Mgr. Katarína Oravcová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
KFBLR - Department of Physiatry, Balneology, and Medical Rehabilitation
Master's degree in physiotherapy. She obtained her degree at the UPJŠ Medical Faculty in Košice, where she currently works as an assistant for practical teaching of bachelor's and master's studies in the field of physiotherapy. In addition to pedagogical and scientific research, she is also involved in clinical practice at the FBLR Clinic in Košice. She was and she is a student trainer (since 2017 - 13 have successfully completed their studies with a bachelor's degree, 3 with a master's degree). So far, she has published and co-authored monographs and articles in domestic and foreign journals. She is the author of an article in a domestic peer-reviewed scientific proceedings.

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2008, 7.4.7. physiotherapy, physiotherapy
Second degree of higher education:
Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2011, 7.4.7. physiotherapy, physiotherapy

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Physiotherapy 1 - Physiotherapy, I. degree
Physiotherapy 2 - Physiotherapy, I. degree
Physiotherapy in neurology 2 - Physiotherapy, II. degree
Selected publications
AAB - Autoreflex prenatal, postnatal therapeutic sites (APPP®): Autoreflex involvement of the deep stabilization system (AZH) - prenatal, postnatal and therapeutic sites / Ľubica Košinová, Katarína Oravcová; reviewers Peter Fedor-Freybergh, Zora Germanová, Karol Hornáček. - 2nd ed. - Banská Bystrica: Koprint, 2019. - 85 s. [3 AH]. - ISBN 9788089057795. [KOŠINOVÁ, Ľubica - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína] 
AED - Mortality from cerebrovascular diseases in the Czech Republic in the years 2000 - 2017 [electronic source] / K. Oravcová, K. Rimárová; reviewers Anna Egnerová, Igo Kajaba. - Project: Application of innovative multimedia approaches in teaching the effects of physical factors using an exposure model for students of medical disciplines - KEGA 007UPJŠ-4/2018; Multimedia technologies in teaching studies of cardiovascular risk and health status of the population of university students using freely available software applications - KEGA 008UPJŠ-4/2020; IPEL VVGS VVGS-2019-1221 - VVGS LF UPJŠ VVGS-2019-1221; IPL VVGS-2019-1383 - VVGS LF UPJŠ IPL VVGS-2019-1383. In: Living conditions and health: collection of scientific works. - Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2020. - ISBN 9788022349345. - S. 117-121. - Access method: https://www.fmed.uniba.sk/fileadmin/lf/sucasti/Teoreticke_ustavy/Ustav_hygieny/Webpic/Zborniky/ZPaZ_2020_web.pdf. [ORAVCOVA, Katarina - RIMAROVA, Kvetoslava] 
ADF - The effect of several methods of physiotherapy in urine leakage / Magdaléna Hagovská ... [et al.]. - reviewed. In: Gynecology for practice: reviewed, postgraduate scientific medical journal = Gynecology for practice. - ISSN 1336-3425. - Year. 18, no. 1 (2020), p. 32-35. [HAGOVSKÁ, Magdaléna - URDZÍK, Peter - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína - MIHAĽOVÁ, Marianna] 

AEC - Occurence of lateral epicondylitis of masseurs as a result of long-term occupational stress / Perla Ondová ... [et al.] ; recenzenti Bartosz Korczowski. In: Rehabilitacja 2017. - Rzeszów: Bonus Liber, 2017. - ISBN 9788365931153. - S. 73- 92. [ONDOVÁ, Perla - KNAP, Viliam - TAKÁČ, Peter - IŠTOŇOVÁ, Miriam - HAGOVSKÁ, Magdaléna - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína ]

V3 - Pelvic floor muscle training, the risk of falls and urgency urinary incontinence in older women / Mariana Mihaľová, Magdaléna Hagovská, Katarína Oravcová... [et.al.]. - recenzované.

In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie. - ISSN 0948-6704. - Roč. 55, č. 1 (2022), s. 51-60. 10.1007/s00391-021-01942-3 DOI; SCOPUS; CCC; WOS CC;

[MIHAĽOVÁ, Marianna - HAGOVSKÁ, Magdaléna - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína - MARTINÁSKOVÁ, Nataša - GRUS, Cyril - ŠVIHRA, Ján ]

V3 - The Effect of Obesity on Musculosceletal System [elektronický zdroj] / V. Knap ... [et al.]. - recenzované.

In: Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention. - ISSN 2076-9741. - Roč. 12, č. 5 (2021), s. 72-78. - Spôsob prístupu: https://clinicalsocialwork.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/cswhi_05_2021_11_knap.pdf. 10.22359/cswhi_12_5_11 DOI; WOS CC;

[KNAP, Viliam - ONDOVÁ, Perla - IŠTOŇOVÁ, Miriam - ORAVCOVÁ, Katarína]

International mobilities and visits
Univerzita Rzeszowski, ul. Rejtana 16C (Room 26), 35-959 Rzeszów, 10/06/2021 - 19/06/2021, ERASMUS+ staff mobility for training, tel./fax: +48 17 872 10 71, lkustra@ur.edu.pl

Additional information

Since 2018, she has been a trainer of the APPP methodology (Autoreflex prenatal, postnatal therapeutic positions), which has its origins in Slovakia.
traveling, reading, working with people

Further information