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katarina.oravcova@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/LF/zamestnanec/katarina.oravcova | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Physiatry, Balneology, and Medical Rehabilitation
HM-1O24 | |
0000-0003-4111-0081 |
Profile courses
Physiotherapy 1 - Physiotherapy, I. degree
Physiotherapy 2 - Physiotherapy, I. degree
Physiotherapy in neurology 2 - Physiotherapy, II. degree
Selected publications
AAB - Autoreflex prenatal, postnatal therapeutic sites (APPP®): Autoreflex involvement of the deep stabilization system (AZH) - prenatal, postnatal and therapeutic sites / Ľubica Košinová, Katarína Oravcová; reviewers Peter Fedor-Freybergh, Zora Germanová, Karol Hornáček. - 2nd ed. - Banská Bystrica: Koprint, 2019. - 85 s. [3 AH]. - ISBN 9788089057795. [KOŠINOVÁ, Ľubica - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína] |
AED - Mortality from cerebrovascular diseases in the Czech Republic in the years 2000 - 2017 [electronic source] / K. Oravcová, K. Rimárová; reviewers Anna Egnerová, Igo Kajaba. - Project: Application of innovative multimedia approaches in teaching the effects of physical factors using an exposure model for students of medical disciplines - KEGA 007UPJŠ-4/2018; Multimedia technologies in teaching studies of cardiovascular risk and health status of the population of university students using freely available software applications - KEGA 008UPJŠ-4/2020; IPEL VVGS VVGS-2019-1221 - VVGS LF UPJŠ VVGS-2019-1221; IPL VVGS-2019-1383 - VVGS LF UPJŠ IPL VVGS-2019-1383. In: Living conditions and health: collection of scientific works. - Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2020. - ISBN 9788022349345. - S. 117-121. - Access method: https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/fileadmin/lf/sucasti/Teoreticke_ustavy/Ustav_hygieny/Webpic/Zborniky/ZPaZ_2020_web.pdf. [ORAVCOVA, Katarina - RIMAROVA, Kvetoslava] |
ADF - The effect of several methods of physiotherapy in urine leakage / Magdaléna Hagovská ... [et al.]. - reviewed. In: Gynecology for practice: reviewed, postgraduate scientific medical journal = Gynecology for practice. - ISSN 1336-3425. - Year. 18, no. 1 (2020), p. 32-35. [HAGOVSKÁ, Magdaléna - URDZÍK, Peter - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína - MIHAĽOVÁ, Marianna] |
AEC - Occurence of lateral epicondylitis of masseurs as a result of long-term occupational stress / Perla Ondová ... [et al.] ; recenzenti Bartosz Korczowski. In: Rehabilitacja 2017. - Rzeszów: Bonus Liber, 2017. - ISBN 9788365931153. - S. 73- 92. [ONDOVÁ, Perla - KNAP, Viliam - TAKÁČ, Peter - IŠTOŇOVÁ, Miriam - HAGOVSKÁ, Magdaléna - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína ] |
V3 - Pelvic floor muscle training, the risk of falls and urgency urinary incontinence in older women / Mariana Mihaľová, Magdaléna Hagovská, Katarína Oravcová... [et.al.]. - recenzované. In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie. - ISSN 0948-6704. - Roč. 55, č. 1 (2022), s. 51-60. 10.1007/s00391-021-01942-3 DOI; SCOPUS; CCC; WOS CC; [MIHAĽOVÁ, Marianna - HAGOVSKÁ, Magdaléna - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína - MARTINÁSKOVÁ, Nataša - GRUS, Cyril - ŠVIHRA, Ján ] |
V3 - The Effect of Obesity on Musculosceletal System [elektronický zdroj] / V. Knap ... [et al.]. - recenzované. In: Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention. - ISSN 2076-9741. - Roč. 12, č. 5 (2021), s. 72-78. - Spôsob prístupu: https://clinicalsocialwork.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/cswhi_05_2021_11_knap.pdf. 10.22359/cswhi_12_5_11 DOI; WOS CC; [KNAP, Viliam - ONDOVÁ, Perla - IŠTOŇOVÁ, Miriam - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína] |
International mobilities and visits
Univerzita Rzeszowski, ul. Rejtana 16C (Room 26), 35-959 Rzeszów, 10/06/2021 - 19/06/2021, ERASMUS+ staff mobility for training, tel./fax: +48 17 872 10 71, lkustra@ur.edu.pl
Since 2018, she has been a trainer of the APPP methodology (Autoreflex prenatal, postnatal therapeutic positions), which has its origins in Slovakia.
traveling, reading, working with people