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kvetoslava.rimarova@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/LF/zamestnanec/kvetoslava.rimarova | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Public Health and Hygiene
RE2O315 | |
+421 55 234 3339 | |
0000-0003-4364-0553 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Public Health/Public Health - person responsible for profile subject, study field: Public health, I. degree
Study programme: Public Health/Public Health - person responsible for profile subject, study field: Public health, II. degree
Study programme: Public Health/Public Health - person responsible for profile subject, study field: Public health, III. degree
Study programme: Public health - member of the commission for state final examinations for baccalaureate title, study field: Public health, I. degree
Study programme: Public health - member of the commission for state final examinations for magister title, study field: Public health, II. degree
Profile courses
Hygiene of Environemnt 2 - Public health, I. degree
Assessment of health risks in the environment - Public health, II. degree
Public health - Public health -selected chapters, III. degree
Selected publications
QARADAKHI, Tawar (10%) - MATSOUKAS, Minos Timotheos (5%) - HAYES, Alan (2%) - RYBALKA, Emma (1%) - ČAPRNDA, Martin (6%) - RIMÁROVÁ, Kvetoslava (70%) - SEPSI, Milan (1%) - BÜSSELBERG, Dietrich (1%) - KRUŽLIAK, Peter (1%) - MATSOUKAS, John (1%) - APOSTOLOPOULOS, Vasso (1%) - ZULLI, Anthony (1%) Alamandine reverses hyperhomocysteinemia-induced vascular dysfunction via PKA-dependent mechanisms / Tawar Qaradakhi ... [et al.]. In: Cardiovascular Therapeutics. - ISSN 1755-5922. - Vol. 35, no. 6 (2017), s. 12306-12306. IF 2017 2,245; SCIE TESTIMONY: 46 |
.ADC - RIMÁROVÁ, Kvetoslava (75%) - DORKO, Erik (10%) - DIABELKOVÁ, Jana (11%) - SULINOVÁ, Zlatana DOK-51-I (1%) - URDZÍK, Peter (1%) - PELECHOVÁ, Nikola DOK-51-I (1%) - KONRÁDYOVÁ, Nika DOK-51-I (1%): Prevalence of lifestyle and risk factors in a group of medical students / Kvetoslava RIMÁROVÁ ... [et al.]. - Project: Application of innovative multimedia approaches in teaching the effects of physical factors using the exposure model for medical students - KEGA 007UPJŠ-4/2018 ; E-learning in analysis of databases in medicine VVGS-2018-897. In: Central European Journal of Public Health=CEJPH. - ISSN 1210-7778. - Year 26, (2018), p. 12-18. - DOI 10.21101/cejph.a5477 2018 CCC IF=0.636; 2019 Q4 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) SCIE TESTIMONY: 2. |
3.ADC - Ostrihoňová, Timea (4%) - RIMÁROVÁ, Kvetoslava (63%) - BÉREŠOVÁ, Jana (1%) - KONTROŠOVÁ, Silvia (1%) - DORKO, Erik (30%) - DIABELKOVÁ, Jana (1%) ] Prevalence and Trends of Metabolic Syndrome in clients of health advice centres during the years 2003-2012 / Timea Ostrihoňová ... [et al.]. In: Central European Journal of Public Health. - ISSN 1210-7778. - Vol. 25, No.4 (2017), p. 313 - 320. 2018 CCC IF=0.800; 2019 Q4 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) SCIE TESTIMONY:6. |
ADC - RIMÁROVÁ, Kvetoslava (75%) - DORKO, Erik (10%) - DIABELKOVÁ, Jana (8%) - SULINOVÁ, Zlatana DOK-51-I (1%) - FRANK, Katarina (1%) - BAKOVÁ, Jana DOK-51-E (1%) - UHRIN, Tomáš (1%) - MAKOVICKÝ, Pavol (1%) - PELECHOVÁ, Nikola DOK-51-I (1%) - KONRÁDYOVÁ, Nika DOK-51-I (1%): Anthropometric predictors of systolic and diastolic blood pressure considering intersexual differences in a group of selected schoolchildren / Kvetoslava RIMÁROVÁ ... [et al.]. - Project: Application of innovative multimedia approaches in teaching the effects of physical factors using the exposure model for medical students - KEGA 007UPJŠ-4/2018 ; E-learning in analysis of databases in medicine VVGS-2018-897. In: Central European Journal of Public Health=CEJPH. - ISSN 1210-7778. - Year 26, No. 1 (2018), p. 4-11. - DOI 10.21101/cejph.a5536 2018 CCC IF=0.636; 2019 Q4 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)
NOVOTNÝ, Martin (40%) - JARČUŠKA, Pavol (5%) - GOMBOŠOVÁ, Laura (10%) - HOCKICKO, Ján DOK-51-E (5%) - HOCKICKOVÁ, Ivana (5%) - ROVŇÁKOVÁ, Alena (5%) - ZAHORNACKÝ, Ondrej DOK-51-E (5%) - SCHRÉTER, Ivan (5%) - DORKO, Erik (10%) - RIMÁROVÁ, Kvetoslava (10%) ]: Single centre clinical experience with fidaxomicin in treatment of Clostridium difficile infection in Slovakia / Martin Novotný ... [et al.]. - Projekt: Medicínsky univerzitný vedecký park v Košiciach (MediPark, Košice - Fáza II.) - ITMS2014+ 313011D103 ; Klinicko-epidemiologická štúdia etiologických faktorov vybraných kliešťami prenášaných ochorení (Lymská borelióza, vírusová kliešťová encefalitída) s použitím metód molekulovej biológie a sérológie - VEGA 1/0198/13 ; Klinicko-epidemiologická štúdia vplyvu genetických, infekčných a exogénnych faktorov na prenatálne, perinatálne a novorodenecké indikátory - VEGA 1/0011/14 ; Epidemiológia endoparazitárnych infekcií u imunokompromitovaných pacientov s chronickým ochorením infekčnej a neinfekčnej etiológie - VEGA 1/0941/16. In: Central European Journal of Public Health=CEJPH. - ISSN 1210-7778. - Roč. 26, (2018), s. 76-80. - DOI 10.21101/cejph.a5476 2018 CCC IF=0,636; 2019 Q4 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) SCIE TESTIMONY: 2. |
