doc. MUDr. Ľubomír Skladaný, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
2. IK - 2nd Department of Internal Medicine
Head II. Internal Medicine Clinic SZU Banská Bystrica (HEGITO). He works as an assistant professor at 2nd Department of Internal Medicine of UPJŠ FM in Košice. Head He teaches students at UPJŠ and SZU. He is one of the leading Slovak hepatologists and gastroenterologists. He is the lead hepatologist of the Transplant Centre. He was heavily involved in launching the liver transplant program. He is a member of major international professional European companies - EASL, ESPEN. He initiated the establishment of a separate hepatology-gastroenterology department and a nephrology department, which provide care for patients before and after liver and kidney transplantation. He is the president of the Slovak Hepatological Society and a regional expert for hepatology.

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, 1991, Internal Diseases
Second degree of higher education:
Faculty of Medicine, COMENIUS UNIVERSITY BRATISLAVA, 1995, General medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, 2002, Internal diseases

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Internal medicine 3 - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Internal medicine - Propedeutics - General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Selected publications

Chronic hepatitis C virus infection in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: an analysis of patient and virus characteristics / Ľubomír Skladaný ... [et al.]. [Chronická hepatitída C v Českej republike a na Slovensku: charakterizácia vírusu a pacientov]. In: International Journal of Public Health. - ISSN 1661-8556. - Roč. 65, č. 9 (2020), s. 1723-1735. 10.1007/s00038-020-01496-y DOI; SCOPUS; WOS CC; CCC; 2020 CCC IF=3,380; 2020 Q1 (Public, environmental & occupational health) SSCI; 2020 Q2 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) SCIE[SKLADANÝ, Ľubomír (15%) - OLTMAN, Marián (7.5%) - FRAŇKOVÁ, Soňa (5%) - DRAŽILOVÁ, Sylvia (5%) - HUSA, Petr (4.375%) - ŠPERL, Ján (4.375%) - HEJDA, Václav (4.375%) - URBÁNEK, Petr (4.375%) - ADAMCOVÁ-SELČANOVÁ, Svetlana (5%) - JANIČKO, Martin (5%) - KRISTIAN, Pavol (5%) - KUPČOVÁ, Viera (5%) - RÁC, Marek (5%) - SCHRÉTER, Ivan (5%) - VIRÁG, Ladislav (5%) - LIPTÁKOVÁ, Adriána (5%) - ONDRÁŠOVÁ, Miriam (5%) - JARČUŠKA, Peter (5%) ]

Výsledky liečby chronickej hepatitídy C (CHC) 3-kombinačnou liečbou s proteázovými inhibítormi 1. generácie / Svetlana Adamcová-Selčanová ... [et al.]. [Treatment efficacy of 3-combination therapy with 1st generation protease inhibitors in chronic hepatitis C]. In: Trendy v hepatológii. - ISSN 1337-9836. - Roč. 8, č. 2 (2016), s. 12. [ADAMCOVÁ-SELČANOVÁ, Svetlana (20%) - KRISTIAN, Pavol jr. (20%) - SCHRÉTER, Ivan (20%) - VIRÁG, Ladislav (20%) - SKLADANÝ, Ľubomír (20%) ]

Liečba hepatitídy C pomocou trojkombinácie pegylovaného interferónu, inhibítorov proteázy a ribavirínu: analýza súboru 118 pacientov / Svetlana Adamcová-Selčanová ... [et al.]. [Triple combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C with pegylated interferon, protease inhibitors and ribavirin: the analysis of the cohort with 118 patients]. In: Lekársky obzor. - ISSN 0457-4214. - Roč. 54, č. 7-8 (2017), s. 234 - 240. [ADAMCOVÁ-SELČANOVÁ, Svetlana (20%) - SKLADANÝ, Ľubomír (20%) - KRISTIAN, Pavol jr. (20%) - SCHRÉTER, Ivan (20%) - VIRÁG, Ladislav (20%) ]

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