RNDr. Katarína Fiedlerová   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
ULCHBKB - Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry
RNDr. Katarína Fiedlerová is currently employed as a university teacher in the Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry at Medical faculty of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. She practices and provides lectures, seminars and practical exercises for students of Bachelor and Doctor study. Within her paedagogical activity she has introduced examination methods in genetics focused on cytogenetic and FISH to practical tuition. In an academic environment she is still a new teacher - she has been working there merely two years. During her previous profesional life she was dedicated mainly to genetic diagnostics in the field of oncohematology and pathology. She works as an external rewiever of SNAS for genetic laboratories. In the current position of a university teacher she participates in tuition of medical chemistry and biochemistry besides examination methods in genetics. In the frame of scientific – research work and PhD study she started to practice fluorescent profile analysis of body fluids with an ambition of joining it with fluorescent in situ hybridization method with subsequent application of its analysis into diagnostic practice under supervision of doc. Ing. Katariny Dubayovej, PhD. Her motto is: „Open – mindedness and broad - mindedness attract hapinness and satisfaction to life.“
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