doc. PhDr. Mária Sováriová Soósová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UO - Department of Nursing Care
+421 55 234 3409
PhDr. Mária Sováriová Soósová, PhD. is an assistant professor and deputy head for education at the Department of Nursing Care. She supervises selected profiling courses within the study field of nursing. She has supervised successfully defended rigorosum theses, diploma theses and bachelor theses. Her research activities include selected aspects of the nursing profession (e.g. job satisfaction, burnout syndrome, quality of nursing care, patient safety), quality of life of patients with chronic diseases, quality of life of elderly people, selected issues of mental health and spirituality in selected groups of adult and older adult population. She is involved in several basic and applied research projects. She is the author of original scientific and professional papers published in foreign and domestic journals (CCC/ WoS/Scopus/others), monographs, university textbooks, etc., which have been cited in the WoS/Scopus citation indexes.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin Comenius University Bratislava, 1999, Nursing
Third degree of higher education:
University of Trnava, Faculty of Health and Social Work, Trnava, 2010, Nursing

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Student advisor, study field: Nursing, I. degree
Profile courses
Nursing I.,1 - Nursing, I. degree
Nursing in internal medicine - Nursing, I. degree
Nursing Care I., 6 - Nursing, I. degree
Nursing clearkship I., 1 - Nursing, I. degree
Selected publications
ADC - Soósová, M. S., Mauer, B. Psychometrics properties of the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale in Slovak elderly. Journal of Religion and Health, 2021, vol. 60, no., 1, p. 563–575. IF (2020): 1,898, Q2 Nursing, Q4 Public, environmental, occupational health.
ADC - Gurková, E., Soósová, M. S. Illness Cognitions and Health-related quality of lLife of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology Nursing, 2018, vol. 41, no. 1, p. 29–37. IF (5-roč.): 0,858, Q4 Nursing.
ADC - Soósová, M. S., Macejová, Ž., Zamboriová, M., Dimunová, L. Anxiety and depression in Slovak patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Mental Health, 2017, vol. 26, no. 1, p. 21-27. IF (5-roč.): 2,68, Q2 Psychiatry and mental health, Q1 Medicine.
ADM - Sováriová Soósová, M. Determinants of quality of life in the elderly. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midfifery, 2016, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 484-493. IF nemá, Q3 Nursing, (SCOPUS).
ADC - Sováriová Soósová, M., Timková, V., Dimunová, L., Mauer, B.Spirituality as a Mediator Between Depressive Symptoms and Subjective Well-being in Older Adults, Clinical Nursing Research, 2021, vol. 30, no. 5, p. 707-717. IF (2020): 2,075, Q2 Nursing.
Selected projects

[EN] Internal scientific grant system of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. Development and improvement of e-services and counselling at the university, number: 001UPJŠ-2-3/2016 - co-investigator. The aim of the project was to ensure the digitization of educational content, support e-learning and the development of counselling services for university students. The project created a digitization workplace, supported virtual learning environment at the university, integrated e-documents, educational content into the online space and supported various e-forms of education at the university, created and updated e-learning educational courses and materials, created a system of continuing education for university staff and e-course developers.

[EN] KEGA 007UPJŠ-4/2018 Application of innovative multimedia approaches in teaching the effect of physical factors using exposure model for medical students - co-investigator. The KEGA project has brought new forms of use of innovative multimedia technologies in practical and theoretical teaching of medical, medical and non-medical students, mainly students of general medicine, public health, nursing, physiotherapy and dentistry medicine. The aim of the project was to create, implement, apply and implement multimedia technologies in the teaching of university students, which enabled the evaluation of the impact and use of physical health factors. Physical factors can have a negative effect, including noise, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, vibrations, shocks and other physical factors for health the state of man. Physical factors are factors that are widely used in medical practice for example, they can also have a positive effect with use in rehabilitation and physiotherapy - ultrasound, electric currents, laser, heat. The benefits of the project have increased students' knowledge, skills and abilities from various fields of medicine and modernized the profile of graduates. He actively implemented the project so-called self - evaluation model of the effects of physical factors in medical students, at the same time with evaluation of basic physiological health determinants. Subsequently, it was created online software model, assessed the impact of lifestyle, environmental and physical factors on a self-assessment scale students with the inclusion of possible reactions of physiological changes in the form of measured health parameters. The results of the project were significantly reflected in the practical skills of students in knowledge, which are necessary in assessing the effects of important etiological factors on the development of the disease. The output parts of the project include the creation of multimedia and printed scientific and educational outputs, in the form of publications, the practical application of a simple evaluation software in the evaluation of the exposure model and its evaluation in determining the human load physical factor. The project is also in accordance with the basic requirements of the EU on the so-called impact of the risk. In the frame of the project there have been 61 published papers including monographs, Current content articles and teaching textbooks.

