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milan.kuchta@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/LF/zamestnanec/milan.kuchta | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
ML1O71 | |
+421 55 234 3283 | |
0000-0003-4749-1954 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: state exam of Paediatrics - member of the examination commission for the state examination, study field: General medicine, I. + II. degree
Study programme: state exam of Pediatrics - member of the examination board for the state exam in English, study field: General Medicine, I. +II. degree
Study programme: Paediatrics - guarant, study field: Dental Medicine, I. + II. degree
Study programme: Paediatrics - Physiotherapy - guarant, study field: Physiotherapy, I. degree
Study programme: Pediatric Nursing I. - Course guarantor (GP) // Pediatric Prevention - (GP) // Clinical Investigation Methods (GP), study field: Nursing // Public Health // Public Health, I.//II.//III. degree
Profile courses
Pediatria 3 - General Medicine, I. + II. degree
Selected publications
ADC - Havlicekova Z., Jesenak M., Banovcin P., Kuchta M.: Beta-palmitate – a natural component of human milk in supplemental milk formulas. Nutrit J., 15, 2016, s.2-8. (2016). |
ADC - Ďurdík, P....Kuchta, M. a spol.: Pulmonary function tests in type 1 diabetes adolescents with diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy In: Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. Vol. 30, no. 1 (2016), s. 79-84. |
ADE - Šofránková, L. ...Kuchta, M.: Črevná permeabilita a SCORAD u detí s atopickou dermatitídou po 6-týždňovom podávaní Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (pilotná štúdia) In: Česko-slovenská pediatrie. - ISSN 0069-2328. - Roč. 70, č.5 (2015), s. 273-280. |
Selected projects
KEGA 024UPJŠ-4/2015 Cardiovascular risk factors and acquired heart disease in children and adolescents. |
KEGA 007UPJŠ-4/2020 Childhood obesity: Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. |
International mobilities and visits
Providence (USA) Hasbro Children Hospital, Woman and Infants Hospital Rhode Island
Hospital and Brown University, 593 Eddy Street, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 1997 3 weeks, Grant USAID a AIHA
Brixen (Taliansko) Interdisziplinärer Herbst Seminar – Kongress für Entwicklungs-
und Sozialpädiatrie- Prävention - Beratung - Intervention, Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Forum, Romstraße 9, 39042 Brixen, Taliansko, 1996 2 weeks, stipendium Aktion Sonneschein München
Brixen (Taliansko) Internationaler Oster-Seminar-Kongress für pädiatrische Fortbildung, Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Forum, Romstraße 9, 39042 Brixen, Taliansko, 1995 2 weeks, stipendium Aktion Sonneschein München
Miníchov Kinderzentrum und Deutsche Akademie fur Entwicklungsrehabilitation, Heiglhofstraße 63, 83177 München,, 1995 2 x 2 weeks, stipendium Aktion Sonneschein München
Davos Alpine Kinderklinik Pro Juventute, Obere Strasse 22 b, 7270 Davos Platz, 1994 1 month, Czech-Slovak-Swiss Medical Society and the Government of Switzerland
Bazilej Universitäts Kinderspital Basel//Hamburg, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Universitäts klinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf//Graz Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde
LKH-Univ. Klinikum Graz//Magdeburg, Pädiatrische Klinik Otto von Guericke Medizinische
Akademie Magdeburg, 4101 Bruderholz Basel - Land//Martinistr. 52, 20246 Hamburg//Auenbruggerplatz 34/2,
8036 Graz//Leipziger Straße 44, 39120 Magdeburg, 1993 1 month//1993 6 weeks//1991 2 month//1988 1 month, Scholarship of the Czech-Slovak-Swiss Medical Society and the Government of Switzerland
// DAAD Scholarship (Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst // Scholarship of the Government
of the Slovak Republic
Organisational activities
President of the Slovak Pediatric Society - Slovak Pediatric Society, 2015 - the present
Member of the Presidium of the Slovak Medical Society - Slovak Medical Society, 2020 - the present
I regularly prepare review reports (PhD., Professional publications, professional
and scientific articles, forensic, grant applications - VEGA, KEGA, APVV, ÚDZS) - VEGA, KEGA, APVV, ÚDZS, 2006 - the present
Every year I organize (as chairman of the organizing committee or guarantor) several
national conferences with international participation. In the last period, e.g. XI.
