MUDr. Marek Brenišin, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UPF - Department of Pathological Physiology
+421 55 234 3289
Assistant professor and creative researcher at the Department of pathological physiology MF P. J. Safarik University in Košice

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Košice, 2013, 7.1.1 General medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Košice, 2021, Normal and pathological physiology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Pathological physiology 1,2 - General medicine, 1st and 2nd Degree degree
Pathological physiology 1,2 - Dental medicine, 1st and 2nd Degree degree
Pathological physiology - Nursery, Physiotherapy, Public Health, 1st Degree degree
Pathogenesis of metabolical syndromes and diseases - Normal and Pathological Physiology, 3rd Degree degree
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Nutrition - Normal and Pathological Physiology, 3rd Degree degree
Clinical Pathophysiology - General Medicine, 1st and 2nd Degree degree
Selected publications

ADE Preventive effect of natural dietary supplement - Flavin7 - on the onset of spontaneous diabetes mellitus in bio-breeding diabetes prone tats / František Ništiar ... [et al.]. [Preventívny účinok prírodného doplnku výživy - Flavin7 - na vznik spontánneho diabetes mellitus u BB-DP potkanov]. - Č. projektu: VEGA 1/3494/06. In: Physiology and Pharmacology. - ISSN 2476-5236. - Vol. 22 (2018), s. 11 - 18. [NIŠTIAR, František (10%) - LUKAČÍNOVÁ, Agnesa (30%) - RÁCZ, Oliver (10%) - NOVÁKOVÁ, Jaroslava (10%) - LOVÁSOVÁ, Eva (10%) - BRENIŠIN, Marek (20%) - RUSNÁKOVÁ, Simona (10%) ]

ADE Glukóz és zsíranyagcsere terhességben / Oliver Rácz, Marek Brenšin, Denisa Maceková. [Glucose- and lipid metabolism during pregnancy]. In: Diabetologia Hungarica. - ISSN 1217-372X. - Vol. 25, no. 3 (2017), s. 167 - 173. [RÁCZ, Oliver (50%) - BRENIŠIN, Marek (40%) - MACEKOVÁ, Denisa (10%) ]

ADC1 Roma Ethnicity and Sex-Specific Associations of Serum Uric Acid with Cardiometabolic and Hepatorenal Health Factors in Eastern Slovakian Population: The HepaMeta Study / Maria Pallayova ... [et al.]. - Projekt: Centrum excelentnosti pre výskum faktorov ovplyvňujúcich zdravie so zameraním na skupinu marginalizovaných a imunokompromitovaných osôb (CEMIO) - EÚ ŠF ITMS 26220120058 ; Grant of European Regional Development Fund-Project - FNUSA-ICRC No. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0123 ; Grant from the Visegrad fund. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health : Open Access Journal=IJERPH. - ISSN 1661-7827. - Roč. 17, č. 20 (2020), Art. N. 7673 , s. 1-15. - DOI 10.3390/ijerph17207673 [PALLAYOVÁ, Mária (31%) - BRENIŠIN, Marek (6%) - PUTRYA, Alina (3%) - VRŠKO, Martin (3%) - DRAŽILOVÁ, Sylvia (3%) - JANIČKO, Martin (21%) - MAREKOVÁ, Mária (3%) - PELLA, Daniel (3%) - MADARASOVÁ GECKOVÁ, Andrea (3%) - URDZÍK, Peter (3%) - JARČUŠKA, Peter (21%) ]

ADF Úloha vybraných adipokínov a cytokínov v metabolizme glukózy a ich zmeny v gravidite / Marek Brenišin, Roman Beňačka, Oliver Rácz. [The Role of Selected Adipokines and Cytokines in Glucose Metabolism and their Changes in Pregnancy]. In: Folia Medica Cassoviensia. - ISSN 1337-7817. - Roč. 70, č. 1 (2016), s. 19 - 23. [BRENIŠIN, Marek (50%) - BEŇAČKA, Roman (30%) - RÁCZ, Oliver (20%) ]

ADF Nové pohľady na metabolizmus glukózy v gravidite a možné následky / Marek Brenišin ... [et al.]. In: Slovenská gynekológia. - ISSN 1335-0862. - Roč. 24, č. 2 (2017), s. 75 - 79. [BRENIŠIN, Marek (50%) - RÁCZ, Oliver (20%) - BEŇAČKA, Roman (15%) - BRENIŠIN, Peter (15%) ]

Selected projects

Research of molecular and metabolomic profile of breast cancer, lead: Professor Jozef Radoňak, MD., CSc., MPH, VEGA

(1/0622/20), from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2023

Additional information

Scale models building, creative writing, historical fencing, football, floorball

Further information