prof. MUDr. Mária Pallayová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UFZ - Department of Medical Physiology
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UFZ - Department of Medical Physiology
Prof. Maria Pallayova, MD, PhD. serves as Professor of Normal and Pathological Physiology at Pavol Jozef Safarik University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Physiology in Kosice. Presently, she also works part-time as a physician in the 1st Department of Psychiatry (I. psychiatrická klinika) at the University Hospital of Louis Pasteur and Pavol Jozef Safarik University Faculty of Medicine in Kosice. Prof. Pallayova serves as co-guarantor of the postdoctoral PhD (III. degree) study program committee and co-guarantor of habilitation and inauguration proceedings in the field of Normal and Pathological Physiology (General Medicine) at Pavol Jozef Safarik University Faculty of Medicine in Kosice. She also works as a lector and examiner of the Somnologist certification program. She has supervised 2 successfully defended postdoctoral PhD theses. Prof. Pallayova's research interests are in diabetes mellitus, its complications and comorbidities, obesity, sleep apnea, nutrition, psychiatry, and the sleep-endocrine-metabolic-psychiatric interfaces using multiple interdisciplinary approaches. She has successfully completed a number of international postdoctoral training courses, internships, and advanced research fellowships. She participates in several basic and applied research projects. She is the author/co-author of textbooks and more than 180 research and professional contributions published in national and international journals, which have been cited more than 670 times. As a clinician, prof. Pallayova specializes in Diabetology, Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders. Also, she obtained Certificate of Full Registration as a Medical Practitioner, awarded by the General Medical Council in London, UK. During her career, prof. Pallayova has received a number of highly prestigious national and international research awards. She also acts as an independent reviewer for several national and international peer-reviewed journals and research grant agencies.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Comenius University Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava, Slovakia, 2005, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Safarik University Faculty of Medicine in Kosice, Slovakia, 2008, General Medicine, Normal and pathological physiology
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Safarik University Faculty of Medicine in Kosice, Slovakia, 2013, General Medicine, Normal and pathological physiology
Pavol Jozef Safarik University Faculty of Medicine in Kosice, Slovakia, 2023, General Medicine, Normal and pathological physiology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Normal and Pathological Physiology - co-guarantor, study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Study programme: Normal and Pathological Physiology - Member of the Study Programs Council (person responsible for the profile subject), study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Profile courses
Physiology 2 - General Medicine, joint I.+II. (joint premedical-medical programme) degree
Human Physiology 2 - Dental Medicine, joint I.+II. (joint premedical-medical programme) degree
Selected chapters from the physiology of human organ systems - Normal and Pathological Physiology, III. degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: Normal and Pathological Physiology - co-guarantor, study field to which it is assigned: General Medicine
Selected publications

Jarcuskova D, Pallayova M (korešp. autorka), Carnakovic S, Frajka M, Fidmik J and Bednarova A (2024) Clinical characteristics of adults with alcohol dependence syndrome comorbid with antisocial personality disorder: a cross-sectional study. Front. Psychiatry 15:1397009. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1397009

Breznoscakova D, Pallayova M (korešp. autorka), Izakova L, Kralova M. In-person psychoeducational intervention to reduce rehospitalizations and improve the clinical course of major depressive disorder: a non-randomized pilot study. Front Psychiatry. 2024 Jul 9;15:1429913. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1429913. eCollection 2024.

Breznoscakova D, Pallayova M (korešp. autorka): Case report: Uncovering hidden glucose patterns in medicated versus unmedicated bipolar disorder and comorbid type 1 diabetes mellitus. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2024 Feb 14;15:1354749. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2024.1354749. eCollection 2024.

Dragasek J, Minar M, Valkovic P, Pallayova M (korešp. autorka): Factors associated with psychiatric and physical comorbidities in bipolar disorder: a nationwide multicenter cross-sectional observational study. Front Psychiatry. 2023 Jul 25;14:1208551.

