doc. MUDr. Marek Šoltés, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. ChK - 1st Department of Surgery
+421 55 234 3412

Assoc. Prof. Marek Šoltés, PhD., F.E.B.S./MIS Hon. is associate professor of surgery and chief surgeon of the Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the 1st Department of Surgery UPJŠ LF and UNLP. His main focus is the field of laparoscopic surgery, he participated at courses and clinical visits in Paris (prof. Millat, prof. Fingerhut), Pécs (prof. Fuchs), Linz (prof. Wayand). Dundee (prof. Cuschieri, prof. Campbell), Rome (prof. Lezoche), Stuttgart (prof. Bittner), Bordeaux (prof. Dulucq) and Graz (prof. Uranues). In period 2015-2019 he served as a member of the Executive Board of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) and Chair of its Educations & Training Committee and since 2019 he has been the EAES nominee in the United European Gastroenterology as a member of the Education Committee. With regards to education and training in surgery, he designed and guaranteed EAES endorsed courses of basic skills and suturing and knot tying in laparoscopic surgery. He serves as an editorial board member in journals Videosurgery & Other Interventional Techniques and Miniinvazívna chirurgia a endoskopia - chirurgia súčasnosti, as well as an International Advisory Board member in journal Hernia. In recent years he develops and implements the European specialty board exam in minimally invasive surgery (F.E.B.S./MIS) as a Vice-president of the European Board of Minimally Invasive Surgery of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1998, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2005, 51-08-9 Surgery
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2016, 7.1.7. Surgery

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Surgery (member of the specialist committee of the PhD. Programme), study field: Healthcare sciences, III. degree
Study programme: General medicine (member of the state exam examinator panel in Surgery), study field: General medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: General medicine (member of the diploma thesis defense examinator panel in Surgery), study field: General medicine, I.+II. degree
Study programme: General Surgery (member of the lectoring panel for specialist training), study field: Healthcare sciences, other degree
Study programme: Gastroenterological Surgery (member of the lectoring panel for specialist training), study field: Zdravotnícke vedy/Healthcare sciences, iné degree
Study programme: Urology (member of the lectoring panel for specialist training), study field: Healthcare sciences, iné degree
Profile courses
Chirurgická propedeutika/Surgery Propedeutics - Všeobecné lekárstvo/General medicine, I.+II. degree
Chirurgia 2, 3, 6/Surgery 2, 3, 6 - Všeobecné lekárstvo/General Medicine, I.+II. degree
Chirurgia 1, 3, 4, 5/Surgery 1, 3, 4, 5 - Zubné lekárstvo/Dental medicine, I.+II. degree
Surgery 2, 4, 5 - Dental medicine, I.+II. degree
Odborná prax z chirurgie/Clerkship - Surgery - Všeobecné lekárstvo/General medicine, I.+II. degree
Selected publications

FOLEY, Kieran G. ( Autor, 30% ) - LAHAYE, Max J. ( Autor, 4% ) - THOENI, Ruedi F. ( Autor, 4% ) - ŠOLTÉS, Marek ( Autor, 30% ) - DEWHURST, Catherine ( Autor, 4% ) - BARBU, Sorin Traian ( Autor, 4% ) - VASHIST, Yogesh K. ( Autor, 4% ) - RAFAELSEN, Soren Rafael ( Autor, 4% ) - ARVANITAKIS, Marianna ( Autor, 4% ) - PERINEL, Julie ( Autor, 4% ) - WILES, Rebecca ( Autor, 4% ) - ROBERTS, Stuart Ashley ( Autor, 4% ). Management and follow-up of gallbladder polyps: updated joint guidelines between the ESGAR, EAES, EFISDS and ESGE. In: European Radiology. - ISSN 1432-1084. - Roč. 32, č. 5 (2022), s. 3358-3368. IF=5.9; Q1, cited by 54 articles

