prof. MUDr. Peter Urdzík, PhD., MPH   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
G-PK - Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
+421 55 234 3487
Head of Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Medical faculty Safarik ´s University in Košice and University Hospital L.Pasteur in Košice from 2012. At th same time, he is a vice-president of Academic board in Medical faculty, vice-president of Slovak scientific booard of Slovak Gynecology and Obstetrics Society. Academic nad scientific graduation: 2007 Philosophiea doctor., 2011 graduates as a ass.professor, and 2022 was named as a proffessor in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Professional graduation: 2000 1st exam qualification in Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2004 2nd exam qualification in Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2007 Exam qualification in Urogynecology, and 2011 master of Public health. He participates in the solution of 12 basic and applied research projects (KEGA,VEGA, APVV). He is author and co-author of 199 oroginal scientific (95 in CC, Scopus, WoS) professional papers published in foreighn and domestic journals, textbook, books and monographs, which have been cited more than 100 times in WoS/Scopus citation indexes. He was supervisor of 24 diploma thessis, and was the supervisor of 3 successfully detended doctoral thesis.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Comenius University, Bratislava, Faculty of Medicine, 1997, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2007, Gynecology and Obstetrics
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2011, field of study: General Medicine, study program: Gynecology and Obstetrics
Pavol Jozef Šafárik Univerzity in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2022, field of study: General Medicine, study program: Gynecology and Obstetrics

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Gynecology and Obstetrics, study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Profile courses
Gynecology and Obstetrics 3 - General Medicine, joined I. and II. degree
Gynecology and Obstetrics - Dental Medicine, joined I. and. II. degree
Nursing in gyneacology and obstetrics - Nursing, I. degree
Urogynecology - Gynecology and Obstetrics, III. degree degree
Abdominal surgical techniques and postoperative care in Gynecology - Gynecology and Obstetrics, III. degree
Selected publications

ADC: Urdzík, P., Kalis, V., Blaganje M., Rusavy, Z., et al.: Pelvic organe prolapse and uterine preservation: a survey of female gynecologists (POP-UP survey). In: BMC Women 's health - ISSN 1472-6874-Roč. 20, č.1 (2020) artno.241, s-1-8, DOI 10.1186/s12905-020-01105-3

ADC: Hagovská M., Urdzik P., Švihra J.: A randomized interventional parallel study to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training with stabilization exercises of high and low intensity in women with stress urinary incontinence The PELSTAB study. - Projekt: Biomarkery vývoja kompetencie ľudských embryí a receptivity endometria u žien s opakovaným implantačným zlyhaním - VEGA 1/0873/18. In: Medicine: analytical reviews of internal medicine, dermatology, neurology, pediatrics and psychiatrie. - ISSN 0025-7974. - Roč. 99, č. 29 (2020), e21264, s. [1-6]. - DOI 10.1097/MD.0000000000021264

ADC: Dudič R., Dudičová V., Urdzik P.: The rare cause of childhood bleeding - recurrent Müllerian papilloma. In: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. - ISSN 0144-3615. - Roč. 39, č. 3 (2019), s. 432-433. - DOI 10.1080/01443615.2018.1512084

ADM: Mytsik Y. Borys Y., Tumanovska L., Stroy D., Kucher A., Gazdíková K., Rodrigo L., Kružliak P., Prosecký R., Urdzik P., Dosenko V.: MicroRNA-15a tissue expression is a prognostic marker for survival in patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma. - Projekt: Biomarkery vývoja kompetencie ľudských embryí a receptivity endometria u žien s opakovaným implantačným zlyhaním - VEGA 1/0873/18. In: Clinical and Experimental Medicine. - ISSN 1591-8890. - Roč. 19, č. 4 (2019), s. 515-524. - DOI 10.1007/s10238-019-00574-7

ADD: Galád J., Papcun P., Dudič R., Urdzik P.: Single‐incision mesh vs sacrospinous ligament fixation in posthysterectomy women at a three-year follow-up: a randomized trial. - Projekt: Biomarkery vývoja kompetencie ľudských embryí a receptivity endometria u žien s opakovaným implantačným zlyhaním - VEGA 1/0873/18. In: Bratislava medical journal: international journal for biomedical sciences and clinical medicine=Bratislavské lekárske listy. - ISSN 0006-9248. - Roč. 121, č. 9 (2020), s. 640-647. - DOI 10.4149/BLL_2020_104

Selected projects

VEGA 1/0540/21: Correlates of Combination of Biochemical and Clinical Markers in Diagnostic and Prognostic Indicators of Clinical Outcome in Endometrial Cancer - principal investigator

VEGA 1/0620/19: Use of new molecular biochemical methods in the diagnosis of non-perceptive endometrium in process of in vitro fertilisation - co-investigator

VEGA 1/0873/18: In vitro developmenatl competence biomarkers of human embyos and endometrial receptivity in women with reccurent failure of implantation - principal investigator

VEGA 1/0011/14: Clinical-epidemiological study of the influence of genetic, infectious and exogenous factors on prenatal, perinatal and neonatal indicators - co-investigator

VEGA 1/0145/12: Influence of ovarian graft function after autotransplantation - co-investigator

International mobilities and visits
Clinical Immsersion, Faculty of Medicine, Viedeň, Rakúsko, 2019, Surgical workshop
Clinical immsersion, Faculty of Medicine, Liege, Belgicko, 2019, Surgical workshop
EMMEA Course, Institute Johnson and Johnson, Hamburg, Germany, 2019, Training and personal surgical experience
AMI Advanced Surgery in reconstructive pelvic floor repair, Wien, Austria, 2021, New techniques in Pelvic Floor Repair Educational and Experience Program
Gynecare Surgical Workshop, Toronto, Canada, 2010, Prolift and TVT Secur Surgical Workshop
Gynecare Surgical Workshop, Moscow, Russia, 2006, Educational program
International Academy of Medical Ultrasound - V.I.S.U.S. course, Lučivná, Slovakia, 2010
International Academy of Medical Utrasound - V.I.S.U.S. course, Lucivna, Slovakia, 2010
Organisational activities
Head of department - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital L.Pasteur in Košice, since 2012
Vice-President - Academic Senat UPJŠ LF, 2021-2023
Member - Scientific Board UPJŠ LF, since 2021
Vice-President - Slovak Gynecology and Obstetrics Society, 2019-2022
Expert in Gynecology and Obsterics - High district of Košice region, since 2011
member of national healt committee - Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, 2021

Additional information

VEGA - Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic 1. VEGA 2. VEGA 1/0873/18 Principal Investigator 3. VEGA 1/011/14 Deputy Investigator 4. VEGA 1/0620/19 Co-Investigator 5. VEGA 1/0415/12 Co-Investigator 6. VEGA 1/1109/11 Co-Investigator 7. VEGA 1/032/10 Co-Investigator KEGA - Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic 1. KEGA 011UPJŠ-4/2012 (2012-2014) Co-Investigator 2. KEGA 019UPJŠ-4/2017 (2017-2019) Co-Investigator 3. KEGA 011UPJŠ-4/2014 (2014-2017) Co-Investigator 4. KEGA 012UPJŠ-4/2011 (2011-2013) Co-Investigator APVV - Agency for the Support of Research and Development in Slovak Republic 1. APVV - 0684-12 (2014-2016) - Co-Investigator

Further information