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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Stomatology and Maxilofacial Surgery
HD-1O02 | |
0000-0001-7520-8955 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: States exams commitee - diploma theses in English language, study field: Dentistry, I.+II. degree
Study programme: States exams commitee - maxillofacial surgery in English language, study field: Dentistry, I.+II. degree
Profile courses
Dentoalveolar surgery - Dentistry, I.+II. degree
Maxillofacial surgery - Dentistry, I.+II. degree
Topographic anatomy of the orofacial area - Dentistry, I.+II. degree
Diploma seminar - Dentistry, I.+II. degree
Dental Radiology - Dentistry, I.+II. degree
Dentistry - GM, I.+II. degree
Propaedeutics of dentistry 4 - DM, I.+II. degree
Selected publications
Additive manufacturing of porous ti6al4v alloy: Geometry analysis and mechanical properties testing [elektronický zdroj] / Radoslav Hudák .... [et al.]. - Projekt: Spekané biologicky odbúrateľné kovové materiály - APVV APVV-16-0029 ; Vývoj nových biodegradovateľných kovových zliatin určených pre medicínske a protetické aplikácie - APVV APVV-17-0008 ; Výskum aditívnej výroby biodegradovateľných magnéziových zliatín a ich aplikácie v implantológii a regeneratívnej medicíne - APVV APVV-17-0278 ; Aplikácia inovatívnych nanokatalyzátorov a DFT simulácií pre efektívnu výrobu vodíka - VEGA 1/0095/21 ; Výskum, vývoj a testovanie bioreaktora pre kultiváciu tkanív a orgánov po bioaditívnej výrobe - VEGA 1/0179/19 ; Stimuli for research and development - MŠVVaŠ SR 2018/14432:1-26C0 ; CEMBAM - Centrum medicínskeho bioaditívneho výskumu a výroby ITMS2014+: 313011V358. In: Applied sciences. - ISSN 2076-3417. - Roč. 11, č. 6 (2021), art. no. 2611, s. 1-18, online. - Spôsob prístupu: - DOI 10.3390/app11062611 [HUDÁK, Radovan (20%) - SCHNITZER, Marek (10%) - ORSÁGOVÁ KRÁLOVÁ, Zuzana (10%) - GOREJOVÁ, Radka DOK-14-I (10%) - MITRÍK, Lukáš (4%) - RAJŤÚKOVÁ, Viktória (10%) - TÓTH, Teodor (4%) - KOVAČEVIĆ, Mila (4%) - RIZNIČ, Marcel (4%) - ORIŇAKOVÁ, Renáta (4%) - ŽIVČÁK, Jozef (20%) ] |
Osteoradionecrosis of the jaws after radiotherapy treatment in head and neck area / Marcel Riznič, Juliana Göbl. In: American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences. - ISSN 2313-4410. - Vol. 14, no. 1 (2015), s. 1-10. [RIZNIČ, Marcel doktorand (50%) - GÖBL, Juliana doktorand (50%) ] |
Is the prevalence of the medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws underestimated, evaluation in oncological and non-oncological disease / Branislav Gális ... [et al.]. In: Bratislava Medical Journal. - ISSN 0006-9248. - Roč. 118, č. 12 (2017), s. 724-731. - DOI 10.4149/BLL_2017_137 2018 Scopus [GÁLIS, Branislav (50%) - ZAJKO, J. (5%) - HIRJAK, Dušan (5%) - VANKO, L (5%) - KUPCOVA, I. (5%) - JURKEMIK, J. (5%) - GENGELOVA, P. (5%) - MIKUSKOVA, K. (5%) - HALMOVA, K. (5%) - RIZNIČ, Marcel (5%) - CZAKÓ, Ladislav (5%) ] |
Osteonecrosis of the Jaws [elektronický zdroj] / Schwartzová, V. ... [et al.]. - recenzované. In: Newest Updates in Rheumatology. - Londýn : IntechOpen, 2018. - ISBN 9781789843798. - S. 1-13, online. - Spôsob prístupu: - DOI 10.5772/intechopen.75878 [SCHWARTZOVÁ, Vladimíra (50%) - RIZNIČ, Marcel (40%) - BORZA, Branislav DOK-51-E (5%) - KIZEK, Peter (5%) ] |
Consequences and effect of bisphosphonates on maxillofacial tissues / M. Riznič, A. Jenča jr., A. Jenča. In: Magyar Traumatológia, Ortopédia, Kézsészet, Plasztikai sebészet. - ISSN 1217-3231. - Évf. LVI., suppl. (2013), s. 49. [RIZNIČ, Marcel doktorand (40%) - JENČA, Andrej ml. doktorand (40%) - JENČA, Andrej (20%) ] MSEP 024184 |
Selected projects
KEGA 009 UPJŠ-4/2012 – Utilization and improvement of images in a multifunctional biomedical laboratory - using innovative systems, project leader. |
KEGA 015 UPJŠ-4/2013 - E-learning modern education of maxillofacial anomalies by the method of multifunctional laboratory. |
CEBT – Center of Excellence in Biomedical Technologies, project leader. |
International mobilities and visits
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, General University Hospital - Prague 1, Czech Republic, 9.2013 - 2.2014, Erasmus
Maxillofacial & ENT clinic, NTNU, St. Olavs Hospital Trondheim, Norway, 7.2015 - 8.2105, Erasmus
Klinika Chirurgii Czaszkowo-Szczękowo-Twarzowej, Chirurgii Jamy Ustnej i Implantologii, Szpital Kliniczny Dzieciątka Jezus, Warszaw, Poland, 8.2018 - 9.2018, Clinical internship
Organisational activities
active member - European assotiation for cranio maxillofacial surgery, 2016 - lasts
active member - European assotiation of osteonintegration, 2019 - lasts
active member - Slovak Association of Maxillofacial Surgery, 2020 - lasts