 [EN] VEGA 1/0622/20 Study of molecular and metabolic profile of breast cancer - co-investigator. Obesity and excessive accumulation of adipose tissue are known risk factors for several types of cancer, including breast cancer. Cancer and metabolism are deeply linked. As the prevalence of obesity increases worldwide, understanding the molecular details of the interaction between adipose tissue and breast tumors becomes an urgent task. The metabolomic profile of breast cancer will be studied in both blood and tissue of the probands of the experiment. At each stage of the project, a wide range of laboratory markers will be monitored and compared to determine the risk of inflammation associated with the development of breast cancer and obesity. The study will assess anthropometric parameters, emit questionnaire tools to assess lifestyle, etc. Differences in metabolic profiles can be used for screening and diagnosis of this cancer in women.

 [EN] KEGA project No.010UPJŠ-4/2021 2021 Implementation of multimedia technologies in teaching preventive interventions in medical and non-medical disciplines is aimed at the creation, introduction, application and implementation of multimedia technologies in teaching students (medicine, nursing, public health, physiotherapy and dentistry) of higher education institutions, which will enable the creation of intervention procedures in the prevention of chronic diseases, with a focus on cardiovascular diseases. Guidance on intervention procedures will also include interventions for the elimination of risk factors. The importance of knowledge of intervention practices is an essential element in disease prevention and therapy. The project should contribute to the improvement of the quality of undergraduate as well as postgraduate education and will improve the profile of all graduates in medical and non-medical disciplines of the Faculty of Medicine of UPJŠ, the creation of new multimedia technologies in the clarification of the acting cardiovascular factors, to contribute to the application of evidence-based medicine in practice, in the long term it should contribute to the reduction of the prevalence of diseases, and thus contribute to saving of funds for the expenditure of follow-up medical care in the occurrence of given diseases.


International mobilities and visits
Panstwowa Wysza Szkola Zavodowa im. Jana Grodka w Sanoku, Sanok, Poľsko (PL), 6.5.2015-10.5.2015, Erasmus+
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 17.6.2019-21.6.2019, Erasmus+
Organisational activities
Member of the Examination Board for State Examination in the study programme Nursing - Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin Comenius University Bratislava, 2019 - still persist
Member of the Examination Board for State Examinations in study programme Nursing at Bachelor's Degree - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2011-2012
Member of the Final Review Board for the KEGA - University of Prešov, Faculty of Health Sciences, 2017
Membership - Professional organization of the Slovak Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, 2010 - still persist

Additional information

Interesting links
https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/osetrovatelstvo/867-osetrovatelstvo-vo-vnutornom-lekarstve-iii?search_query=osetrovatelstvo+vo+vnutornom+lekarstve&results=3 https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/osetrovatelstvo/1078-osetrovatelstvo-vo-vnutornom-lekarstve-i-osetrovatelska-starostlivost-pri-vybranych-ochoreniach-dychacieho-systemu?search_query=osetrovatelstvo+vo+vnutornom+lekarstve&results=3 https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/lekarska-fakulta/1072-dietologia-a-liecebna-vyziva-i?search_query=dietologia&results=2 https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/osetrovatelstvo/350-osetrovatelske-techniky?search_query=osetrovatelske+techniky&results=2 https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/osetrovatelstvo/960-nursing-care-clinical-procedure-i-301960?search_query=nursing+care&results=3 https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/osetrovatelstvo/1269-nursing-care-clinical-procedures-ll-302426?search_query=nursing+care&results=3

Further information