign and Subpopulations of Breast Cancer Patients / Marek Lenárt ... [et al.]. - DIGARCHUPJS. In: International journal of molecular sciences. - ISSN 1661-6596. - Roč. 25, č. 12 (2024), 6423, s. 1-16. Projekt: Inovatívna stratégia k diagnostike a terapii karcinómu prsníka na základe zmien proteómu cirkulujúcich leukocytov - APVV APVV-19-0476. 10.3390/ijms25126423 DOI;DOI; SCOPUS; CCC; WOS; [OV 180]; [ŠO 5141]

[LENÁRT, Marek ( Autor, 10% ) - BOBER, Peter ( Korešpondenčný autor, 51% ) - MARCIN, Miroslav ( Autor, 14% ) - TKÁČIKOVÁ, Soňa ( Autor, 3% ) - KACÍROVÁ, Mária ( Autor, 3% ) - ALEXOVIČ, Michal ( Autor, 3% ) - TÓTH, Dávid ( Autor, 3% ) - MADÁROVÁ, Natália ( Autor, 1% ) - RADOŇAK, Jozef ( Autor, 3% ) - URDZÍK, Peter ( Autor, 3% ) - FEDAČKO, Ján ( Autor, 3% ) - SABO, Ján ( Korešpondenčný autor, 3% )]

B Cell Lymphocytes as a Potential Source of Breast Carcinoma Marker Candidates [elektronický zdroj] / Soňa Tkáčiková ... [et al.]. - DIGARCHUPJS. In: International journal of molecular sciences. - ISSN 1422-0067. - Roč. 25, č. 13 (2024), 7351, s. 1-19. - Spôsob prístupu: https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/25/13/7351. Projekt: Inovatívna stratégia k diagnostike a terapii karcinómu prsníka na základe zmien proteómu cirkulujúcich leukocytov - APVV APVV-19-0476. 10.3390/ijms25137351 DOI;DOI; SCOPUS; CCC; WOS; [OV 180]; [ŠO 5618]

[TKÁČIKOVÁ, Soňa ( Korešpondenčný autor, 51% ) - MARCIN, Miroslav ( Autor, 14% ) - BOBER, Peter ( Autor, 3% ) - KACÍROVÁ, Mária ( Autor, 3% ) - ŠULÍKOVÁ, Michaela ( Autor, 3% ) - PARNICA, Jozef ( Autor, 3% ) - TÓTH, Dávid ( Autor, 3% ) - LENÁRT, Marek ( Autor, 3% ) - RADOŇAK, Jozef ( Autor, 3% ) - URDZÍK, Peter ( Autor, 3% ) - FEDAČKO, Ján ( Autor, 3% ) - SABO, Ján ( Korešpondenčný autor, 8% )]

Impact of drugs on venous thromboembolism risk in surgical patients / Alenka Premuš Marušič Kovačič ... [et al.]. - Alenka Premuš Marušič Kovačič and Martin Čaprnda contributed equally to this work. - Projekt: Centrum excelentnosti pre výskum v personalizovanej terapii - OP Výskum a vývoj ITMS 26220120053. In: European journal of clinical pharmacology. - ISSN 0031-6970. - Roč. 75, č. 6 (2019), s. 751-767. - DOI 10.1007/s00228-019-02636-x

[PREMUŠ MARUŠIČ KOVAČIČ, Alenka (6%) - ČAPRNDA, Martin (6%) - MRHAR, Aleš (6%) - KUBATKA, Peter (10%) - LOCATELLI, Igor (6%) - ZOĽÁKOVÁ, Barbora (6%) - GAŠPAR, Ľudovít (10%) - PROSECKÝ, Róbert (6%) - KRUŽLIAK, Peter (10%) - STAFFA, Róbert (6%) - RODRIGO, Luis (6%) - RADOŇAK, Jozef (12%) - PETROVIČ, Danijel (10%) ]

Selected projects

VEGA 1/0684/17: Monitoring of fibrinolytic agents urokinase plasminogen activator uPA and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 PAI-1 in the samples of tumor tissue and in serum of patients with colorectal cancer - investigator

KEGA 022UPJŠ-4/2018: Structuralization of laparoscopic surgical skills acquisition in pregraduate training - principal investigator

VEGA 1/0622/20: Study of molecular and metabolomic profile of breast carcinoma - principal investigator

APVV-19-0476: Innovative strategy to breast cancer diagnostics and therapy based on changes in proteome of circulating leukocytes investigator

VEGA 1/0607/25. To improve the efficiency of breast cancer diagnosis by researching novel metabolomic biomarkers - principal investigator

VEGA 1/0582/25: Changes in the proteome of mononuclear leukocytes in the peripheral blood of patients with pancreatic cancer - deputy of principal investigator

Organisational activities
Slovak Medical Association - member
Slovak Angiological Society - member
Slovak Surgical Society - Member of SCHS Executive Board

Additional information


1983: Prize of the Dean of LF UPJŠ in Košice - for excellent study results and research activities
1999: Executive Board of Czech Surgical Society recognized two papers published by J. Radoňak et al. in Rozhledy v chirurgii
2004: Executive Board of Czech Neurosurgical Society awarded paper: Šulla, Maršala, Radoňak, published in Rozhledy v chirurgii Prize of Rudolf Petro
1997: Association of Doctors in Košice awarded J. Radoňak Prize of the Association for the best lecture in 1997
2010 and 2011: Best publication of Slovak Surgical Society
2013: Prize of Kostlivý for monograph prof. MUDr. J. Radoňak, CSc. - Vnútrobrušné infekcie - diagnostika a liečba
Member of the VEGA Board no. 9: 2008-2011
Member of the APVV Board for Medical Sciences: 2011-2014
Vice Chair of the VEGA Board no. 9: since 2021

KEGA 027-007UPJS-8/2008: Databasis of the digital library of the X-rays for transforming scientific images for the prax - Researcher
KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2011: Virtual reality in higher education - a pilot training program in laparoscopic surgery focused on the development of psycho-sensory stereotypes – Responsible Researcher
KEGA 013UPJŠ-4/2015: Innovative simulation modalities in pregraduate surgical training – Responsible Researcher
VEGA 2/0015/08: The disturbance of NO/cGMP signaling pathway in cervical spinal cord injury – Responsible Researcher for the UPJŠ
VEGA 1/0674/09: Regeneration of traumatic spinal cord injury after adult stem cells implantation - Responsible Researcher
VEGA 1/0592/13: Use of cell therapy for extensive liver resection - Responsible Researcher
APVV-0314-06_UPJŠ partner: Causal genesis of spasticity and therapeutic possibilities - Responsible Researcher for the UPJŠ

Further information