Selected projects
Project registration number and full name of the organization that awarded the grant: VEGA 1/0011/14 - Grant of the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic
Project title: Clinical-epidemiological study of the influence of genetic, infectious and exogenous factors on prenatal, perinatal and neonatal indicators.
Project implementation period: 01.2014 - 12.2017
Position in the project: responsible solver - Kvetoslava Rimárová
Brief description of the project: The grant clinical-epidemiological study is focused on monitoring and determining the influence of genetic, infectious and exogenous factors in the etiology of prenatal, perinatal and neonatal pathologies - IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation), LBW (low birth weight), VLBW weight), preterm birth, low gestational age, VVCH (congenital malformations). The aim of the project is to determine the correlations of genetic and other innovative markers of pregnancy, fetus and newborn (eg fetal fibronectin , TNF alpha gene, non-specific inflammation and others) on pathological reproductive parameters. The project will also correlate the impact of selected infectious agents on prenatal, perinatal and neonatal indicators. Exogenous factors called confounders that modify pathological reproductive parameters (SES, age of mother, age of father, housing, occupation, ethnicity, nutrition, prevalence of smoking and habits) will be expressed by statistical adjustment as factors influencing the emergence of these pathologies. The importance of the project will contribute to the possible prevention of conditions that significantly endanger the fetus, newborn and mother.
Hyper- link : https://www.upjs.sk/public/media/0646/VEGA-LF_AIS_2014.pdf |
Project registration number and full name of the organization that awarded the grant: KEGA MŠ SR - Grant project KEGA no. 007UPJŠ-4/2018 - Grant of the Cultural and Educational Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Project title: Application of innovative multimedia approaches in teaching the effects of physical factors using an exposure model for medical students
Project implementation period: 01.2018 - 12.2020
Position in the project: responsible solver - Kvetoslava Rimárová
Brief description of the project: The KEGA project has brought new forms of using innovative multimedia technologies in the practical and theoretical teaching of medical, medical and non-medical students, especially students of general medicine, public health, nursing, physiotherapy and dentistry. The aim of the project was to create, implement, apply and implement multimedia technologies in the teaching of university students, which enabled the evaluation of the impact and use of physical factors on health. Physical factors can have a negative effect, including the effects of noise, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, vibrations, shocks and other physical factors on human health. Physical factors are factors that are widely used in medical practice, for example, they can also have a positive effect in diagnostics, rehabilitation and physiotherapy - ultrasound, electric currents, laser, heat. The benefits of the project have increased the knowledge, skills and abilities of students from various fields of medicine and modernized the profile of graduates. The project actively implemented the so-called self-assessment model of the effects of physical and other lifestyle factors in medical students, as well as the evaluation of basic physiological health determinants. Subsequently, an online software model was created, the impact of lifestyle, environmental and physical factors on the students' self-assessment scale was evaluated, including possible reactions of physiological changes in the form of measured health parameters. The results of the project were significantly reflected in the practical skills of students in the knowledge that is necessary in assessing the effects of important etiological factors on the development of the disease. The output parts of the project include the creation of multimedia and printed scientific and educational outputs, in the form of publications, practical application of simple evaluation software in the evaluation of the exposure model and its evaluation in determining the human load of physical factors. The project is also in line with the basic EU requirements for the so-called impact of the risk. The project brought a significant number of publications - 61, including monographs of scripts and peer-reviewed articles.