Breznoscakova D, Pallayova M (korešp. autorka): Uncovering the Untold Emotional Toll of Living with Diabetes in the COVID-19 Era. Psychother Psychosom 2022;91(4):286–287. doi: 10.1159/000524178.

Selected projects

IPMVDCov (313ASX100001): "Návrh a implementácia pokročilých metód ventilačnej liečby a diagnostiky vírusových pneumónii vrátane Covid-19 s možnosťou ich rýchleho osvojenia". Project of european structural and investment funds (ESIF). Position: researcher, top Slovak researcher, returning Slovak researcher. Garant: Prof. Viliam Donič, MD, PhD, UPJŠ LF, Košice. Status: completed, 02/2020-05/2023.

VEGA 1/0008/20: "Chronobiologické aspekty pohlavných rozdielov po apnoickej epizóde centrálneho typu a reoxygenácie v experimentálnom modeli potkana v celkovej anestézii". National project. Position: co-investigator. Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Pavol Švorc, CSc., UPJŠ LF, Košice. Status: completed, 01.01.2020-31.12.2022.

KEGA 023UK-4/2021: „Implementácia najnovších vedeckých poznatkov o zdravotných rizikách pôsobenia elektromagnetických polí do moderného zdravotníckeho vzdelávania.“ National project. Position: co-investigator. Project leader: PhDr. Michal Trnka, PhD., LF UK, Bratislava. Status: completed, 2021-2023.

KEGA 011UPJŠ-4/2016: "Zavedenie interdisciplinárneho predmetu Spánková medicína pre pregraduálnych a postgraduálnych študentov.“ Position: co-investigator. Project leader: prof. MUDr. Viliam Donič, CSc., UPJŠ LF, Košice. Status: completed, 2016-2018.

International mobilities and visits
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States, November 2008 - June 2010, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ERS Fellow; Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, November 2012 - May 2013, Diabetes and Renal Clinical Research Fellow; Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for Birmingham and Black Country (Diabetes)
Weill Cornell Medicine, Doha, Qatar, August 2015 - November 2017, Instructor in Medicine; Department of Medicine, Research Division
Organisational activities
Associate Editor - Clinical Obesity, 01/2024 - present
Lector, examiner - CPČ Somnology, 01/2021 - present

Additional information

The most prestigious awards (selection):

2006: Diabetes Technology Society Peterson Student Research Silver Prize 2006; 6th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, 3.11.2006

2007: Young Investigator of Slovak Republic 2006 Award; Bratislava, 2.4.2007

2007: The Anne Elizabeth Suratt Young Investigator Award; 10th International Sleep and Breathing Meeting, Palm Cove, Austrália, 1.9.2007

2008: European Respiratory Society International Long Term Research Fellowship; 5.5.2008

2008: Diabetes Technology Society Peterson Student Research Silver Prize 2008; 8th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, MD, USA, 14.11.2008

2011: The Slovakian Diabetes Association/Lilly Diabetes Clinical Research Initiative postgraduate academic fellowship program for young researchers in Diabetes; Prešov, 15.6.2011

2018: Literary Fund Award for Scientific Contributions 2017 in the category of natural and medical sciences, III. place in the competition "Prize for the exceptional number of times an article has been cited," Zichy palace, Bratislava, 27.9.2018

2020: Literary Fund Award for Scientific Contributions 2019 in the category of biological and medical sciences for the contribution Diabesity: Diabetes and obesity - inseparable twins (Eds. Fábryová Ľ, Holéczy P), Bratislava, 2020

Specialty training:

Pavol Jozef Safarik University Faculty of Medicine in Košice; specialty training; 2006-2013; Internal Medicine/Diabetology, nutritional and metabolic disorders. Specialty diploma number: 001/A007/2013-KE, 8.11.2013, UPJŠ LF, Košice

General Medical Council, London, United Kingdom; Certificate of Full Registration as a Medical Practitioner with a licence to practise, 27.9.2013, GMC reference number: 7449771

International post-doctoral trainings, courses, and fellowships

Internal Medicine:

AAF Salzburg-Columbia Medical Seminar International: „Internal Medicine”, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Salzburg Stiftung of the American Austrian Foundation (AAF), Schloss Arenberg, Salzburg, Austria, 26.6.- 2.7.2005

Clinical Trial Regulation & Good Clinical Practice ICH/GCP Training (GCP/ICH Certificate), Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK, 23.3.2006

Open Medical Institute Internship in Internal Medicine, 1st Department of Medicine, General Hospital, Salzburg, Austria, 2.-26.5.2006

AAF Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminar International: „Internal Medicine,“ Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Salzburg, Austria, 9.-15.7.2006

AAF/OMI Program: Internal Medicine seminar, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Salzburg, Austria, 27.11.-3.12.2011

Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine in New York and Qatar, Doha, Qatar, 21.8.2015 – 30.11.2017

Basic Life Support, Automated External Defibrillation and First Aid provider course and training, Hamad International Training Center in Partnership with European Resuscitation Council, Doha, Qatar, 16.-17.2.2016

Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation and First Aid training, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Doha, Qatar, 18.10.2017

Open Medical Institute Observership in Internal Medicine, 4th Department of Medicine, Wilhelminenspital, Vienna, Austria, 5.-28.3.2018

Diabetology, diabetes, nutritional and metabolic disorders:

European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Robert Turner Course on Clinical Research in Diabetes, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK, 20.-24.3.2006

Clinical Trial Regulation & Good Clinical Practice ICH/GCP Training, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK, 23.3.2006

EASD Young Scientist Training Course, Department of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Perugia, Italy, 1.-6.10.2006

Protocol Development Workshop - Scientific Aspects in Clinical Research, Disease Specific Area: Diabetes, Vienna School of Clinical Research, Vienna, Austria, 6.-10.08.2012

Slovenská Diabetologická Spoločnosť/Lilly Diabetes Clinical Research Initiative postgraduate academic fellowship program for young researchers in Diabetes, University of Birmingham, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK, 20.11.2012-19.05.2013

Sleep Medicine:

European Sleep Research Society-European Union (ESRS-EU) Marie-Curie Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine, Bertinoro, Italy, 19.-21.7.2007

ESRS EU-Marie-Curie Practical Training in Sleep Medicine, Polysomnographic laboratory, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy, 12.-18.11.2007

European Respiratory Society (ERS)/COST Research Seminar on Metabolic Aspects of the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Düsseldorf, Germany, 30.11.-1.12.2007

ERS International Long Term Research Fellowship, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, 10.11.2008-30.6.2010

Epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical research:

Using Stata Effectively: Data Management, Analysis, and Graphics Fundamentals, Public training course, StataCorp LP, Washington, DC, USA, 13.-14.04.2009

Data Analysis Workshop I and Data Analysis Workshop II; 27th Annual Johns Hopkins Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA, 15.-26.6.2009

Clinical Trials Issues and Controversies, Introduction to Diabetes and Obesity Epidemiology, Biostatistics Analysis of Epidemiology Data III: Semi Parametric Methods, Advanced Data Analysis Workshop, Methods for Clinical and Translational Research; 28th Annual Johns Hopkins Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA, 14.6-2.7.2010

Publication Workshop – How to write a biomedical research paper, Vienna School of Clinical Research, Vienna, Austria, 8.-11.10.2012

Clinical Research Training for Junior CRAs (Monitors), European Centre for Clinical Research Training, Munich, Germany, 6.-7.05.2013

Clinical Project Management, European Centre for Clinical Research Training, Brussels, Belgium, 13.-14.05.2013

Society of Research Administration International’s Grant Writing Workshop, Society of Research Administration International, Arlington, VA; Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar, 6.-7.12.2015

Intellectual Property and Data Management Workshop, Qatar National Research Fund, Qatar National Library, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar, 20.9.2017

Spearhead Training course Self & Time Management, Spearhead Training, Doha, Qatar, 2.10.2017
Interesting links

Further information