Slovak Pediatric Congress (Vice President), Working Conferences of the Department
of Children and Adolescents, Slovak Pediatric Case Festival (11x), Conference of Young
Pediatricians (16x), and others. - Košice Ultrasonographic School, n.o.
The President - Social Pediatrics Section of the Slovak Pediatric Society, 1996 - the present
President - Slovak Society for Probiotics, 2011 - present
Award of scientific - research and publishing activities · Award of the Slovak Literary Fund for the year l987 to the works of young researchers: Kuchta, M., Hulíková, M., Pavkovčeková, O .: Relation of anemias and acute inflammatory diseases in childhood. Cs. Pediat., 42, 1987, No.8, pp.467-470. · Guoth Prize for the year l986, work: Kuchta, M., Kuchtová, D .: Development of hospitalization for social reasons at the Children's Department of the National Hospital in Prešov. Čs.Pediat., 41, l986, č.ll, s.674-6 · Best publication of the year SPS: Šašinka, M., Šagát, T .: Pediatrics, 2. parts, with CD, Satus, Košice 1998, 1128 s . Kuchta, M., author and co-author of chapters · Best publication of the year LF UPJŠ: Šašinka, M., Šagát, T .: Pediatrics, 2nd parts, with CD, Satus, Košice 1998, p.1128 Kuchta, M., author and co-author of chapters · Best publication of the year LF UPJŠ: Tomori, Z., Redhammer, R., Donič, V .: Basics of sleep medicine - sleep disorders, disorders of vital functions in sleep, VLA MRŠ, Košice 1999, Kuchta, M., author and co-author of chapters · Award of the Slovak Medical Society for the best publication of the year "Jessenius Award SLS": Tomori, Z., Redhammer, R., Donič, V .: Basics of sleep medicine - sleep disorders, disorders of vital functions in sleep, VLA MRŠ, Košice 1999 , Kuchta, M., author and co - author of chapters · National Coordinator for WHO in Copenhagen for SIDS for Slovakia (MZ SR OPLS - 1754/99 / Chl 1999) · 1st place in the competition for the Best Publication of the Slovak Anatomical Society SLS in 2002. Siroťáková, M., Schmidtová, K., Kočišová, M., Kuchta, M .: Adrenergic and acetylcholinesterase-positive innervation of palatine to nsils in mammals. Acta histochemica, 104, 2002, No. 4, pp. 349-352. · 1st place at the faculty round ŠVOČ LF UPJŠ 2006: Michal Mokrý, 5th year, Magdaléna Harakaľová, 3rd year, (together with supervisors Ing. Katarína Dubayová, PhD., Doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Kušnír, CSc.) · 2nd place at ŠVOČ Čiech a Slovenska (Plzeň 10/2006) Mokrý a spol. (together with supervisors Ing. Katarína Dubayová, PhD., doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Kušnír, CSc.)
Organizer, guarantor, co-organizer of professional and scientific events (1984 -) · co-founder and chairman of the organizing committees of the Conferences of Young Pediatricians of Slovakia, · Košice Ultrasonography School (in cooperation with SGUM - Switzerland, including international schools EUROSON), · St. Nicholas Pediatrics,day, topic of probiotics, IPC 2004, IPC 2008 (www.probiotic.sk) · information on conferences is available at: http://www.lf.upjs.sk/konferencie/podujatia2007.html
International collaboration
Current focus of activities and work experience usable for possible cooperation: · Probiotics in prevention and therapy · Nutritional disorders in children · Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Apparently Life Threatening Event (ALTE) · Pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition · Sleep medicine in children · Social pediatrics · Ecoimmunology
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