Project hyperlink : https://www.upjs.sk/lekarska-fakulta/vyskum-na-fakulte/vedecke-projekty/kega/ http://docplayer.sk/178431992-Spr%C3%A1va-o-%C4%8Dinnosti-za-rok.html |
Project registration number and full name of the organization that awarded the grant: KEGA MŠ SR - Grant project KEGA MŠ SR - no. 010UPJŠ-4/2021 Grant of the Cultural and Educational Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Project title: Implementation of multimedia technologies in the teaching of preventive interventions in medical and non-medical fields
Project implementation period: 01.2021 - 12. 2023
Position in the project: responsible solver - Kvetoslava Rimárová
Brief description of the project: The KEGA project represents the use of innovative multimedia technologies in the practical and theoretical teaching of medical, medical and non-medical students, especially students of general medicine, public health, nursing, physiotherapy and dentistry. Its purpose is to create, implement, apply and implement multimedia technologies in the teaching of university students, which will enable the creation of interventional procedures in the occurrence and prevention of chronic non-infectious but also infectious diseases with a focus on cardiovascular diseases. The guidelines for intervention procedures will also include intervention to eliminate risk factors. The importance of knowledge of intervention procedures is an essential element in disease prevention and therapy. Risk factors for non-communicable and infectious diseases and knowledge of them in future health professionals are the basis for the prevention and reduction of morbidity and mortality in the population. The project will increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of students from various fields of medicine and modernize the profile of graduates. The project will introduce and implement procedures for prevention interventions, both population prevention and individual prevention.
Project hyperlink : the project is ongoing |
Project title: Multimedia technologies in teaching cardiovascular risk and population health studies for university students using freely available software applications
Project implementation period: 01.2020 - 12. 2022
Position in the project: deputy responsible researcher - Kvetoslava Rimárová
Brief description of the project: The presented KEGA project represents the use of innovative multimedia technologies in practical and theoretical teaching of medical, medical and non-medical students, mainly students of general medicine, public health, nursing, physiotherapy and dentistry. Its purpose is to create, implement, apply and implement multimedia technologies in the teaching of university students, which will allow the assessment of the impact of risk factors on cardiovascular health. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and knowledge of them in future health professionals are the basis for the prevention and reduction of morbidity and mortality in the population. The results of the project will also be reflected in the practical skills of students in the knowledge that is necessary in evaluating the effects of important etiological factors on the development of disease.
Project hyperlink : the project is in solution |
International mobilities and visits
Kings College London, U.K., Kings College LOndon, U.K., 1995 - 6 months, Masaryk Scholarship Mobility
Cornel University Medical College and The Duke University Medical Center, U.S.A. working
with the Open Medical Club, Salzburg, Austria, 1998,1999, 2004, 2005 weekly education seminars with diploma, Open Society Foundation - Open Society Foundation - Infectious topics diseases and
Epidemiology Family Medicine , Education in Public Health
South Bohemia , Faculty of Health and Social Studies, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 2.5.2018-4.5.2018, ERASMUS MOBILITY, teaching all health and social sciences branches
Rzeszow university , Department of Physiotherapy Department of Public Health, Poland, Rzeszow, 24.4.2019 - 9.5.2019, ERASMUS MOBILITY, training, educational curriculum
1.Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Institute of Public Administration healthcare, Prague, Czech Republic, 22.8.2019-4.9.2019
South Bohemia , Faculty of Health and Social Studies, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 28.8.2020-8.9.2020, ERASMUS MOBILITY, training, educational curriculum
Organisational activities
Member of the Committee Society of Hygienists SLS - SLS Slovak Medical Society, 2014-2021
Member of the Editorial Board of Celiacia Magazine - Civic Association https://www.celiakia.sk/dokumenty-na-stiahnutie/casopis-celiakia, 2005-2008
Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Celiac Disease - Board of the journal - International Journal of Celiac Disease, 2013-2021
Member of the Councilor Board of the International Association of Risk Management
in Medicine (available http://www.iarmm.org/ChairingBoard.htm) - International Association of Risk Management in Medicine, 2020-2021