SCHMIDT, Mona W. ( Autor, 30% ) - HANEY, Caelan M. ( Autor, 4% ) - KOWALEWSKI, Karl-Friedrich ( Autor, 2% ) - BINTINTAN, Vasile V. ( Autor, 2% ) - ABU HILAL, Mohammed ( Autor, 1% ) - AREZZO, Alberto ( Autor, 2% ) - BAHRA, Marcus ( Autor, 2% ) - BESSELINK, Marc G. ( Autor, 2% ) - BIEBL, Matthias ( Autor, 2% ) - BONI, Luigi ( Autor, 2% ) - DIANA, Michele ( Autor, 1% ) - EGBERTS, Jan H. ( Autor, 2% ) - FISCHER, Lars ( Autor, 2% ) - FRANCIS, Nader ( Autor, 1% ) - HASHIMOTO, Daniel A. ( Autor, 2% ) - PEREZ, Daniel ( Autor, 2% ) - SCHIJVEN, Marlies ( Autor, 1% ) - SCHMELZLE, Moritz ( Autor, 2% ) - ŠOLTÉS, Marek ( Autor, 30% ) - SWANSTROM, Lee ( Autor, 2% ) - WELSCH, Thilo ( Autor, 2% ) - MULLER-STICH, Beat P. ( Autor, 2% ) - NICKEL, Felix ( Autor, 2% ). Development and validity evidence of an objective structured assessment of technical skills score for minimally invasive linear-stapled, hand-sewn intestinal anastomoses: the A-OSATS score. In: Surgical Endoscopy : and Other Interventional Techniques - ISSN 1432-2218. - Roč. 36, č. 6 (2022), s. 4529-4541. IF 3,1, Q1, cited by 10 articles

MAHENDRAN, Balaji ( Autor, 11.111% ) - CELENTANO, Valerio ( Autor, 11.111% ) - POPA, Dorin ( Autor, 11.111% ) - ŠOLTÉS, Marek ( Autor, 11.111% ) - ADAMINA, Michel ( Autor, 11.111% ) - SANZ, Carlos Moreno ( Autor, 11.111% ) - EDWIN, Bjorn ( Autor, 11.111% ) - ABU HILAL, Mohammed ( Autor, 11.111% ) - COLEMAN, Mark ( Autor, 11.112% - EAES online educational resources: a survey of the membership of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) - Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques - ISSN 0930-2794. - Roč. 35, č. 5 (2021), 2059-2066, IF 3,453, Q2, cited by 5 articles

TSAI, Alice ( Autor, 5.882% ) - ŠOLTÉS, Marek ( Autor, 5.882% ) - LEŠKO, Dušan ( Autor, 5.882% ) - ADAMINA, Michel ( Autor, 5.882% ) - ANDREJEVIC, Pedrag ( Autor, 5.882% ) - BJELOVIC, Milos ( Autor, 5.882% ) - CAMPBELL, Kenneth ( Autor, 5.883% ) - COLEMAN, Mark ( Autor, 5.882% ) - DE MANZINI, Nicolo ( Autor, 5.883% ) - DELIBEGOVIC, Samir ( Autor, 5.882% ) - MAJEWSKI, Wlodzimierz ( Autor, 5.883% ) - MALANOWSKA, Ewelina ( Autor, 5.882% ) - MARTINEK, Lubomir ( Autor, 5.883% ) - SEDMAN, Peter ( Autor, 5.882% ) - LAZAR, Gyorgy ( Autor, 5.883% ) - TSALIS, Konstantinos ( Autor, 5.882% ) - POPA, Dorin ( Autor, 5.883% ). The impact of EAES Fellowship Programme: a five-year review and evaluation. In: Surgical Endoscopy : and Other Interventional Techniques - ISSN 1432-2218. - Roč. 36, č. 4 (2022), s. 2430-2435, IF 3,1, Q1, cited by 0 articles

PEKAŘ, Matej ( Autor, 45% ) - PEKAŘOVÁ, Anna ( Autor, 5% ) - BUZGA, Marek ( Autor, 3% ) - HOLÉCZY, Pavol ( Autor, 2% ) - ŠOLTÉS, Marek ( Korešpondenčný autor, 45% ). The risk of sarcopenia 24 months after bariatric surgery - assessment by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA): a prospective study. In: Videosurgery and other miniinvasive techniques=Wideochirurgia i inne techniki małoinwazyjne. - ISSN 1895-4588. - Roč. 15, č. 4 (2020), s. 583-587, IF 1,195, Q4, cited by 27 articles

Selected projects

IPEL-vvgs-2024-3365: Pilot project of e-learning support in surgical education - project manager

KEGA 022UPJŠ-4/2018: Structuralization of surgical skills acquisition in pregraduate training - deputy project manager

VEGA 1/0684/17: Monitoring of fibrinolytic agents urokinase plasminogen activator uPA and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 PAI-1 in the samples of tumor tissue and in serum of patients with colorectal cancer - project team member

International mobilities and visits
Medical University of Graz, Section for Surgical Research, Graz, Austria, 17.-21.3.2014 + 3.-4.5.2010, 12.-13.3.2012, 17.-18.3.2014, ERASMUS + lecturing on surgical training courses
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davilla, Bucharest, Romania, 7.-8.2.2013, 27.-28.2.2014, 5.-6.2.2015, 11.-12.2.2016, 26.-27.1.2017, 17.-18.5.2018, Lecturing on surgical training courses
Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland, 11.-12.11.2016, 6.-7.5.2017, 11.-12.11.2017, 12.-13.5.2018, 19.-20.11.2022, 16.-17.11.2024, Lecturing on surgical training courses
Ponderas Academic Hospital/Surgical Training Institute, Bucharest, Romania, 18.-20.11.2013, 22.-24.3.2017, 17.-18.5.2018, 7.-9.11.2018, 9.-10.10.2019, 2.-4.11.2022, 30.1.-1.2.2023, 25.-27.9.2023, 16.-17.11.2023, 5.-7.2.2024, 23.-25.9.2024, 3.-4.10.202418.-20.11.2013, 22.-24.3.2017, 17.-18.5.2018, 7.-9.11.2018, 9.-10.10.2019, Lecturing on surgical training courses
Moscow Clinical Scientific Center, Moscow, Russia, 6.-7.12.2018, Lecturing on surgical training courses
Charles University, Department of Surgery 2nd Medical Faculty and Faculty Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic, 8.-10.2.2017, 21.-22.2.2018, Lecturing on surgical training courses
Sergiu Duca Training Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 13.-15.10.2022, Lecturing on surgical training courses
Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania, 12.-13.5.2023, 9.-11.5.2024, Lecturing on surgical training courses, ERASMUS+
SIKT - Svensk Förening för Innovativ Kirurgisk Teknologi, Linkoping, Sweden, 4.-5.9.2023, 2.-3.9.2024, Lecturing on surgical training courses
Organisational activities
Member of the Executive Board and Chair of the Education & Training Committee - European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Techniques (EAES), 2015-2019
Chair of the EAES UEMS MIS Exam Task Force - European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and Other Interventional Techniques (EAES), since 2019
Member of the Education Committee - United European Gastroenterology (UEG), 2019-2022
Editorial Board Member - Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques, since 2009
Member of the Scientific Committee - Aesculap Academy, 2019 - 2021
Editorial Board Member - South-East European Endo-Surgery, since 2024
Editorial Board Member - Miniinvazívna chirurgia a endoskopia - chirurgia súčasnosti, since 2014
International Advisory Board Member - Hernia, since 2019
President - UEMS Board for Minimally Invasive Surgery, since 2023
Board Member - Section for Endoscopic Surgery of Slovak Surgical Society, since 2014

Additional information


1982 Rector´s Prize UPJŠ for excellent study results and scientific research activity
2018 Honorary title Fellow of European Board of Surgery/Minimally Invasive Surgery (Hon. F.E.B.S./MIS)
2019 Honorary membership - Association of Endoscopic Surgeons of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AESBH)
2019 Certificate of Appreciation of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)

PHARE 2002/000.610-15-235: Implementation of current possibilities of laparoscopic surgery in the Slovak Republic
VEGA 1/0309/10: The possibility of surgical treatment of diabetes type 1 by implantation of mesenchymal stroma cells prepared from bone marrow stem cells into pancreatic microenvironment
KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2011: Virtual reality in higher education - a pilot training program in laparoscopic surgery focused on the development of psychomotor-sensory stereotypes
VEGA 1/0592/13: Use of cell therapy for extensive liver resection
VEGA1/0929/14: Multidimensional economic and financial evaluation of the implementation process and the use of one day health care and quantification of the financial impact on the health system in the Slovak Republic
KEGA 013UPJŠ-4/2015: Innovative simulation modalities in pregraduate surgical training
Interesting links

Endorsed Courses of Laparoscopic Surgery: http://www.academiamedica.sk/odborne-sekcie/16/chirurgia/podujatia.html
UEMS Minimally Invasive Surgery Board Exam: https://eaes.eu/education/new-uems-minimally-invasive-board-exam-mis/

Further information